Apri126, 2006
The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened on April 26, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. at the
Municipal Complex, Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway Building #1, Schertz, Texas.
David Richmond, Chairman
Ernie Evans, Vice Chairman
Keith Van Dine, Secretary
William Sommers
Roberta Tutschke
Leonard Truitt, Interim Planning Director
Jonette Ellis, Planner I
Misty Nichols, Planning Technician
Gary Wallace
Tony Wilenchik, City Council Liaison
Kevin Grant - on Reserve Duty
Robert Brockman, 1000 Elbel Road
David Brodbeck, Carter & Burgess
Steven Granado, Carter & Burgess
Rolando Briones, Briones Engineering
Chairman Richmond called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
There was no one present to speak
Mr. Evans pulled items 3B and 3D from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and action.
A. Consider and act upon approval of the March 29, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting minutes.
C. PC2006-002
Consider and act upon a request for a preliminary plat of Laura Heights Subdivision, Unit
1. The 27.891± acre tract contains 38 single family lots and is located at the intersection of
Ware Seguin Road and Boenig Drive. The property is zoned Residential/Agriculture (R-A).
Applicant: HLH Development, LP
Following reading of the agenda items, Mr. Van Dine moved to approve Consent Agenda Items 3A
and 3C. Mr. Wallace seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous. Staff comments,
attached herewith and made part of these minutes, include a recommendation of approval.
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Apri126, 2006
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B. PC2006-026
Consider and act upon a request for a preliminary replat and Subdivision plat of The Ridge
at Scenic Hills, Unit 3. The 22.393± acre tract is generally located off of Columbia and Black
Butte and contains 96 single family lots. The property is zoned Pre-Development District
Applicant: Pulte Homes of Texas, LP
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments, attached herewith and made part of these minutes, which
include a recommendation of approval.
Mr. Evans requested clarification of the vacation of the drainage easement, and Mr. Brodbeck and Mr.
Granado stated the easement would be incorporated into the lots. Mr. Evans also noted that the lot and
block numbers needed to be revised due to a break in the block. 1VIr. Granado stated that revisions
were made at staffs recommendation which created a street connection at Greenridge, and the lot
numbers were not changed. Mr. Granado stated that he would correct the changes.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Wallace moved to approve the request subject to the lot and
block number corrections. Nh•. Van Dine seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
D. PC2006-043
Consider and act upon a request for a final plat of Laura Heights Subdivision, Unit 1. The
27.891± acre tract contains 38 single family lots and is located at the intersection of Ware
Seguin Road and Boenig Drive. The property is zoned Residential/Agriculture (R-A).
Applicant: HLH Development, LP
Ms. Nichols reviewed staff comments, attached herewith and made part of these minutes, which
include a recommendation of approval.
Mr. Evans inquired about Block 1, Lot 1 having a 1-foot non-access easement along both Laura
Heights and Hallie Heights. Mr. Briones noted that the non-access easement was only along Laura
Heights, and Mr. Evans asked that it be more clearly noted. IVIi•. Evans also stated that he would like to
have the flood plain notes on the plat.
Mr. Wallace asked if a half acre site was large enough for the use of septic tanks, and Mr. Briones
stated yes, and that soil testing was currently being completed to determine the right septic system
based on soils.
Mr. Van Dine inquired why construction has started prior to the approval of the preliminary and final
plat, and Mr. Truitt stated that construction could not begin until construction plans are approved, but
City Council had approved grading of the site.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Wallace moved to approve the request subject to:
1. Labeling the 10-foot utility easement and the 1-foot NAE along Hallie Heights.
2. Adding the flood plain notes.
Ms. Tutschke seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Mr. Richmond, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Van Dine, Mr.
Sommers and Ms. Tutschke. Voting Nay: Mr. Evans. Motion carried.
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A. ZC2006-006
Hold a public hearing and consider and act upon amending the City of Schertz Unified
Development Code, Article IX (Sign Standards).
Applicant: City of Schertz.
Chairman Richmond opened the meeting for a public hearing.
Mr. Truitt reviewed staff comments noting all the modifications to the ordinance, attached herewith
and made part of these minutes, which include a recommendation of approval.
There being no one else to speak for or against the request, Chairman Richmond closed the public
hearing at 7:03 p.m.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Wallace moved to table the request until the May 10, 2006
Planning and Zoning meeting and ask staff to make the following recommended changes:
1. Page 5 and 12: need to reference the 3009 and Schertz Parkway Overlay Districts.
2. Page 7: delete "trailer" or use motorized vehicle.
3. Page 15: add "non-motorized" to prohibited signs.
4. Page 16: remove "subdivision/neighborhood sign".
5. Page 11: change wall sign to 80 square feet or 15% of wall face, whichever is less.
6. Page 3: electronic sign -need to add low intensity illumination maximum.
Mr. Van Dine seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
There are no items for individual consideration.
A. City Council Report
Mr. Wilenchik updated the Commission on City Council actions. He noted that the Council is
recommending a 120-foot right-of--way for FM 1103, where TxDOT would like to see 150-foot
right-of--way. This would affect the Fairway Ridge development, and City Council stated the
additional right-of--way should be taken from the other side of the roadway.
Mr. Wilenchik also stated that there was to be discussion with the Postmaster regarding a future
post office, but he was unable to attend the meeting. 1VIr. Greenwald noted that there might be a
possibility that the post office maybe moved to Universal City.
B. Director's Report
Ms. Ellis reviewed the proposed zoning map with the Commissioners and provided them with
approximate time lines to complete the permitted use chart and zoning map changes.
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C. Planning Commissioner Comments
Mr. Van Dine: asked if Ware Seguin Road was a part of the proposed bond package for
upgrading, and Mr. Truitt stated it was.
Mr. Evans: stated that he had voted no on the Laura Heights final plat because there were
corrections that needed to be made. He also stated that the number of lots was disturbing.
Mr. Richmond: reminded the Commissioners of a meeting Monday, May 1, 2006 at 10:00 a.m.
to review the new Unified Development Code books and to go over any issues.
There being no further business, Mr. Van Dine moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Mr.
Sommers seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission
- ~.
Recor 'ng , Greta y, City of Schertz
Planning and Zoning Commission
Apri126, 2006
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