05-28-1991 c .. clJrr PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing on Tuesday, May 28, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal Complex Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway. Those present were as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OTHERS PRESENT BOB ANDREWS, CHAIRMAN JIM SHRIVER, VICE-CHAIRMAN KEITH Vk~ DINE, SECRETARY HARRY BAUMAN GARY BRICKEN COUNCILPERSON KEN GREENWALD BOBBIE VONADA CITY STAFF MEMBERS ABSENT STEVE SIMONSON, ASST. CITY MANAGER NORMA ALTHOUSE, RECORDING SECRETARY MERWIN WILLMAN GEORGE VICK #1 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Mr. Andrews explained the rules of procedure that would be used for the public hea~ing:~.;." #2 PUBLIC HEARING: Zoning Change #101 To receive citizen input on four proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance. Those changes involve: ( 1 ) Article XXII Parking Regulations; ( 2 ) Article XXIV Site Plan Review Requirements; ( 3 ) Article XXV Landscaping; and ( 4) due to the incorporation of site. . plan procedures, changes to Article X and Articles XII through xx. #3 ADJOURNMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING There being no questions or comments from citizens and none from the Commission, Chairman Andrews adjourned the public hearing at 7:04 P.M. The Schertz Planning and seSSlon, after the public Room. Zoning Commission convened in a regular hearing, in the Municipal Complex Conference #4 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. #5 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session May 14, 1991 Harry Bauman made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular session #J , U1 ::s o S ....., c (Tj c: ::s rJJ nj ::: a.J .+..i o >- Q) ..c: +J r-cl c: ('!j c o ....., +J o S Q) ..c: +J r-cl Q) r-cl C o U Q) rJJ c Q) ~. 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I N I enM ..-; <1) ~ C (1) Q) OI.J.4..o .r-l S en QJ ::s oo..c:Z .r-! ~ ~ . o >. t) c: QJ Q) > ~ 1-4 C) :J QJ -r-! cn ..c: l..l E-i a:l ('!j ( There lS room for a qualitative rating question area so long as the rating system allows for definition: a) Mark the following items in the order oE importance to you. Quality of the environment Above average police protection Recreation area in or near Schertz Convenient shopping for all daily needs Easy access to all major highways 24 hour fire protection Keeping the business district distinct and separate from the housing areas Mr. Bricken replied this is just a sample. After some discussion, Jim Shriver commented he would like to take what he has so far and put it into survey form and bring it to the next meeting for the Commission's review. After that, if everyone is in agreememt, he should be able to finalize it for production. Gary Bricken stressed the need for the Commission to look at how the City is going to make money in the future. Mr. Bricken mentioned the large number of retired military people 1n the area and the responsibility of the City to provide a pla~e that will draw them to Schertz to reside. i"~;; Mr. Bricken noted it has been his observation that, although most of them go out and get a civilian job after retirement, a retired sergeant has enough income from his/her military retirement to make the house payment and. pay taxes. This is a base that people who are not retired military co not have. Councilperson Ken Greenwald listed military people tend to settle near Those reasons include medical services, and recreation facilities. several reasons why retired" . a military base after retirement. commissary and BX privileges, Gary Bricken then questioned why a retired military person would choose Schertz over Universal City, Marion, Converse or New Braunfels, and asked if anyone knows the percentage of retired military people living in Schertz. Keith Van Dine replied that, in his opinion, it's probably an even spread among the surrounding cities of where retired military people choose to reside. Mr. Van Dine also pointed out that just because retired military people live in Schertz, that doesn't make it a retired community. There may be industry in Schertz in the future. Steve Sioonson related that past figures reflected that almost 50% of the residents of Schertz were retired military. -3- ~ Chairman Andrews j,ntcrjected that according to a friend of his who on the appraisal board for Guadalupe County, the figure 1S now to 75% serves closer Harry Bauman offered the opinion that there is a diversity of housing in Schertz which attracts retired military. Steve Simonson mentioned the ease of access to major highways and to San Antonio, the terrain, and the ambiance in Schertz as attractions to settle here. Mr. Simonson then related the fact that you save money once you corne across the creek - from Bexar County to Guadalupe County. Mr. Simonson also informed the Commission that retired military people, will not be as demanding on City services as others will be. Bobbie Vonada spoke up at they built their home lower utility rates. this time in Schertz and were said the several of lower tax the reasons rates and the Chairman Andrews also pointed out that car insurance is cheaper 1n Guadalupe County. Gary, Bricken, noting the difference in taxes, said he can't understand why someone would buy in Bexar County"~right on the Guadalupe COUllty line. To that Chairman Andrews commented because they don't know Schertz is here. Harry Bauman mentioned the possibility that when they come into the City from, say Universal City, the first thing they see is older housing and they don't realize there are housing subdivisions along Jack Hays Blvd. Bobbie Vonada also emphasized how trashy the entrance into the City looks along FM 78 and made reference to the empty buildings. Chairman Andrews thought that might be an idea for some kind of question on the survey and Harry Bauman agreed saying a good question would be to ask the citizens how they found out about Schertz. Steve Simonson explained he had told Mark Marquez what the Commission's doing as far as composing questions that can be answered