1986S28-Sign Ordinance " -,--, ORDINANCE NO. 86-5-28 AN ORDINANCE BY CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ REGULATING THE T~PE, LOCATION, SIZE AND NUMBER OF SIGNS TO PROVIDE UNIFORM SIGN STANDARDS ~bR THE CITY OF SCHERTZ; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS, PROHIBITIONS, NON-CONFORMING SIGNS: PROVIDING FOR PERMITS: PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PENALTY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. .. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: I I INDEX ARTICLE I. PURPOSE 1 ARTICLE II GENERAL PROVISIONS 1 ARTICLE III DEFINITIONS 3 ARTICLE IV PROHIBITED SIGNS 7 ARTICLE V SIGNS PERMITTED IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 7 Section 1 Realty 7 Section 2 Name Plate 7 Section 3 Street Numbers 7 Section 4 Neighborhood Crime Watch Signs 7 Section 5 Development Signs 7 Section 6 political Signs 8 Section 7 Multi-Family, Residential subdivision and P.U.D.'s Mobile Home Park/Subdivision 8 ARTICLE VI SIGNS PERMITTED IN ALL BUSINESS,COMMERCIAL AND MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS 8 Section 1 All Signs Authorized in a Residential District 8 Section 2 Advertising Vehicles 9 Section 3 Banners, Flags, Pennants 9 Section 4 Community Services 9 Section 5 Free-Standing 9 ARTICLE VII ABANDONED OR DAMAGED SIGNS 17 ARTICLE VIII NON-CONFORMING SIGNS 18 ARTICLE IX PERMITS 20 ARTICLE X SPECIAL PROVISIONS 24 ARTICLE XI EFFECTIVE DATE 24 ATTACHMENT SCHEDULE OF FEES -.. - - -1- ARTICLE I PURPOSE The purpose of this Section l.S to provide uniform S1.gn standards which promote a positive City l.mage reflecting order, harmony and pride, thereby strengthening the econom1.C stability of Schertz's business, cultural and residential areas. Objectiv~s to be pursued l.n applying specific standards are as follows: 1. To identify individual business, residential and public uses without creating confusion, unsightliness or visual obscurity of adjacent businesses. 2. To assure that all S1.gns l.n terms of S1.ze, scale, height and location are properly related to the overall adjacent land use and character development lot size. 3 . To assure that all S1.gns, l.n terms of color, form, material and design are compatible with other structural forms on the development lots. 4. To assure that off-premise advertising is compatible with adjacent land uses and does not obscure views of adjacent on-premise signs. 5 . To assure that all S1.gns, S1.gn supports and S1.gn bases shall be so constructed and designed to provide for design compatibility \oJ i th the development. Where possible, the materials used, the form, color, lighting and style should be similar to the materials used l.n the development. ARTICLE II GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. All businesses shall be authorized two ( 2 ) S1.gns - one (1) sign on the building and one (1) free-standing sign. 2. All S1.gns shall pertain to the identification of the pr1.mary uses and/or pr1.mary services provided or pr1.mary products sold on the prem1.ses, except for billboards, auxiliary, governmental or community service signs as provided.. 3. All S1.gns, where applicable, shall meet the standards of the City Building Code and have the sign permit number and approveq date affixed. .. - -1- 4. Except as herein provided, no person or business firm, . acting either as principal or agent, shall alter the copy, face or lettering of any S1.gn, except for Section Sl.gns with temporary messages made from interchangeable characters attached to tracks or grooves on the sign board, either by changing the message or by renovating an existing message, or shall erect any S1.gn or S1.gn structure until a S1.gn permit for such work has been issued by the Building Official to a bonded contract or the owner or occupant of the premises where the work is to be done. 5. No more than two sides of a s1.gn structure may be used for display. 6 . No s1.gn, , s1.gn structure, or sl.gn support shall project over any property line. 7. Trees, rocks, bridges, fences, windmill towers and dilapidated buildings shall not be used as sign supports. 8. All business locations shall be identified by a street address S1.gn which l.S clearly visible from the street. 9. Signs with flashing, blinking or traveling lights shall have light bulbs which do not exceed thirty-five ( 35 ) watts each. 10. In the event that more than one sign-related defin'ition applies to a non-prohibited proposed Sl.gn, resulting l.n conflicting regulations thereon, the stricter definition shall apply. Where the proposed sign l.S of a type that is prohibited, it shall rema1.n prohibited notwithstanding that it may also come within the definition of an approved type of S1.gn. 11. No Signs on Public Property. No sl.gns are to be attached, placed, painted, or otherwise erected upon any lamp post, telephone poles, fire hydrants, bridges, public buildings, or any other proper.ty belonging to Schertz or within any park located l.n Schertz (excluding police officers and other public officials from posting S1.gns for public purposes). 12. No Signs on Property Without Owner's Consent. No s1.gns are to be located on any _ property without the consent of t,he owner, lessee,_ agent or occupant of such-property. --- - 2-- . . 13. Maintenance of Signs. Every sign, including those specifically exempt from this Ordinance, l.n respect to permits and permit fees, shall be maintained l.n good structural condition at all times. All signs shall be kept neatly painted, including all metal parts and supports thereof that are not galvanized or of rust resistant material. The Building Official, or his authorized representative, shall inspect and shall have the authority to order the painting, repa1.r, alterations or removal of a S1.gn which shall constitute a nU1.sance, a hazard to safety, health, or public welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation or obsolescence. ARTICLE III DEFINITIONS 1. Banner, Flag or Pennant: Any S1.gn exposed to weather and which l.S made from or on cloth or other limp material. A flag shall be any such S1.gn which l.S flown from one flag staff. Any s1.gn made from or on cloth or other limp material and which is displayed behind glass and within a building shall be deemed a wall S1.gn. 2. Billboard: Any flat surface erected on a frameback or on any structure, or attached to posts and used for, as designed to be used for, the display of belts, posters or other advertising material for the purpose of advertising a business or activity not located on the same prem1.ses as the said advertising material. . Mobile advertising, handcarried S1.gns and political S1.gns shall not be considered a billboard. 