On this the 22nd day of January 2009, the Schertz-Seguin Local Government Corporation
(SSLGC) convened at 1:40 p.m. in the City of Schertz Council Chambers located at 1400
Schertz Parkway, Building #4, Schertz, Texas. The following directors being present and
in attendance:
Sydney Bauer
Ken Greenwald
Robin Dwyer
Jim Wolverton
Patricia Ramirez
Hal Baldwin
Betty Ann Matthies
constituting a majority of the persons appointed to the Board and a quorum for the
transaction of business, and notice of such meeting having been duly given in accordance
with the provisions of Texas law. Also in attendance were:
Alan Cockerell
Doug Faseler
Don Taylor
Susan Caddell
Johnny Bierschwale
Larry Dublin
John Schraub
John Bailey
Georgia Hanks
Crockett Camp
Bill Klemt
John Winkler
Patrick Lindner
General Manager
Seguin City Manager
Schertz City Manager
Seguin Director of Finance
Schertz Assistant City Manager
Schertz City Engineer
Seguin Water Utility Manager
Water Superintendent
Administrative Assistant
Consultant/Project Manager
Hydrologist Consultant
Consultant ~~
COU11se1 (Davidson & Troilo)
The first order of business was the calling of the meeting to order.
President Sydney Bauer called the meeting to order at 1:40 p.m.
The second order of business was public comment.
Mr. Robert Brockman, a Schertz resident, addressed the Board during public comment.
He asked what impact or possible benefit the Caterpillar Corporation would have on
SSLGC with its move to the City of Seguin. City Manager of Seguin Doug Faseler stated
that although the Caterpillar Corporation will be located within the Springs Hill Water
Supply Corporation's service area, the Corporation will be indirectly affected to some
extent because it sells water to Springs Hill WSC. The exact volume of water the
Caterpillar Corporation will require for its domestic use and commercial processes is not
known at this time.
The third order of business was approval of the minutes for the board meeting held
on December 18, 2008.
Treasurer Jim Wolverton made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Vice-
President Ken Greenwald seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the
motion carried by unanimous decision of those members present.
Secretary Robin Dwyer arrived at 1:45 p. m.
The fourth order of business was presentation of the General Manager's report -
Alan Cockerell, General Manager.
General Manager Cockerell's written report was included in the board agenda packets.
He added the following items to his written report:
Water Production. Mr. Cockerell referred to a water production chart which illustrated
that approximately 9,500 ac-ft of water was sold by the Corporation in 2008.
Gonzales County Underground Water Conservation District (GCUWCD). Hydrologist
Bill Klemt, GCUWCD Manager Greg Sengelmann and General Manager Cockerell
measured water levels in Gonzales County on January 20 and 21, 2009. Mr. Klemt will
provide a written and verbal report at the February 19, 2008 board meeting. Mr.
Cockerell reported that water levels are rebounding in the winter as expected, despite
drought conditions in the area.
Mr. Cockerell handed out an agenda for a workshop to be held by GCUWCD on January
22, 2009. GCUWCD board members had planned to adopt the District's new
management plan at its prior meeting, but did not. They decided to hold a workshop to
provide interested parties an opportunity to present technical information regarding the
Carrizo Aquifer. Board members will be permitted to ask questions about the
presentations, but questions from the public will not be allowed. Various presentations
by interested parties which include Mr. Klemt, Canyon Regional, SAWS and the Water
Partnership Association are on the agenda. Mr. Klemt's presentation will demonstrate
how the Corporation's operation is actually causing less of a drawdown than previous
models predicted.
Mr. Cockerell reported that he had received a response from GCUWCD regarding the
Corporation's application for four well permits in Gonzales County. The GCUWCD
deemed the application administratively incomplete and asked for clarification of three
issues presented in the third party GAM run by TC&B which included: 1) location of
pumping wells on the model grid; 2) reduction in pumping rate of the Kosub well; and 3)
possible no-flow condition at the actual up-dip feather-edge margin of the Carrizo Sand
Aquifer. Mr. Klemt with the help of Randy Larkin who performed the Corporation's
GAM run has prepared a response to GCUWCD's concerns. In summary: 1) TC&B
made an error in its report and the location of the well in the Corporation's GAM run is
correct; 2) the State's GAM run is incorrect as Mr. Kosub's irrigation well could not
possibly produce 8,900 ac-ft per year (in the Corporation's GAM run Mr. Kosub's
pumpage numbers were adjusted according to GCUWCD's records); and 3) the no-flow
boundary in the model is not unusual (Mr. Klemt will address this issue in the
Corporation's response). A letter will be submitted to the GCUWCD to address these
issues and the Corporation's permit application for four wells should be deemed
administratively complete within the next few weeks.