with a yes or a no, and Mr. Marquez said, from his point of view, yes and no answers are hard to quantify by computer. Gary Bricken commented that may be, but good, fair and poor answers are faulty. We are striving to make answering this survey something that people want to do. Chairman Andrews passed around a copy of an article Merwin Willman had distributed to the Commission some time ago and asked everyone if they still had their copy. The article has to do with seven s~ages in the writing of a Comprehensive Plan. Everyone present except Ke~th Van Dine -4- .: , . had a copy. Chairman Andrews showed a binder to the Commission full of items he has accumulated pertaining to the Comprehensive Plan. Gary Bricken recommended some light reading to the Commissioners which he felt is very interesting and fascinating. It's a book entitled "The Day America Told the Truth" and is basically about where people think they are going as a nation. Mr. Bricken stated that America is changing, partly because of the lack of population, and one thing that needs to be determined, in regard to future taxes, is if citizens realistically want more and more services. Chairman Andrews referred to a survey he had read about that revealed people are willing to pay less than half per day for police protection than what they pay per day for cable TV. This prompted discussion on crime and Gary Bricken mentioned that Schertz seems to be blessed with an extremely low crime rate. Keith VanDine remarked that the numher of parole cases in Guadalupe County has gone from 35 cases and one officer to two officers and a thi:r.~ offig~l" part of the time e. M~ e.Van '. Dine" estimated.theIlumb~r of c'ases' '. has", increased by 70 to',,;80 "t,', percent~i;'in':the'last' -fouryears.r:>,: Mr.."" Van Dine related he is trying to set up a satellite office in Seguin~ Gary Bricken, saying that many people write their own rules, asked how you avoid becoming a zoo. Councilperson Ken Greenwald expl~ined that one big step in preventing it from becoming a zoo is enforcement of .the Zoning Ordinance. Mr:- Greenwald told the Commission to take a look at other cities, for example, Houston. steve Simonson pointed OU'C that one thing you have to recognize is citizens have to protect their own home - the police stand for keeping public order. Mr. Simonson went on to say the country ha3 been changing Slnce the 50's. The family is no longer the nucleus and there is a bigger gap between the rich and the poor. We have to put in the Comprehensive Plan what we for see for the city of Schertz in the next 20 years. Keith Van Dine observed that people have lost faith in police protection. That's why you see an increase in the purchase of guns and why you see vigilante groups popping up allover the country. Gary Bricken referred to an about a small town planner article and how it applies or smaller cities. article in and there does not last month's APA magazine was a brief discussion on that apply to Schertz and other -5- ~, Going back to discussion on projects indicated he will have an outline ready see that everyone rece1ves a copy. for the intern, Chairman Andrews by the next meeting and will Keith Van Dine voiced the opinion that the Commission needs to know what the intern expects from them. Jim Shriver reminded the Commission they had discussed putting articles in the Newsletter about the survey and asked the Commission if they want him to go ahead with the articles. The Commission said yes. Mr. Shriver said he will produce an article for review at the next meeting. Mr. Shriver then told ~o put the drop boxes. the Commission he needs suggestions About a dozen places were suggested. for places C. Miscellaneous Chairman Andrews admitted he thought miscellaneous discussion on the Comprehensive Plan had pretty well been covered already. #9 GENERAL DISCUSSION ,c" . - ,< - '..I_~~':.'f' . ,- -, ---. < - -. , '-0; (a) Reported a water leak in the same old spot on Pfeil Road. (b) Presented an idea on how to persuade Mr. Tudyk to change his mind about the bar ditch. Suggested, perhaps, since the City always has to clean up his mess after a heavy rain, they charge him for it, if it's legal to do so. Mr. Van property. Dine asked if the City has an easement steve Simonson replied they have a narrow one. on Mr. Tudyk's Steve Simonson: (a) Announced there 1S a tour scheduled for June 29th with City Council, Planning and Zoning Commission, and the Economic Development Task Force participating. Said they will be looking at the whole City from Eckhardt Road all the way to Schirmerville. Keith Van Dine interrupted to might be asked on the survey. citizens if they prefer Schertz City, or become a big metropolis. say that reminded him of a question that Mr. Van Dine suggested asking the to stay a small City, a middle-sized Jim Shriver: (a) Asked if the City has any way of tracking new legislation which may effect, for example, ordinances. -6- .... ., .,. Councilperson Ken City Council with Attorney for review. Greenwald informed updates and also Mr. Shriver that provides updates to T~L provides the City Keith Van Dine mentioned there is an 800 number you can call to find out the status of a particular bill. Chairman Andrews: (a) Referred to the letter, written by Merwin Willman and distributed to everyone in their package, directed to City Council asking them to review and possibly consider making changes to the Ordinance pertaining to platting fees along Schertz parkway. Mr. Andrews said if everyone agrees with what is written, he will sign it and send it forward. The Commission agreed with what was written in the letter. (b) Questioned if a figure had been included in consultant. steve Simonson replied he had put extra consultant and also for travel and publications. the figure he had put in for the consultant was $2500. agreed that should be sufficient. the budget for a money in for a Mr. Simonson said The Commission #10 ADJOURNMENT Chairman~;~ndrews,,; adjourned' the':imeeting'~)~a.t:'18:05:"J?:~M The next regularly scheduled meeting is June 11, 1991. -7-