3 . Building: A structure having a roof supported by columns or walls and designed or intended for the shelter, support, enclosure or protection of persons or chattels, except for tents and canopies. 4. Sign: Any words, numbers, figures, devices, designs, trademarks or other symbols which attract attention to or make known such things as an individual, firm, profession, business, commodity or serV1.ce, and which are visible from any publ ic street. This definition of "sign" shall include any structure designed to be used for said display. Fc;>r the purpose of removal, "sign" shall also include sign supports. --. .- - -3- ... '4a. Sign, Abandoned: Any s1.gns including off-premise S1.gns unless owned and operated by a bona fide billboard company, which no longer correctly directs or exhorts any person or advertises a bona fide business lessor, owner, product, serV1.ce or activity. 4b. Sign, Advertising Vehicle or Trailer: Any vehicle or trailer which has as it's basic purpose the advertisement of products or direction of people to a business or activity, whether located on or off-premise. 4c. Sign Area: The area of any free- standing S1.gn or billboard shall be the sum of the areas enclosed by the minimum . , rectangles, triangles or circles l.mag1.nary which ful'ly contain all extremeties of the S1.gn, including the frame but excluding any supports. Sign area for all other S1.gns shall be the sum of the area of the minimum imaginary rectangles, triangles or circles which fully contain all words, numbers, figures, devices, designs or trademarks by which anything is made known. To compute the allowable square footage of S1.gn area, only one ( 1 ) side of a double face S1.gn shall be consldered. 4d. Sign, Auxiliary: Any S1.gn indicating general information, such as pr1.C1.ng, trading stamps, credit cards, official notices or serv1.ces required by law, trade associations, and S1.gns g1.v1.ng directions to offices, rest rooms, exits and like facilities. 4e. Sign, Bench: Any s1.gn painted on or affixed to a bench normally used for seating, indoor or outdoor. 4f. Sign, Community Services: Any s1.gn which solicits support for or advertises a non-profit community use, public use or social institution. Such signs may include, but shall not be limited to, seasonal holidays such as Christmas or Easter, school activities, charitable programs or religious activities. 4g. Sign, Damaged: Any s1.gn which has become so deteriorated or dilapidated as to require more than minimal reconditioning to restore it to. a,n aver.age, normal state of repair. -~,- -4- ,- - - - .- 4h. Sign, Free-Standing: Any s1.gn permanently affixed to the ground and which l.S not affixed to a building and which l.S not used for off-premises advertising. 4i. Sign, Governmental: Any S1.gn indicating public works projects, public serV1.ce or other programs or activities conducted or required- by any governmental subdivision. 4j. Sign, Height: Sign height shall be the vertical distance between the highest part of the S1.gn or it's supporting structure, whichever l.S higher, and the average established ground level beneath the s1.gn. 4k. Sign, Political: Any device announc1.ng or promoting the candidacy of one or more persons for elective public office or concern1.ng any political l.ssue appear1.ng, or which is to appear, on the ballot l.n any public election. 41. Sign, Portable or Mobile: Any S1.gn designed or constructed to be easily moved from one location to another, including S1.gns mounted upon or designed to be mounted upon a trailer, wheel carr1.er or other non-motorized mobile structure. A portable S1.gn which has it's wheels removed shall still be considered a portable S1.gn hereunder: used for a short period of time to announce a special event or ac~ivity. 4m. Sign, Realty: Any sign used to advertise a real estate development site or to advertise that real estate l.S for sale or lease. 4n. Sign, Roof: Any s1.gns which are affixed to building roofs, except sloping roofs. 40. Sign, Setback: Sign setback shall be the horizontal distance between a S1.gn and the front lot line, as measured from that part of the S1.gn excluding it's extremities and supports, nearest to any point on an l.mag1.nary vertical plane projecting from the front lot line. 4p. Sign Sloping: Any s1.gn affixed to sloping roof. ,-- - . -5- 4q. Sign, Temporary Business Promotion: Any s1.gn which l.S designed to produce revenue by advertising serV1.ces, sales -or other temporary promotional programs and which have limited duration not to exceed sixty (60) consecutive days. 4r. Sign, Wall: Any sign affixed flat against and parallel to a building wall. For the purposes of this definition, wall shall include window areas. 4s. Visibility Triangle: Triangle sight area would be from the corner of converg1.ng streets to a distance of twenty-five (25' ) feet along each street with the triangle completed by drawing a line through the property ,from both twenty-five (25' ) foot street setbacks. 5. Variance: An exceptional condition which poses a practical difficulty or particular hardship l.n such a way as to prevent an owner from displaying his/her S1.gn as intended by this Ordinance. Such practical difficulty must be clearly exhibited and must be a result of an external influence and not self-imposed. Sa. Hardship: A condition that would result l.n the closing or eliminating of any lawful business not created by personal difficulties of the owner. 