The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on Tuesday,
October 13, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz
Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those present were as follows:
Steve Simonson
David Richmond, Vice-Chairman Asst. City Manager
Joyce Briscoe Mary Ybarra
Gary Wallace Planning Secretary
Keith Van Dine
Tony Moreno
George Maxfield
Members Absent Others Present
Ernie Evans, Chairman (work related) J. W. Allen,
Ken Greenwald, Councilman, (work related) Castle Rock Development, Inc.
ex-officio Horst T. Bremer,
Hunt & Olsen Development
Greg San Marco,
Don McCrary & Associates
John F. Reid, Jr.
Commercial Place
Tim Fetter,
1500 Red Cove
Frank Bennett,
5242 Bolsa Ave.
Huntington Beach, CA.
#1 Call To Order:
David Richmond called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
#2 Approval of Minutes: Public Hearing and Regular Session of September 22,
Joyce Briscoe suggested tabling the minutes of the Public Hearing and Regular Session of
September 22, 1998, until such time as corrections to the minutes are made.
Gary Wallace moved to table the minutes of the Public Hearing and Regular Session of
September 22, 1998, pending corrections to be made. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion that
carried unanimously.
#3 Status of Final Plats:
There was none.
#4 BOA Actions:
Joyce Briscoe reported that the BOA approved two Special Exceptions to the Zoning Ordinance
at their meeting of September 28, 1998, one for Mr. Steven Hamre and the other to Japhet
#5 Citizens' Input Other Than Agenda Items:
There was none.
#6 Consider And Make Recommendation: Request from Tim Fetter (T&T Joint
Venture) for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance to allow an office/residence for a Real
Estate Company. (Realty Executives First Choice). (BOA #117-98)
Steve Simonson stated that the current zoning for this area does not allow for a residentloffice
and Mr. Fetter will own the building and is a requesting an office/residence be allowed for his
personal residence.
Mr. Tim Fetter stated that the building is two-story consisting of half residence, and the other
half office use. There are plans for athree-car garage plus storage in the future.
Gary Wallace asked for clarification on a Special Exception and Specific Use Permit. He
understood that a Special Exception, if approved, would allow any individual, even if the
business changes owners, the use of office/residence. A Specific Use Permit would allow only
the individual making the request to benefit, and if there is a change in owners then the new
owner will need to request a permit.
Gary Wallace suggested amending item #6 to read Specific Use Permit for the request from Mr.
Tim Fetter. Gary Wallace stated that if the agenda item were changed it would be forwarded to
the City Council with a recommendation that public hearings be set.
Mr. Tim Fetter stated he did not have a problem with the amendment.
With no further discussion, Gary Wallace moved to amend item #6 to a Specific Use Permit on
the request from Mr. Tim Fetter, Realty Executives First Choice to allow an office/residence and
recommend it be forwarded to the City Council. Tony Moreno seconded the motion that carried
Gary Wallace moved to approve and forward to City Council recommending a public hearing be
set on the request from Tim Fetter (T&T Joint Venture) for a Specific Use Permit to allow an
office/residence for a Real Estate Company. (Realty Executives First Choice). Keith Van Dine
seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
#7 Consider And Make Recommendation: Request from Don McCrary & Associates
(Oak Trail Investment) for Final Plat Approval of Oak Trail Subdivision Unit 1. (PC #371-98).
Steve Simonson stated that this is the first Unit for Oak Trail Subdivision. The main correction
has been made: statement on responsibility of common areas. The owner's signature and all
other necessary signatures are placed on the plat. All other corrections have been made.
With no further discussion, Tony Moreno moved to approve the request from Don McCrary &
Associates (Oak Trail Investment) for Final Plat Approval of Oak Trail Subdivision Unit 1.
George Maxfield seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
#S Consider And Take Appropriate Action: Request from Castle Rock Development,
Inc. for Site Plan Approval of Centurion Storage (Mini Storage) FM3009/IH35. (PC#383-98).
(Tabled September 22, 1998).
David Richmond stated that agenda item #8 was tabled on September 22, 1998, and would need
to be taken offthe table in order to discuss and take action.
Gary Wallace moved to take off the table the request from the Castle Rock Development, Inc. for
Site Plan Approval of Centurion Storage (Mini Storage) FM3009/IH35. Keith Van Dine
seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
Steve Simonson stated that the site plan shows two entrances, sign meets the overlay ordinance.
The second sheet shows the b' buffer, landscaping and note indicating that the owner of the
property will maintain the 6' buffer.
Gary Wallace stated that reservations expressed by Forest Ridge homeowners at previous
meetings caused further investigation into the City's Unified Development Code (UDC). One of
the main purposes of the UDC "is to conserve, develop, protect and utilize natural resources in
keeping with pubic interests", and to take one of the most heavily treed lots in the City and clear
cut it, is not supporting the purpose of the UDC. The site plan information is not clear in showing
whether it complies with the FM3009 overlay ordinance such as, the development plan indicates
a strip of land along FM3009 that is less than 15' wide and the landscape plan indicates it's 20'
wide more than the requirement. In either case, the requirement of a berm or hedge is omitted,
which would shield vehicular traffic on FM3009.
