f.v T~
The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened. in a regular
sess:on on Tuesday, April 23, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal
Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway. Those present
were as follows:
Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
A. Joint Public Hearing and Special
Session April 2, 1991
B. Regular Session April 9# 1991
A. Joint Public Hearing and Special Session April 2, 1991
Merwin Willman made a motion to approve the minutes. for the Joint.
Public Hearing and Special Session April 2, 1991. Keith Van Dine
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion
B. Regular Session April 9, 1991
Merwin Willman made a motion to. approve the minutes for the
Regular Session April 9, 1991. Keith Van Dine seconded the
motic~ and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
There was none.
The Gardens Subdivision (PC #164-90)
Chai:-:nan Andrews informetJ the Commission that C. P. Vaughar: had
askec if he needed to be here and if not, he had a prior
comm:-:ment. Mr. Andrews noted that all the appropriate addi":lons
and CJrrections have been included on the plat: (1) Lots ~ and
11 s ~_~ w a 1 0 ' set ba c k ; ( 2) La t 11 has been en I a r 9 e d ; ( 3 the
. -
... .
parti~l non-access easement along Pecan Drive lS shown; and (4)
the floodplain statement .is on the plat.
Harry Bricken asked how Lot 11 was enlarged and Chairman Andrews
expla::..ned that the entrance to "The Gardens" was moved over just
a little bit.
Gary Bricken inquired if this subdivision will now require any
variances and was informed by Chairman Andrews that Mr. Vaughan
had made some adjustments and no variances will be required at
this time.
Merwin Willman made a motion to approve the final plat for The
Gardens Subdivision (PC #164-.;90). Gary Bricken seconded the
motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
After the vote, Chairman .Andrews .mentioned tha.t the front
building line should be shown on the plat for Lots 1 and 11 and
Steve Simonson pointed out to him that it is shown in the curves.
Mr. Andrews then said the only other thing he asks is that the
Julian date of when the final plat was approved be added to the
Gary Bricken asked if the problem with. the little plot of land
that needed to be dedicated had been cle~red up and Steve
Simonson replied it . had. Mr. Simonson reminded Gal."Y 'Brickenhe
had provided a copy of .the ordinance'showing that transaction in
the Commission'spa.ckages this' time.
Comprehensive Plan
Updating 'of
A. Memorandum of Agreement for
Prep~ration of the .Comprehensive
B. Planning Budget
C ~ 'Consideration of Changing the Date
for Finishing Goals and Objectives
on Assigned Subjects
A. Memorandum of Agreement for Preparation of the Comprehensive
Chair~an Andrews called the Commission's attention to the
Memorandum of Agreement worked up by Jim Shriver and included in
their packages.
Gary Bricken commented that under "Definitions" it says the
Comprehensive Plan will p~oject 20 years and he thought it was 10
years. Merwin Willman remarked he also thought it was 10 years.
Chair~an Andrews noted the Plan is for 20 years with 5 - 10 year
On page 4 of the Memorandum of Agreement is a place for all the
'Commissioners to sign with copies listed as. going to the. City
Council, the City Manager, the Asst. City Manager/Planning
Coordinator, ,the Recording Secretary ~nd Department 'Supervisors.
Merwin ~illman indicated he didn't think all this is necessary,
it looks I ike a legal document. Mr. Willman further stated the
P lan ~s for the Commission's work and operation and now with
these signatures, every time they make changes they will have to
provide a copy to all these people.
Jim Shriver told Merwin Willman this is just to put them on
notice that the Commission is working on the Plan.
Gary Bricken added it's for purposes of making a commitment.
Merwin Willman stressed he still doesn't think it's necessary.
Harry Bauman asked if City Council, had ever replied to the
Commission's request to them for backing in regard to work on the
Comprehensive Plan.
steve Simonson replied they had not.
Councilperson Ken -Greenwald advised the Commission everyone on
the City Council supports their efforts _ wholeheartedly and he
doesn' t know' why they didn't' receive a written' reply to their
request. '
Chairman Andrews' 'related that Jim' Shriver had asked him about
including' t'he Department Heads and he had told hfm' to definitely
go ahead and, in his opinion, he could even include a line for
them to sign. Mr. Andrews cornmentedthe Commission is going to
be relying on the Department Heads for a lot of help.