6. Shopping Center: Two ( 2 ) or more retail stores and/or serV1.ce establishments, or one (1 ) retail store and one (1) serV1.ce establishment, sharing customer parking area, and entrance ways, regardless of whether said stores and/or establishments occupy same or separate structures or are under separate ownership. 7. Mall: Any concentration of retail stores and/or serV1.ce establishments which share customer parking area and are located within an enclosure having public walkways, whereby a customer l.n one ( 1 ) store or establishment may walk to another store or establishment without leaving the enclosure. 8. Directory Sign: A sign which indicates the name and/or address of the occupant, _ the address of the pr,emises, and/or identification of any legal business 'or occupation which may exist at the ,premises. -6- ._.~ ARTICLE IV SIGN PROHIBITED Signs not listed l.n this regulation are prohibited, and the placement of S1.gns anywhere other -than specified l.n this regulation l.S prohibited. ARTICLE V SIGNS PERMITTED IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT The following S1.gns shall be permitted in all residential areas: Section 1 Realty Signs. A temporary sign pertaining to the lease, rental or sale of prem1.ses or structure located thereon. Such S1.gns shall not be lighted and shall not exceed fifteen <15 ) square feet l.n area. No permit l.S required. (Ordinance 79-s- 15, 1979) Section 2 Name Plate. A name plate may be displayed on the face of the building or porch. The name plate will contain only the name of the person. It shall be attached directly to and parallel to the face of the building or porch. It shall not exceed one ( 1 ) square foot l.n area, and shall not be illuminated l.n any way. No permit l.S required. (Ordinance 79-S-15, 1979) Section 3 Street Numbers. A street number l.S required for all residences. It must be readable from the street and may be on the building or l.n the yard and may include the name of the occupant. No permit l.S required. (Ordinance 79-S-15, 1979) Section 71, Neighborhood Crime Watch Signs. Crime Watch Signs should be permitted on speed limit and/or street name sign posts. Each Crime Watch Organization will contact the City manager on the proposed location of s1.gns. The organization will pay for the S1.gn and the City Street Department will install the S1.gns as authorized at no cost to the organization. Section 5 Development Signs. "Ground Signs" - announc ing or describing a legally approve~ subdivision or land development -- -7- may be temporarily erected until the subdivision l.S seven1~.y,...five (75%) percent compliance or five ( 5 ) years whichever is sooner. Such signs shall not exceed three hundred (300) square feet in area and may be indirectly lighted. Signs having flashing or mOV1.ng parts are not permitted. Prior approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission is required. (Ordinance 70-S- 15, 1979) Section 6 Political Signs. ,- Political signs may be displayed sixty (60 ) days pr1.or to the election, which includes any run- off election. Prior approval of the occupant must be obtained pr1.or to the placement of the S1.gn. The placement of the S1.gn will not obscure or in any manner block the vision of any driver of a vehicle US1.ng the public street or entering any such street. All political S1.gns will be removed within ten (10 ) days after the election. No political S1.gn will be placed within the right-of-way of any street or roadway. Section 7 Multi-Family, Residential Subdivision and P.U.D.'s, Mobile Home Park/Subdivision. Residential developments may be identified by ground S1.gns at each entrance/exit to the development no more than thirty (30 ) square feet l.n area and will not exceed S1.X ( 6 ' ) feet l.n height. The sign will contain only the name of the development. The placement of the sign will not obscure, or l.n any manner, block the vision of any driver of a vehicle US1.ng the public street or entering any such street. Two ( 2 ) S1.gns (one (1) double-sided or two ( 2 ) single- sided) are authorized per entrance/exit. Signs may be indirectly illuminated. They shall have no flashing lights or mov1.ng parts. Permit required. ARTICLE VI SIGNS PERMITTED IN ALL BUSINESS, COMMERCIAL AND MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS The following S1.gns shall be permitted l.n all Business/Commercial Manufacturing Districts: Section 1 All Signs Authorized In A Residential District. Signs authorized in residential districts shall be permitted in business/commercial districts. --,- -s- ,- Section 2 Adver~isingVehicles. No person shall park an advertising vehicle or -trailer on a public right-of-way or on public property. When an advertising vehicle l.S located on private property, so as to be visible from a public right-of-way, it shall not be for a period of time longer than forty-eight (48) hours and a permit shall be required. Section 3 Banners, Flags, Pennants. 3a. Banners and pennants are permitted to announce a grand open1.ng not to exceed ten (10 ) days, and will not be permitted over public property or a public right-of-way. Permit required. 3b. Cloth banner S1.gns without frame may project over and across street right-of-way provided they are of a non-commercial nature, . not for private profit event. The banner shall be at least fourteen (14' ) feet from the street grade. Permit required. 