The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on
Tuesday, November 24, 1998, at 7:00 p. m. in the Municipal Complex Council
Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those present were as follows:
Ernie Evans, Chairman Steve Simonson,
David Richmond, Vice-Chairman Asst. City Manager/
Keith Van Dine, Secretary Planning Coordinator
Gary Wallace Mary Ybarra,
Tony Moreno Planning Secretary
Joyce Briscoe
George Maxfield
Gary Wallace Sam Bledsoe,
Joyce Briscoe MBC Engineers
Mike Cude,
M. W. Cude Engineers
Paul Drega,
3616 Meade St.
#1 Call to Order:
Ernie Evans called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
#2 Approval of Minutes:
Regular sessions of October 13, 1998, and October 27, 1998. The Regular session of
November 10, 1998, minutes were not published.
Ernie Evans asked for corrections or additions to the minutes of October 13, 1998.
Tony Moreno moved to approve the minutes of October 13, 1998, as submitted. George
Maxfield seconded the motion and the vote was as follows:
Ayes: David Richmond, George Maxfield, Tony Moreno and Keith Van Dine.
Abstention: Ernie Evans (absent at said meeting).
Ernie Evans asked for corrections or additions for the minutes of October 27, 1998.
George Maxfield commented that the minutes could not be approved due to not having
all the members (Keith Van Dine and Tony Moreno) present, that were in attendance at
said meeting. Keith Van Dine stated that he believes the minutes could be approved
even though these two members were absent. Ken Greenwald stated that if the two
absent members read the minutes a vote to approve could be taken.
Steve Simonson stated that on the first page, Joyce Briscoe, Tony Moreno and Keith
Van Dine are mentioned twice, under members present and members absent.
Tony Moreno stated that the reason he was not present at the meeting was due to work
related business. Tony asked that it be written as part of the minutes.
Ernie Evans stated that George Maxfield had brought up the issue of the two members
(Keith Van Dine and Tony Moreno) being absent and asked how the Commission would
like to handle the issue? Keith Van Dine and Tony Moreno agreed that they were
prepared to vote and not delay the approval of the minutes any longer.
With no further discussion, Keith Van Dine moved to approve the minutes of October
27, 1998, as amended. George Maxfield seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
#3 Status of Final Plats:
Ernie Evans stated that the Merino Subdivision plat was presented as final plat.
#4 BOA Actions:
Steve Simonson stated that the Board of Adjustment has not met, therefore no report
will be given.
#5 Citizens' Input Other Than Agenda Items:
There were none.
#6 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from Paul Dregs, 3616
Meade St., Carolina Crossing Subdivision (R-6, Single Family District) for a Specific
Use Permit to allow temporary rental of a room in his home (SUP #19-98).
Steve Simonson stated that Mr. Drega is requesting special consideration to rent out a
room at his home at 3616 Meade St., Carolina Crossing Subdivision.
Mr. Drega stated that he has recently been laid off from work, and for this reason would
like to rent out a room to make ends meet until he can find employment. Mr. Drega
believes that possibly it will take up to six months before he becomes employed, and for
the meantime his plans are to rent by the month.
Ernie Evans asked that if the neighbors have been approached? Mr. Dregs commented
that he has spoken to some of the neighbors and they had no objection.
Tony Moreno asked that if the Neighborhood Association had been contacted on the
deed or covenant restrictions for the subdivision? Mr. Dregs stated that he was not
aware of any restrictions, and would Zook into the subdivision deed or covenant. Tony
Moreno stated that he assumed the developer would have a list of items that are
restricted, and would have made these items known to Mr. Dregs.
Tony Moreno stated that if the City allowed the request of renting the room, he assumes
that if the Homeowners Association (HOA) deed or covenant of the subdivision would
control, and the City's approval would not be valid.
Steve Simonson stated that it would be a civil matter between the (HOA) and the
individual homeowner. The City won't have anything to do with the decision in this
matter. It would be up to the subdivision to enforce the deed or covenant. Steve
Simonson stated that after reviewing the request, the Commission could forward
recommending approval of this item to the City Council. City Council would then hold a
public hearing notifying the neighbors of the proposed request.