Kei th Van. Dine asked what. if a Depar.tment Head, doesn't want' to
sign and Chairman Andrews replied the~e's nothin~ we can do, but
either way it does give us a point of contact.
Chairman Andrews asked for a motion to accept the Memorandum of
Agreement, if there were no further questions.
Harry Bauman made a motion to accept the Memorandum of Agreement
as written. Gary Bricken seconded the motion and the vote was
unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
B. Planning Budget
A copy of the Planning Budget for the 89-90 and 90-91 fiscal
years had been provided to the Commission.
Chairman Andrews noted th~t in FY 89-90 some consulting fees were
budgeted but not used, so in FY 90-91 they were dropped.
Merwin Willman
Engineering and
plats, etc.
what kind
of expenses
replied zoning
are involved in
changes, maps,
Merwin ~-i llman asked about Overtime and steve Simonson repl ~ed
that's overtime for the Recording Secretary.
Harry Bauman observed it looks like they need some additional
consulting fee funds.
Councilperson Ken Greenwald asked the Commission if they had any
idea how much they may need for a consul tant. Several figures
were talked about, but nothing definite was decided.
Chairman Andrews reported that Merwin Willman had sent a letter
to a consultant, but Mr. Willman sa~d the letter had been sent
back without a forwarding address.
Harry Bauman volunteered to check into the situation, saYl.ng he
has some contacts who ~ay be able to help.
Merwin Willman remarked it seems like they should be able to get.
some help through the San Antonio Chapter of the APA.
Chairman Andrews commented that to his way of thinking, the
Commission, collectively, has enough knowledge to gather all the
information needed, but he's -not sure they have enough experience
to put it all together properly.
Merwin Willman said, in his opinion, they need some guidance.
Gary Bricken asked what it is the Commission wants a consultant
to do.
Chairman Andrews replied they want" some guidance. Mr. Andrews.
remarked on a comparable situation he had in the Army where
someon~ came in, listene~ to what they wanted, made an outline
for them, and' they expounded on the outline.
Gary Bricken commented he had spoken with Steve Simonson and
another gentleman who had impressed him with his knowledge of the
community. Mr. Bricken asked if that particular gentleman is a
full-time employee, has a degree in planning and has any skills
at writlng comprehensive plans.
steve Simonson informed Gary Bricken the gentleman was Mark
Marquez, the Economic Development Coordinator, he is only part
time right now, his degree is in economics, and he is just in the
process of learning as far as writing comprehensive plans.
Steve Simonson then described for the Commission what he
envisions from a consul tant. Mr. Simonson said he sees the
Commis3ion putting together what information they have gathered
and then calling in a consultant, or planner, to see what they've
missed and where they might better place their emphasis.
Harry Bauman said in other words, to refine it.
Gary Bricken mentioned they're going to need resumes submitted.
Steve Simonson related he thought Merwin Willman had brought up a
good point previously about looking to the San Antonio Chapter of
the AP.~ for help. Mr. Simonson further stated if they start
going to some of San Antonio's meetings, maybe they can establish
some contacts in the local area.
Gary Bricken questioned what kind of time line they're talking
about for the budget and Steve Simonson indicated he needs to
submit his budget by the early part of June.
There was discussion on the budget for office supplies and the'
budget for postage. As far asof~ice supplies go, it. was pointed
out that the number of copies made could be cut down and it was.
suggested that when an item is on the agenda more than one time,
the Commissioners should make an effort. to keep their copies of.
the material from one time to the next. Councilperson Ken
Greenwald recommended, that if they really can't find their copy
of something., they call the. recording secretary and request a.
Chairman Andrews asked steve Simonson if there's enough. postage
in the budget in . case they go forward with a survey. . Mr.
Simonson answered it depends on when they do the survey. If it's
projected for the next fiscal year, it could be bud~~ted.
Harry Bauman asked if the survey couldn't be put in, or attached
to, the monthly. Newsletter'in which caSe postage would not be a'
Gary Bricken mentioned the
Newsletter more than once
questions they should ask.
possibility of putting it in
to get an idea. of what kinds
Speaking of postage, Gary Brickenbrought up the mailing of. the
agenda to the members before a meeting and said he didn't need it
mailed to him. Harry Bauman also requested it not be mailed to
him. Of the remaining members, only Chairman Andrews and Keith
Van Dine wished to receive the agenda by mail.