3c. National and/or State flags are permitted. Flags which show an emblem or logo of a firm or corporation are permitted. No flag shall exceed thirty-two (32) square feet, and the top of the pole will not exceed twenty-five (25') feet l.n height from the ground. Permit required for the construction of a flag pole. Section 4 Community Service Sign. Any community serV1.ce S1.gns for seasonal celebration shall have no S1.ze limitation if placed in or on a window. Any community serV1.ce S1.gn, not of a seasonal celebration nature, shall be placed l.n or on windows and shall have a combined area not exceeding ten (10% ) percent of the area of all the windows on the same wall. Section 5 Free-Standing Signs. One ( 1 ) free-standing S1.gn for each building, not to exceed one (1) free-standing S1.gn per development lot (except as provided l.n Section Sa. below) : Sa. "GB" , "NS", "OP", "M-1" and "M-2" Districts with frontage on a th~roughfare. -9- Sa. ( 1 ) Area: The total area of a free- standing S1.gn shall not exceed two hundred fifty (250) square feet. Sa. ( 2 ) Height: In no case shall S1.gn height exceed forty (40') feet. Sa. ( 3 ) Setback: The base of the S1.gn shall be set back a minimum of five ( 5 ' ) feet from the property line, and will meet the structural requirements set forth l.n the Southern Building Code. Sa. ( 4 ) Spacing: Free-standing signs shall not be placed closer to a side lot line than a distance equal to five ( S ' ) feet plus one ( 1 ' ) foot for each foot of sign height above five ( S ' ) 'feet. 5b. "GB", "NS", "OP", "M-1" and "M-2" Districts with frontage on an expressway or interstate right-of-way. 5b. ( 1 ) Area: The total area of a free- standing S1.gn shall not exceed two hundred fifty (2S0) square feet. Sb. ( 2 ) Height: In no case shall S1.gn ,- height exceed fifty ( SO' ) feet. Sb. (3) Setback: Setback shall be a m1.n1.mum of five ( 5 ' ) feet plus one (1' ) foot for each foot of sign height above five ( 5 ' ) feet. Sb. ( 4 ) Spacing: Free-standing S1.gns shall not be placed closer to a side lot line than a distance equal to five ( 5 ' ) feet plus one ( 1 ' ) foot for each foot of sign height above five ( S ' ) feet. 5c. All free-standing S1.gns permitted l.n ARTICLE VI shall comply with the following: Sc. ( 1 ) On corner lots, that frontage on a major or primary street shall be construed to be the development lot frontage. No more than one (1) S1.gn shall be permitted, except on a development lot located at the intersection of two major thoroughfares or two expressways/interstates or a major thoroughfare and an expressway/interstate. A free~standingsign shall be permitted on each ~thoroughfare or express~ayfinterstate or one ( 1 ) sign, 'of the same S1.ze" - height and- -- -10- setback, may be placed on the corner, provided it l.S not within the visibility triangle. Sc . ( 2 ) No s1.gn shall be placed _ within the "visibility triangle" as defined 'in this Ordinance unless the lowest portion of the S1.gn l.S ten (10' ) feet above the 'average ground level. 5c. (3) To compute the allowable square footage of S1.gn area, only one (1) side of a double face sign~shall be considered. 5c. (4 ) Development lot frontage shall be defined as that frontage under one (1) development at the time of application for sign,permit. 5c. ( 5 ) Free-standing S1.gns may be placed on the roof of a building provided the height, setback, square footage and location requirements of this Section are met. Standards established by this Section shall not apply where FAA regulations are in conflict. Sc. ( 6 ) Auxiliary S1.gns shall not be permitted affixed to a free-standing sign. 5d. Governmental Signs: Government S1.gns not exceeding thirty-two ( 32) square feet l.n area and not exceeding ten (10' ) feet in height shall be permitted. Such standards shall not apply where State Ot" Federal requirements are l.n conflict with these standards. 5e. Political Signs: Same as ARTICLE V, Section 6. Sf. Realty Signs: Same as ARTICLE V, Section 1. 5g. Roof Signs: Roof S1.gns shall be limited to standards established l.n ARTICLE VI, Section S c -~ ( S ) . 5h. Sloping Signs: Sloping roof S1.gns shall not project horizontally or vertically beyond the roof line. Not more than ten (10%) percent of any sloping roof - shall be devoted to these S1.gns. - Si. Temporary Business Promotional ' Signs: ..Any 'temporary 'busine:ss _ promotional signs spall - -'11- only be placed in or on windo~s and shall have a combined area not exceeding ten (10%) percent of the area of all windows on the same wall. 5j. Wall Sign: Wall sign shall project no more than two ( 2 ' ) , feet perpendicular from the wall and not more than three ( 3 ') feet vertically above the wall of a building. Not more than ten (10%) percent of any wall shall be devoted to wall S1.gns, except where free-standing S1.gns are allowed but not used. This may be increased to not more than fifteen (15%) percent. sk. Street Number: Same as ARTICLE V, Section 3 . 51. Neighborhood Crime Watch Signs: Same as ARTICLE V, Section 4. Sm. Billboards: 5m. ( 1 ) Billboards shall be-, constructed to meet the construction standards established by the city of Schertz. Sm. ( 2 ) Billboards located in a "GB" District shall be a m1.n1.mum of three hundred (300') feet from any residentially zoned property line. No billboard shall be located within a distance of one hundred (100') feet of an existing billboard on the same side of a street. Along an expressway or interstate highway this distance l.ncreases to fifteen hundred <1500' ) feet. Sm. ( 3 ) The maX1.mum area of any billboard located in a "GB" area shall be three hundred (300) square feet. Sm. ( 4 ) The maX1.mum area of any billboard located l.n a "M-1" or "M-2" District shall be seven hundred fifty (750 ) square feet. Sm. ( 5 ) The maX1.mum area of any billboard located along an expressway or interstate highway sha: 1 i'; be five hundred (500) square feet. Sm. ( 6 ) Billboards shall be set back at least fifty (50' ) feet from the right-of-way of any street, road, expressway or interstate highway. -- -12- 5m. ( 7 ) Billboards located l.n a "GB"-, "M-1" or "M-2" District shall have a maximum height of thirty,-five ( 35' ) feet with an open space of at least S1.X (6' ) feet maintained between the bottQm of the billboard and the ground, except that the necessary supports extending through such space are not prohibited. Sm. ( 8 ) Billboards along an expressway or interstate highway shall have maximum height of fifty (SO' ) feet and a m1.n1.mum height of ,- forty ( 40 ' ) feet, mounted on a single steel p1.pe support. Sm. ( 9 ) All lighting of billboards -shall be so shielded as not to produce intrusion or exceSS1.ve light or glare on adjacent property. ' 5m.