Keith Van Dine stated that part of the packet is a notice from the City, requesting that
Mr. Drega contact Mr. Truitt, City Inspector about overgrown grass in his back yard, and
an ad in the newspaper on room rental.
Steve Simonson stated that this is the reason Mr. Drega is present. Mr. Drega has
taken care of these items, except the issue on the rental of the room. Mr. Drega was
told what his options were, and for this reason he has requested the Specific Use
David Richmond asked that if the room is rented and was advised yes. Mr. Drega stated
he wasn't aware of an ordinance that disallowed room rental.
Keith Van Dine asked that if any neighbors have complained and was advised that one
of the neighbors has complained, believing Mr. Drega was renting rooms, for this
reason the City Inspector went out to investigate.
After further discussion, the Commissioner's agreed that Mr. Drega will have to speak
with the HOA to find out any restrictions in the deed or covenant of the subdivision. He
may find that he is wasting his time, and whatever decision is made by the Commission
or the City Council will not matter.
David Richmond moved to forward recommending approval to the City Council the
request from Paul Drega, 3616 Meade St., Carolina Crossing Subdivision (R-6, Single
Family District} for a Specific Use Permit to allow temporary rental of a room in his
home. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion.
Tony Moreno stated that a time limit should be part of the motion, and believes six
months for now is acceptable.
David Richmond stated that he would like to amend the motion. David Richmond moved
to forward recommending approval to the City Council the request from Paul Drega,
3616 Meade St., Carolina Crossing Subdivision (R-6, Single Family District) for a
Specific Use Permit to allow temporary rental of a room in his home not to exceed six
months and to schedule public hearing. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion that
carried unanimously.
#7 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from M. W. Cude
Engineering for Final Plat Approval of Woodbridge Subdivision Unit 1. (PC #372A-98).
Steve Simonson stated that all items have been corrected; 50' building setback from
Schertz Parkway, 10' landscape easement with the non-access easement, the flood
plain/ ACUIZ statement, and the parkland fee statement are placed.
Ernie Evans asked about the masonry fence. The fence will be at the 10' easement?
Steve Simonson stated that it is part of the City Ordinance and is a requirement. Steve
Simonson added that the masonry fence will follow up to the same and matching at
Ashley Place.
Keith Van Dine moved to approve the request from M. W. Cude Engineering for Final
Plat Approval of Woodbridge Subdivision Unit 1. Tony Moreno seconded the motion that
carried unanimously.
Mike Cude at this time introduced Chuck Lamping, a new engineer with the firm. Mr.
Lamping will represent M.W.Cude Engineering at times when I, (Mike Cude) can not be
#8 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from MBC Engineers for
Final Plat Approval of Forest Ridge Subdivision Unit 3.
Steve Simonson stated that item 3 was corrected and changed to read Unit 3. This was
the only correction that was requested.
Ernie Evans stated that the previous units have islands, is there water available to the
islands and will unit 3 have water availability to the islands in the unit? Sam Bledsoe
stated that water would be available to the islands in unit 3, as in the previous units.
Sam Bledsoe reported that Forest Ridge Unit 3 is out of the treed area and into
farmland. The developer has moved in approximately 125 trees of various species, and
is hoping that the trees will survive.
With no further discussion, Keith Van Dine moved to approve the request from MBC
Engineers for Final Plat Approval of Forest Ridge Subdivision Unit 3. George Maxfield
seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
#9 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: On Proposed Change to the
Unified Development Code (UDC) to Article VIII, Section 4. (ZC #156-98).
Ernie Evans stated that Gary Wallace is not present and he suggested waiting until
Gary is available to discuss the proposed changes. Ernie Evans added that Gary
Wallace has worked very hard in his research and has provided a very good document.
Tony Moreno suggested tabling the agenda item until Gary Wallace is present due to
Gary being the author. Tony Moreno stated that the item can be discussed or comments
made in regard to the document.