Jim Shriver asked Steve Simonson. that supposing the Commisslon
needed $5,000 two weeks from now, would they have trouble getting
it and Mr. Simonson replied it would be up to the City Manager
and if they needed it this fiscal year, they would probably have
trouble getting it. Mr. Simonson continued on saying if the
Commission wants it for next year, he needs to have a formal
recommendation from them find he will make it part of his budget.
'. ,
Chairman Andrews remarked it looks like what they have the most
control over is Subscriptions and Conference/1raveIJTraining.
Mr. Andrews asked if they can .cut down on subsc r iptions . The
current subscriptions are the "Zoning Bulletin", the "Zoning
Report" and the "Zoning News.1I
Merwin Willman said, in his opinion, they could cut the IIZoning
Bulletin." It's nice reading, but also expensive.
Gary Bricken indicated he does not spend a lot of time reading
th~se reports and said if none of them were there, he doesn't
feel he would miss them.
Merwin Willman commented he has used. back copies of the "Zoning
ReportD for research and finds it to be valuable for that
Harry Bauman remarked that he's sure those' who have been on the
Commission fora long time have a better idea of how important
these reports" are.
Both Councilperson Ken Greenwald and Chairman Andrews related.
they use the "Zoning Bulletin" to review existing ordinances and
see what it is people are challenging.
steve Simonson told the Commissioners he is sure they can cover
the. price of subscriptions if they want to leave everything as
is. The consensus. of the Commission was" to keep all current
Regarding Conference/Travel/Training., Harry Bauman mentioned
where he's been involved in the past, they had only one or two
people represent everyone el se at conferences and Mr. Bauman
suggested this as a means o~cutting down on expenses.
Jim Shriver disagreed with Harry Bauman.
Councilperson Ken
become the same
Greenwald advised. Harry Bauman the
as TML in that they run several
APA has
Steve Simonson remarked on the APA's training sess~ons for
Jim Shriver mentioned he has met people from other cities who
have had to pay their own way to the APA conference.
Chairman Andrews questioned if the Conference/Travel/Training
budget needs to be increased.
There was a brief discussion about the fact that if some of the
members start attending the San Antonio Chapter APA luncheons,
that ~~ll have to be included in the budget also. Steve Simonson
suggested increasing this line item to $4,000 and the Commission
c. Consideration of Changing the pate for Finishing Goals and
Objectives on Assigned Subjects
Chairman Andrews, saying May 14th had been set as the original
deadline for finishing goals and objectives, asked if anyone had
come up with a realistic new date.
Gary Bricken noted they will have trouble finishing goals and
objectives without census data, but they could set a preliminary
date - it is a place to start.
Jim Shriver mentioned that at the Business Club meeting it was
brought up that Doctor Harborth is in charge of redistricting for
Guadalupe County and he has been using census data. How come. he
has census information and we don't? steve Simonson said he
would check it out.
Keith Van Dine remarked that instead of goals and objectives,
they need to establish some kind of outline, through research, so
they have a direction i~ ~h~chto g~.
Jim Shriver, referring back to when they were discussing the.
survey, asked if the Commission would like for him to work up an
initial survey and bring it to them for review.
Councilperson Ken Greenwald commented the first thing they need
to establish is what it. is they want to find out from this
The Commission thought an ..initial survey from Jim Shriver was a
good idea and Chairman Andrew~ directed anyone who' has a specific
question they want asked on i survey to call Mr. Shriver.
Harry Bauman asked what volume of response they got. from the last
survey and Jim Shriver said somewhere in .the area of 10-11%.
Jim Shriver, referring to the T.able of Contents listed in the
Memorandum of Agreement, said he sees it as a guide, but not a
completed guide.
Mr. Shriver also mentioned the Citizens' Leadership Panel report
and suggested a copy of it be made for both Harry Bauman and Gary
Keith Van Dine:
(a) Mentioned large potholes in the roads in the Schirmerville
area. Steve Simonson sai~ the City is aware of the problem.