(10) No billboards or part thereof shall be located on or above any public property. Nor shall any billboard be located on private property without the written consent of the owner, holder, leasee, agent or trustee. Sn. Portable or Mobile Sign: 5n.(1) Portable or mobile S1.gn shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet. The s1.gn may be electric or non-electric, however, flashing lights will not be permitted. Sn. ( 2 ) A permit will be issued for a sixty (60 ) day time limit, renewable for an additional thirty (30 ) day period. 5n. ( 3) No part of any S1.gn may be located within ten ( 10 ' ) feet of any public street, road or public easement. (Ordinance 79-S-1S, 1979) 5n. ( 4) No more than one (1) portable sign shall be allowed on any one (1) building plot. (Ordinance 79-S-15, 1979) Sn. (5) Electrical permit will be required , ,- for electric S1.gns. Section 6 Shopping Center and Mall Signs 6a. Wall Signs l.n "GB","NS", "OP", "M-1", and "M-2" Districts with frontage on a thoroughfare. -, -13- 6a . ( 1 ) Number: There shall not be more than 'one ( 1 ) wall S1.gn per each principal tenant or use contained in a shopping center or mall except that where a tenant or use abuts two ( 2 ) or more streets, additional such Sl.gns, one (1) oriented to each abutting street, shall be permitted. 6a. ( 2 ) Area: The gross surface area of a wall sign shall not exceed ten (10% ) percent of the tenant's or user's proportionate share of the building wall to which the s1.gn l.S to ~ be affixed or two hundred (200) square feet, whichever l.S less. 6a. ( 3 ) Uniformity: All wall Sl.gns located l.n a shopping center or mall will utilize lettering ,and background uniform in style and color. 6a. ( 4 ) Location: A wall sign may be located on the outermost wall of any principal building, but shall not project more than twelve (12") inches from the wall to which the Sl.gn l.S to be affixed. The location and arrangement of all wall Sl.gns shall be subject to the reVl.ew and approval of the city Building Inspector. 6a. ( 5 ) Height: A wall Sl.gn shall not project higher than the parapet line of the wall to which the sl.gn l.S to be affixed or twenty ( 20' ) feet, as measured from the base of " the building wall to which the Sl.gn l.S to be affixed, whichever l.S lower. 6b. Directory Sign l.n "GB", "NS", "OP", "M-1" and tlM-2" Districts with frontage on a thoroughfare. 6b. ( 1 ) Number: There shall be not more than one (1) directory Sl.gn for each shopping center or mall. 6b. ( 2 ) Area: The gross surface area of a directory Sl.gn shall not exceed ten <10 ) square feet for each exposed face for each tenant nor exceed an aggregate gross surface area of twenty (20 ) square feet. However, all tenants' S1.gns within the directory sign shall contain the same number of square feet. 6b. ( 3 ) Height: In no case shall sign ,height exceed t~irty ,( 30 ' ) feet. ' -- -- -14- 6b. (4.> Contents: Each shopping center or mall directory sign shall be limited to the name and address of the shopping center or mall (at the top) and the names of the tenants of the shopping center or mall l.n which the sign is to be located. 6c. Wall Signs l.n "GB", "NS", "OP", "M-1" and "M-2" Districts with frontage on an expressway or interstate right-of-way. 6c. (). ) Number: There shall not be more than one (1) wall S1.gn per each principal tenant or use contained in a shopping center or mall except that where a tenant or use abuts two ( 2 ) or more streets, additional such S1.gns, one (1) oriented to each abutting street, shall be permitted. 6c. ( 2 ) Area: The gross surface area of a wall Sl.gn shall not exceed ten (10%) percent of the tenant's or user's proportionate share of the building wall to which the Sl.gn l.S to be affixed or two hundred (200) square feet, whichever l.S less. 6c. ( 3 ) Uniformity: All wall Sl.gns located l.n a shopping center or mall will utilize lettering and background in style and color. 6c . ( 4 ) Location: A wall sign may be located on the outermost wall of any principal bU,ilding, but shall not project more than twelve (12") inches from the wall to which the S1.gn l.S to be affixed. The location and arrangement of all wall signs shall be subject to the reV1.ew and approval of the City Building Inspector. 6c. ( 5 ) Height: A wall Sl.gn shall not project higher than the parapet line of the wall to which the sign l.S to be affixed or twenty (20' ) feet, as measured from the base of the building wall to which the S1.gn l.S to be affixed, whichever l.S lower. 6d. Directory Signs l.n "GB", "NS", "OP", "M-l" and "M-2" Districts with frontage on an expressway or interstate right-of-way. 6d. (1 ) Number: There shall be not more than one ( 1 ) directory S1.gn for each shopping center or marl. --- - .- -15- 6d. ( 2 ) Area: The gross surface area of a directory Sl.gn -sha II not exceed twelve (12 ) square feet for each exposed face fbr each tenant nor exceed an aggregate gross surface area of twenty-four (24) square feet. However, all tenants' S1.gns within the directory sign shall contain the same number of square feet. 6d. ( 3 ) Height: In no case shall Sl.gn height exceed fifty ( 50' ) feet. 6d. ( 4 ) Contents: Each shopping center or mall directory S1.gn shall be limited to the name and address of the shopping center or mall (at the top) and the names of the tenants of the shopping center or mall l.n which the ,sign is to be located. 6e. Free-Standing Sign for Anchor Business. One ( 1 ) free-standing S1.gn l.S authorized for an anchor bus~n~ss of 50,000 square feet or more l.n a shopping center. 