Guadalupe County Groundwater Conservation District (GCGCD). A meeting has been
scheduled with Mr. Ron Naumann, president of GCGCD, on January 27, 2009, to discuss
the Corporation's project in Guadalupe County in order to begin the permit application
Operations Report. Mr. Cockerell summarized the operations report with the following:
• Well #1 remains out of service. The oil seal on top of the pump failed and
allowed water to enter the oil tubing which caused multiple bearings to fail due to
lack of proper lubrication. Oil tube bearings, shafts and perhaps couplings will
have to be replaced. Representatives from Peerless are working with the pump
manufacturer to obtain a better replacement seal than the original one. Mr.
Cockerell also plans to follow-up with the manufacturer of the stainless steel
pump because the pump has only been in the ground for one year.
• Leaks were repaired on the well #6 discharge line and the well collection main
entering the Nixon treatment plant.
The fifth order of business was Weber-Box grazing lease, Gonzales County -Alan
Cockerell, General Manager.
Mr. Cockerell reported that SSLGC had advertised for a grazing lease on its Weber-Box
property. Limited response was received from advertisements in the Seguin Gazette-
Enterprise, The Gonzales Inquirer and The Cow Country Courier. The property does not
have water and is not fenced. He added that Mr. Jeff Harvey owns the other half of the
Weber-Box property and offered a bid of $10.00 per acre. Mr. Cockerell requested
approval to award the bid to Mr. Harvey for $10.00 per acre.
Treasurer Wolverton made a motion to accept the bid for a grazing lease on the
Weber-Box property from Jeff Harvey for $10.00 per acre. Secretary Robin Dwyer
seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion carried by unanimous
The sixth order of business was Gonzales County Water Treatment Plant filter
rehabilitation pro.iect, phase II -Alan Cockerell, General Manager and John
Winkler, LAN.
General Manager Cockerell stated that rehabilitation of filters #1 and #2 is progressing
ahead of schedule. Before the filter rehabilitation, well #1 pumped about 300 gpm and
it presently pumps approximately 1,500 gpm. The contractor has learned from his
experience with the first two wells and rehabilitation on wells #4 and #6 should also be
completed ahead of schedule. Another change order for filler material to repair pitting on
the second two filters is anticipated.
The seventh order of business was Guadalupe County expansion proiect -Alan
Cockerell, General Manager.
President Bauer deferred Agenda Item #7 to Executive Session.
The eighth order of business was Gonzales County expansion proiect -Alan
Cockerell, General Manager.
President Bauer deferred Agenda Item #8 to Executive Session.
President Bauer closed General Session at 2: OS p. m.
The ninth order of business was Executive Session called under Chapter 551
Government Code, Subsection 551.071, to seek the advice of its attorney on legal
matters relating to the Board of Director's rights and liabilities under certain
contracts, Section 551.072, to deliberate the purchase of and/or sale of certain real
estate and Section 551.074, for deliberations regarding a specific officer or
Executive Session was held from 2:15 p. m. to 3: 32 p. m.
The tenth order of business was to consider and take action as a result of Agenda
Item #9.
President Bauer opened General Session at 3:32 p. m.
As a result of Executive Session:
Agenda Item 7 -Guadalupe County Expansion Project
Treasurer Wolverton made a motion to approve authorization for General Manager
Alan Cockerell to apply for well permits in Guadalupe County equal to the required
amount of acre-feet of water the Corporation has purchased for the permits.
Director Patricia Ramirez seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the
motion passed by unanimous decision.
The eleventh order of business was consideration and/or action on questions and
possible items to be placed on the next agenda.
President Bauer thanked Vice-President Ken Greenwald for his service with SSLGC's
board of directors. Anew appointment to the board will be present at the next board
Director Ramirez reported that she cannot attend the February 19, 2009 board meeting
due to a conflict with her schedule.
No additional discussion was held.
The twelfth order of business was adjournment.
President Bauer declared the meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m.
The next regular meeting was scheduled February 19, 2009, in Seguin.
Robin Dvc