(b) Sa~d he understood the City got some money for installation
of wat~r lines in his area. Steve Simonson acknowledged tha,-'s
true and said it is for the area along Scenic Lake Drive, Boe~ig
Drive ~nd part of Gray town Road.
. .. .", , .:~ " . .'
(c) Mentioned a certain farmer in his area who could help solve
part of a drainage problem ,if he would, plow his field . in . a
diffe.rent direction. Steve Simonson indicated the City has
spoken with the farmer and has not been abie to convince him to
change the direction he plows. Mr. Van Dine said he would have a
talk with the gentleman.
(d) Observed that if hiring a consul tant is going to cost too
much, it might be wise to look at a Plan B. Mr. Van Dine
mentioned, for example, different courses that are offered and
suggested maybe Steve Simonson attend some of these courses.
Steve Simonson advised that some of these courses are offered at
universities and one of the 'benefits you get sometimes is that if
'you take along so~ething you're working on~you can gets lots of
extra help.
Harry Bauman:
(a) Asked steve Simonson if hehad'heard anything. from UTSA about.
undergraduate help on the Comprehensive Plan and Mr. Simonson
replied he had not heard from anyone.
Keith Van Dine reported he had spoken with someone and was told
the students are all placed for this session, but they may
possibly have some openings in the s'ummer session starting June
3rd or definitely in the fa)l session.
(b) Informed Steve Simonson his wife had called City Hall the
other day regarding spraying for mosquitoes and was told by
someone the' city had' sent . two people for training, but they
flunked the test. and therefore are not .qualified to spray.
Steve Simonson commented the City doesn't spray because it
doesn't have the equipment .to spray..
Mr. Bauman then asked if the job could be contracted, but Steve
Simonson said he doesn't know of any other city that does it.
To this, Gary Bricken remarked it would do no good if only one
city sprayed.
Merwin ~"'illman:
(a) Noticed the City had been doing some repair work in the 600-
700 block of Mitchell and asked what they found. Steve Simonson
said he isn't positive what they found, but thought they had
determined it is not a leak.
(b) Reported he had writtfin a letter to the City of Castle Hills
requesting their regulations on water conservation. After all
the hoopla in the newspaper, it turns out they have only one
paragraph in their ordinance pertaining to water conservation.
.. .
Mr. Willman said he feels this year
in the City and updating the
regulations for water conservation
other changes that should be made
have also been accumulating.
will see an upturn in housing
Subdivision Ordinance with
shoul.d be considered. A few
to the Subdivision Ordinance
Steve Simonson pointed out to Merwin Willman that what needs to
be done with water conservation regulations is to make them part
of the Southern Building Code.
Jim Shriver:
(a) Thanked steve Simonson for taking care of the concern of the
senior citizen on Valley Forge.
(b) Requested the review and consideration of the citizen. survey
be placed on the next agenda.
Councilpe,rson Ken Greenwald:
(a) Related that the east runway at Randolph Air Force' Base will
be closed for approximately one year and the base will be uS1ng.
the west runway. Mr. Greenwald admitted this should keep
problems with the Resurrection Baptist Church at a minimum.
Chairman Andrews:
(a) Thanked Steve Simonson for the copy of' the agreement between
the City and the Resurrection Baptist Church.
(b) Remarked on steve Simonson's comments' to the Commission and
pointed out he had not said there were two cracked slabs in
Savannah Square but had said, instead, there were two homes where
the soil had shifted.
(c) Notified the Commission the Council is ready to schedule a
public hearing on the proposed Site Plan.
ste~e Simonson said the public hearing for the Commission and the
public hearing for City Council are usually published in the
newspaper together.
(d) Asked if there's money in the budget for striping center
1 ines down the streets and expressed particular concern about
bicycle lanes.
Councilperson Ken Greenwald told Mr. Andrews to keep in Inl.nd
that, among other priorities, the Street Department also fixes
potholes and mows.
Mr. Andrews observed, that as a concerned citizen, maybe J:he
budget needs to be changed.
(e) Referred to a house on River Road that has had sewer problems
for years. Steve Simonson said the City.is hindered from doing
much of anything because of the way CCMA installed the lines.
Before the close of the meeting, Councilperson Ken Greenwald
urged everyone to get out and vote on May 4th.
Chairman Andrews adjourned the meeting at 8:35 P.M.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is May 14, 1991.