6e. ( 1 ) Area: The total area of a free- standing Sl.gn shall not exceed two hundred fifty (250) square feet. 6e. ( 2 ) Height: In no case shall Sl.gn height exceed fifty ( 50 ' ) feet. 6e. ( 3 ) Setback: Setback shall be a ml.nl.ffiUm of five ( 5 ' ) feet plus one (1 f ) foot for each foot of sign height above five ( 5 ' ) feet. 6e . ( 4 ) Spacing: Free-standing signs shall not be placed "closer to a side lot line than a distance equal to five ( 5 ' ) feet plus one ( 1 ' ) foot for each foot of sign height above five ( 5 ' ) foot. 6f. Compliance. Any shopping center or ma 11 , as defined in this Ordinance, within the City on the effective date of this Ordinance, shall have two ( 2 ) years from the effective date of this Ordinance to come l.n compliance. Shopping Centers or Malls annexed into the City shall have two ( 2 ) years from the effective date of such annexation to bring their Sl.gns into compliance with this Ordinance. . -. ." -16- Section 7 Main Street Special Sign District 7a. On-Premises Sign Restrictions. Businesses located on Main Street between Schertz Parkway and Aviation Boulevard ( low water crOSS1.ng to U.C.) with rear property line abutting the Southern Pacific Railroad property will be permitted one ( 1 ) additional on-premises sign. 7b. Types of Signs. The s1.gn may be a free- standing 51.gn designed and constructed l.n accordance with this .ordinance, or a wall Sl.gn (Para. 5j, Sec. 5, this Article). attached to the rear of building, or a roof sign (Para. Sg, Sec. 5, this Article). 7c. placement of Additional Sign. The additional , S1.gn permitted l.n this special district will only be allowed l.n the rear area of the property so that the S1.gn will be visible to motorists and pedestrians traveling on FM 78. 7d. Other Restrictions. Provisions of this Ordinance \oJhich are not effected by this special district shall continue to apply l.n this designated special district. ARTICLE VII ABANDONED OR DAMAGED SIGNS 1. All abandoned signs and their supports shall be removed within thirty <30 ) days from the date of abandonment. All damaged Sl.gns shall be repaii-ed or removed within thirty ( 30) days. The Building Official shall have the authority to grant a time extension not exceeding an additional thirty ( 30 ) days from abandoned, undamaged sign. 2. Should the responsible party or parties, after due notice, fail to correct a violation of this Section, the Building Official shall cause such Sl.gns and their supports to be demolished and removed. If such Sl.gn cannot be demolished because it 1.5 painted on a building or other non-sign structure, such S1.gn shall be painted over or re'moved by sandblasting. The Building Official shall also file against the property a lien in the amount of the cost of all such work. --- -- -17- ARTICLE VIII NON-CONFORMING SIGN ABATEMENT The following signs and/C?r advertising items shall become non-conforming on the effective date of this Ordinance and shall be brought into compliance or removed within Sl.X ( 6 ) mOn'ths of the effective date of this Ordinance. 1- Signs with flashing, blinking or traveling lights, regardless of wattage, which are located within fifty ( 50' ) feet of any street right-of- way. Signs with flashing, blinking or traveling lights, - regardless of wattage, and excepting time and temperature s i g ns which are located within one thousand (1,000' ) feet of any street intersection. 2. Any sign, which is affixed to sign supports prohibited in ARTICLE VI, Section 5. ? Banners, pennants, search lights, twirling J . Sl.gns, sandwich or "A" frame Sl.gns, sidewalk or curb Sl.gns, balloon or other gas-f~lled objects, except as provided in ARTICLE VI, Paragraph ? -' . 4. Flags, other than those of any nation, state or political subdivision, or one flag which shows an emblem or logo of a firm or corporation. 5 . Any signs which resemble an official traffic Sl.gn or signal or which bear the words "stop", "Go Slow", "Caution" , "Danger", "Warning" or similar words. 6 . Signs which by reason of their Sl.ze, location, movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination may be confused with or construed as a traffic control Sl.gn, signal or device, or the light of an emergency or road equipment vehicle, or which hide from Vl.ew of any traffic or street sign or signal or device. 7. Bench signs located in a public right-of-way or not properly maintained. 8 . Any sl.gn which emits sound, odor or visible matter, which serves as a distraction to persons within the public right-of-way. 9. Any signs and their supports in violation of ARTICLE VII are hereby deemed to be l.n trespass of public property and -shall be immediately removed by the',?uilding Official or his agent .. -- - - -18- '" " This removal shall be done l.n a manner, if reasonably possible, to preserve the value of such Sl.gns and supports. If _ the Building Official directs an independent contractor to remove said signs and supports, the cost of such work shall be minimized by the Building Official to whatever extent is reasonably possible. 10. The owner of any removed S1.gns and supports, except for Sl.gns made of paper or cardboard or their supports, shall be notified. The first attempt"at notice shall be within three ( 3 ) days of the remoVal of the S1.gn and supports. The manner of notice shall be that which will best achieve notice under the circumstances, including the use of certified mail which has been properly addressed and posted. Hand delivery may,be employed where the addressee l.S within the City limits and when his whereabouts are specifically known. Publication may be used when the addressee or his whereabouts are unknown and said publication shall be done l.n the same manner as prescribed l.n Vernon's Annotated Civil statutes for serV1.ce of process by publication. Notice by publication shall be deemed sufficient regardless of it's effect as actual notice. Said notice shall inform the recipient that the City of Schertz l.S in possession of that certain Sl.gn and supports, why they were removed, and where they may be reclaimed, as well as the information contained l.n the remainder of this Secti~n. with the exception of Sl.gns made of paper or cardboard and their supports which may be disposed of immediately, removed S1.gns and supports shall be stored a period not to exceed fourteen (14 ) days beginning the first day of effective notice, whether actual or constructive. A storage charge of five ($5.00) dollars per day will be levied beginning the fourth day of that fourteen (14) day period. Before the expiration of the storage period, the owner of the Sl.gn and supports may reclaim his property upon payment of any storage charges and cost of removal, if such removal was done by an independent contractor. If said Sl.gn and support - have not been reclaimed by - the expiration of the storage period, they may be disposed of in whatever IT\anner the Building --. Official shall choose. .