Ernie Evans stated that he did not have a problem to tabling the agenda item and that
any action or decision would not be made, until Gary Wallace was available.
Ernie Evans stated that he would like some consideration to Section 4.1, he would like
to see that "trees having an 6" or greater DBH, etc." instead of 8" as it states. Ernie
Evans added that in paragraph B, of Section 4.1, in the eighth line he would like to see
the word "must" added to the statement "preservation plan "must" includes etc."
Ernie Evans commented that the "note" insert of Section 4.1 needs clarification, does
the statement include all trees or only trees that are defined as part of the property as
the statement reads. Emie Evans stated he is unsure and would like to clarify the note
Steve Simonson stated that another item of discussion is what type of tree is wanted.
The type of tree doesn't necessarily have to be the trees mentioned in this document.
David Richmond asked that if it's possible to select other types of tree and was advised
it was possible. Other species or type of tree can be considered, not limiting to only
native trees that grow in the area.
David Richmond moved to table the proposed change to the UDC, to Article VIII,
Section 4, until an appropriate future meeting. Tony Moreno seconded the motion that
carried unanimously.
#10 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: On Proposed Change to the
Unified Development Code (UDC) to Article XIII. (ZC #157-98).
Steve Simonson stated that the Flood Plain Management is brought forward as a
complete change to the current flood plain management in the UDC. The document will
delete Article XIII in its entirety, which is a carry over from the old subdivision ordinance.
In its place will be the flood plain ordinance, that was deleted when the UDC was put
together originally. Steve Simonson stated that what will be done is the take the FEMA
approved ordinance, put it in as an article and making it part of the overall UDC
document, which will make enforceable.
David Richmond asked if the article needs to state that the flood plain management has
been approved by the State (FEMA)? Steve Simonson stated that it was not necessary.
The first paragraph of Section 1.1, states that it is based on a State mandated
document, however if a change is needed it can be done.
After further discussion, the Commission agreed that the document should stay as
Keith Van Dine moved recommending approval and forward to City Council the
proposed changes to the Unified Development Code (UDC} Article XIII, contingent upon
corrections. Tony Moreno seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
#11 General Discussion:
Tony Moreno:
Tony had no comments.
Keith Van Dine:
Keith had no comments.
George Maxfield:
George had no comments.
Ken Greenwald:
Ken commented that what Xmas lights and decorations were salvaged from the flood
are up throughout the City. The Xmas committee volunteers have done a very good job.
Ken mentioned that the Schertz Funeral Home grand opening was Nov. 20, 1998. It's a
first class facility. The facility could be toured throughout the evening.
Ken commented on the latest article of the Edward EAA where it states that The State
District Court dropped a portion of their drought management plan on water allocation.
Ken reported that one of the items on the agenda for discussion tomorrow by the City
Council is The Inter Local Corporation between Schertz and Seguin, setting up the
Corporation and Charter. If Council agrees, it will guarantee over 50-year supply of
Ken introduced Will Holbrook from the Seguin Gazette Newspaper who will be attending
the City Council, workshop and the Planning & Zoning meetings.
Ernie mentioned that he will not be present at the Dec. 8, meeting and that the
cancellation for the Dec. 22"d meeting be on the agenda of Dec. 8, 1998.
David Richmond:
David asked what is the status on the Centurion Mini Storage and was advised that the
request was withdrawn. David asked what is the status on the rezoning of the two tracts
on FM 3009 and was advised that it has been scheduled for public hearings. David also
asked when would the traffic light at Woodland Oaks be activated and was advised that
it would be activated very soon.
Ernie Evans:
Ernie asked about the huge sign on FM 3009 by the drainage area that is pointing into
Oak Forest Subdivision. Steve Simonson stated that the sign is for the Lancaster
Development the Arroyo Verda Subdivision.
Ernie commented that everyone should take the time to read the article in the "Journal"
pertaining to, "How to say no, when its economic development."
#12 Adjournment:
David Richmond moved to adjourn the meeting. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission
Planning Secretary, City of Schertz