- -19- If the sign and supports, are not capable of being sold, they may be discarded: but if sold, the proceeds therefrom shall be first applied to the storage charge and removal charge, if any, and the remaining balance shall be mailed to the past owner of the Sl.gn and supports if reasonably possible, or if not, then to the general fund of the 'City. 11. All Sl.gns not covered by this Ordinance shall become non-conforming. Said Sl.gns shall be brought into compliance by alteration or removal by Jan. 1, 1990 unless the height, area, location or supports of an existing Sl.gn are altered, l.n which case the S1.gn shall be brought into compliance at the time of alteration. Nothing l.n this Section shall prevent the' removal of damaged or abandoned signs under ARTICLE VII or the termination of non-conforming use. ARTICLE IX PERMIT 1. The application for a sign permit shall be made by the owner or tenant of the property on which the Sl.gn l.S to be located, or his authorized agent, or a Sl.gn contractor licensed or bonded by the City of Schertz. Such application shall be made l.n writing on forms furnished by the Building Official and shall be signed by applicant. Each application for a Sl.gn will be assigned a number. If approved, the number and date of approval will be permanently affixed to the constructed sign. 2. The Building Official shall, within five ( 5 ) working days of ,the date of application, either approve or deny the application or refer the application back to the applicant in instances where insufficient information has been furnished. 3 . The application for a sign permit shall be accompanied by the following plans or other information: 3a. The name, address and telephone number of the owner or persons entitled to possessl.on of the sign, and of the sign contr~ctor or erector. 3b. The location by street address of the proposed sign structure. , - - 20- 3c. A site plan and elevation drawing of the proposed sign, caption of the proposed Sl.gn, and such other data as are pertinent to the application. 3d. plans indicating the scope and structural detail of the work to be done, including details of all connections, guide wires, supports and footing and material to be used. 3e. Application for, and required information for,. such application, and electrical permit for all electric signs if the person building the Sl.gn l.S to make the electricalcorinections. 3f. A statement of valuation. 4. If the work authorized under a sign permit has not been completed within Sl.X ( 6 ) months after the date of l.ssuance, said permit shall become null and void, and there shall be no refund of any fees required. 5 . when a preliminary plat for a residential subdivision or business area.l.S submitted to the planning and Zoning Commission for reVl.ew, it will indicate the proposed location of Sl.gns. The final plat will show the exact location of ,,$ Sl.gns and will be accompanied by an application H for sign permit. 6 . Approval of a certificate of occupancy for each new business, facility or office desiring to continue USl.ng or creating a new Sl.gn shall be contingent upon approval of a sign permit. 7. when a Sl.gn permit has been issued by the Building Official, it shall be unlawful to change, modify, alter, or otherwise devise from the terms of conditions of said permit without prior approval of the Building Inspectors. A written record of such approval shall be entered upon th'e original permit application and maintained l.n the files of the Building Official. 8. The permit fee shall be based on building permit fees presently in effect. 9. An inspection charge will be assessed for each inspection after the first made to determine compliance. These charges shall be , determined by the Inspection Depqrtment. -21- 10. Portable or Mobile S~gns: Portable or mobile Sl.gns will be issued a temporary building permit for a total of ninety (90) days, either consecutively or for two forty-five (45) day periods nonconsecutively, l.n any twelve month time frame. lOa. Request for a portable sign or mobile S1.gn \..ill be accepted from a business or activity located on the same preml.ses as the said adyert-ising will be displayed, and will include the name, address and telephone number of person requesting the Sl.gn, the location and purpose of the S1.gn. lOb. Permit fees for portable or mobile Sl.gns. (See Schedule of Fees) 11. List of Authorized and Non-Conformance Signs: The Building Inspector shall maintain a list of Sl.gns authorized with permits and a list of those in non-conformance. 12. Variances. It l.S the intent of this Ordinan'ce to use varl.ances only to modify the application of this Ordinance to achieve a parity among S1.gns similarly located and classified. Specifically, var1.ances are to be used to overcome some exceptional conditions which . pose practical difficulty or a particular hardship l.n such a way as to prevent an owner from displaying his/her Sl.gn as intended by this Ordinance. Such practical difficulty must be clearly exhibited and must be a result of an external influence, it may not be self-imposed. 12a. Petition for Variance. 1. Filing. A variance request shall be filed l.n writing with the City Building Inspector and shall include the following information: (a) The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the petitioner, the owner of the property on which the s1.gn l.S to be erected or affixed, the owner of the sign, and ,the person to be erecting or affixing the s1.gn. (b) A description of the requested variance. (c) Justification ~of theiequested variance. - . -22- (d) The location of the building, structure or lot on which the sign l.S to be erected or affixed. (e) A site plan of the property involved, showing accurate placement thereon of the proposed sign. (f) A blueprint or ink , drawing of the plans and specifications of the Sl.gn to be erected or affixed and method of construction and attachment to the building or in the ground. Such plans and specifications shall include details of dimensions, materials, ~olor and weight. (g) The written consent of the owner of the building, structure or property on which the Sl.gn l.S to be erected or affixed. (h) Such other information as the City Building Inspector may reqU1.re to determine full compliance with this and other applicable ordinances of the City. ''" 2. Fees. (See Schedule of Fees) 12b. Action by Planning and Zoning Commission 1. Timing. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall act upon a var1.ance request within thirty (30 ) days of it's first appearance on the agenda. 2 . Attendance. The petitioner and City Building Inspector and/or their authorized repr;esentatives shall attend those meetings of the Planning and Zoning Commission at which a var1.ance is to be heard. 12c. Standards for Variance. Planning and Zoning Commission may grant a varl.ance when it has been determined from evidence presented that the variance will not: 1. Serve as a convenience to the petitioner. 2. Alleviate a hardship, or unusual practical difficulty created by owner. 3. Be inconsistent with the intent, purpose and objectives of this Ordinance. 4. Adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare of the public, and will not, be contrary to public interest. - - -23- 12d. Effect of Denial. No requested varl.ance which has been denied l.n -accordance with the prov~sl.ons established herein, may be resubmitted for a - period of one ( 1 ) year from the date of said denial, except on grounds of new evidence or proof of changed conditions found to be valid by the Commission. 12e. Revocation of Approved Variance. In any case where a .variance has been granted, and where no work pertinent thereto has been initiated within Sl.X ( 6 ) months from the date of approval of the requested var1.ance, then without further action, said variance shall become null and void. 12f. Maintenance of Records. The City Planning Department shall maintain complete records of all findings of fact and recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission relative to a requested variance. All such records shall be open to the public for inspection. ARTICLE X SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Savings Clause If any clause or section, sentence or phrase of this Ordinance l.S for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the courts, such decision shall not effect the validity or constitutionality of the rema1.nlng portions of this prdinance, and it l.S the intention of the City Council in passing this Ordinance, that all other - parts of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby and shall remain l.n full force and effect 2. Penalty That any person who shall violate any of the prov1.sl.ons of this Ordinance, upon conviction, shall be fined a sum not to exceed the maXl.mum fine permitted. (See Schedule of Fees) A separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. ARTICLE XI EFFECTIVE DATE This code shall become effective from and after the date of itts approval ,and adoption as provided by law. -- -24- . . ~ -" -- --r~ -~~..... - - ~ 1986. . - , - - - - ~ day .of -...:. '_ __ __ - - '. ding the -/- . -st ....ea · fIr . . APPROVED on . day of -. th ; s the ADO? TED, ' AND. .. APPROVED 1986. "J' :~~ PASSED . A.D., '. ______ 0i\~______ L:~ '7~, :--___ t::- Texas L!( -. /- ______ Sch <, '----- Ci ty 0 Mayor, --- r-r=ALl <CITY ~_ ,,., >)", ::", :", ,,', ':', :~ " , ' , , - : ;;~~~/~'{:c,:(j.. ':, ' , o. . 0.. ..' .'..-. .... "',' , , , ", ". '.;, . . .<::;:. . -.:' Oc' ,- :-: - ,.:;,,:.~:;;:::,,~~:::,:~:~j;;i' ~:~'~::,-" ,,::~) :~;.:,; ';':2::::::' ' Revised 4-14-88 SCHEDULE OF FEES ZONING ORDINANCE 1. Application for ~oning Amendment/Public Hearing/ Specific Use Permit $ 50.00 2. Certificate of Occupancy 5.00 3. Board of Adjustment Notice of Appeal 50.00 4. Violation Penalty Fee 500.00 S. Home Occupation Permit 0.00 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: 1. Plat Filing Fee $ 75.00 a. plus $20.00 for each acre or fraction thereof for the first five acres b. Plus $7.50 per acre or fraction thereof for each additional acre c. Plus County filing fee for each sheet 50.00 per sheet 2 . Vacation of Plat and/or Replat $ 75.00 a. Plus County filing fee for each sheet 50.00 per sheet MOBILE HOME ORDINANCE: 1. License Fee $ 40.00 a. plus $1.50 per occupied space 2. Transfer License Fee $ 15.00 BUILDING PERMIT FEES: Total Valuation Fee (a) $500.00 and less Permit required. $10.00 for each inspection shall be charged. $501.00 to $1,000.00 $10.00 per thousand or frac- tion thereof. $1,001.00 to $15,000.00 $10.00 for the first $1,000.00 plus $6.00 for each additional ~ thousand or fract'ion thereof, tO,and including $15,000.00. I $15,001.00 to $50,000.00 $94.00 for the first $lS,OOO.OO plus $5.00 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including,$50,000.00. $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $269.00 for the first $50,000.00 plus $4.00 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00. $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $469.00 for the first $100,000.00 plus $2.50 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.00. $500,001.00 and up $1,469.00 for the first $500,000.00 plus $1.50 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof. (b) Reinspection For the reinspection of any building or structure, the fee shall be $18.00 per reinspection. (c) Moving of Building or structure For the moving of any building or structure, the fee shall be $100.00. (d) Demolition of Building or structure For the demolition of any building or structure, the fee shall be $50.00. (e) Portable Sign One 90 day permit $10.00. Two 45 day permits $10.00 each. WATER AND SEWER CONNECTION FEES: 1. Contact Water/Waste Water Superintendent, Mr. Johnny Bierschwale at 658-7065/8343. PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AIR CONDITIONING AND SPRINKLER FEES 1. Contact Inspection Department at 658-7477. --,