Gary Wallace mentioned another concern. The tree ordinance states that no tree over 8"
measuring 24" off the ground can be cut if it interferes with building. The site plan shows clear
cutting areas that are far from any building. The tree ordinance continues to state that trees over
24" diameter will not be cut without specific approval from the Commission. Gary Wallace
stated that the site plan shows one tree of a 24" diameter however, in visiting the site there are at
least 4-trees, (2) 25" and (2) 30" diameter. In conclusion, Gary stated he was opposed to the
proposed land use for the following reasons:
1. It's inappropriate,
2. Does not comply with the overlay ordinance,
3. Nor does it comply with the City's tree ordinance.
David Richmond stated that he received (in the mail) a copy of Mr. Sanditen comments and
concerns that were discussed at the previous public hearing on this issue. He assumes the other
Commissioners have received a copy. David Richmond stated that Mr. Sanditen reiterated
concerns that he and homeowners expressed at these meetings. David Richmond also read a
letter received from two homeowners: Mr. & Mrs. George Perez and Mr. Bill Boehme, stating
their support of the Castle Rock Development, Inc. request provided that the following items
were addressed:
1. new site plan allows a 6' easement, beginning at the 0 lot line,
2. that a fence is erected and painted to specifications as was presented,
3. that maintenance of the area within the 6' easement will be the responsibility of Castle
Rock Development, Inc.
David Richmond stated that it is a matter of record that Mr. Perez and Mr. Boehme are the
homeowners of Lot 18-19, Forest Ridge Subdivision, which abuts the development.
Joyce Briscoe asked for a detailed explanation on procedure when a storage unit is rented. Mr.
Allen explained that the facility has an access gate with security codes to enter the facility. The
hours of operation will be from ?:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., with rare special exceptions on some
occasions. Mr. Allen commented that storage outside or in front of the building is prohibited;
everything is stored within the unit. Joyce Briscoe stated that there is still going to be activity of
some kind when someone drives up to the storage unit to store belongs. Mr. Allen stated that is
the reason for the agreement for the 6' buffer. The driveway would be placed back away from
the residential area eliminating traffic, and noise.
David Richmond commented that he is well aware that everyone has concerns with this type of
development and this is the reason the issue has been discussed and tabled. David Richmond
acknowledged that Gary Wallace has done a very good job researching the UDC and locating the
provisions that best support these concerns. One major concern is that the Commission is tasked
with trying to preserve the environment and at the same time encourage development in the City.
David Richmond stated that there is other land available that would be more appropriate for this
type of development that would not require clear-cutting the area. David Richmond suggests that
this might be a better way to go. The question is `what is the best use of the land"? David
Richmond stated that for this reason he is opposed to this type of development.
Joyce Briscoe stated that she concurs with Gary Wallace and David Richmond thoughts, and
expressed concern because the objective of the overlay district states that "we are to protect the
natural environment, water shed and in turn provide an attractive development site and entrance
to the City". This would not happen if the development clear-cuts the area.
Jim Allen stated that cost of land is a factor. Other property is more expensive and prohibits the
development. Mr. Allen stated that other property was looked at, and that the property selected
best fits the puzzle, based on price, location and traffic competition for this type of development.
Gary Wallace reiterated concerns and stated that there is an error in the zoning of this property
and believes the zoning for the area should be NS (Neighborhood Services) rather than
commercial and suggests that the Commission act on making changes in the near future.
With no further discussion, Gary Wallace moved to disapprove the request from Castle Rock
Development, Inc. for Site Plan Approval of Centurion Storage (Mini Storage) FM3009/IH35,
because of incapability with the UDC, specifically the Roy Richards Drive FM3009 Overlay
District Ordinance that requires a berm in the landscaping, and the Schertz tree ordinance that
requires trees not specifically in place of building not be cut. Joyce Briscoe seconded the motion
that carried unanimously.
#9 Consider And Take Appropriate Action: Request from Continental Homes of San
Antonio, L.P. for Master Plan Approval of Carolina Crossing Subdivision Units 6, 7, & 8.
(PC #383-98) (Tabled September 22, 1998).
David Richmond advised the Commission that the agenda item would need to be taken ofd the
table before the Commission can take action.
George Maxfield moved to take off the table the request from Continental Homes of San
Antonio, L.P. for Master Plan Approval of Carolina Crossing Subdivision Units 6,7 & 8. Joyce
Briscoe seconded the motion that carved unanimously.
Steve Simonson stated that the reason this item was tabled at the previous meeting was due to the
Commission asking for further information provided by the City engineer (Ford Engineering) on
the extension of Savannah Drive. At the previous meeting, Mr. Paul Denham made a
presentation on behalf of Continental Homes on the problems encountered on the extension of
Savannah Drive. Steve Simonson stated that the Commission had requested that the City
engineer (Ford Engineering) report on the findings, make recommendations, and be present to
answer questions. Steve Simonson added that he and Mr. Ford had walked the clear-cut area that
was to be the old Savannah Drive under the original Savannah Square Subdivision. Steve
Simonson stated that it is his understanding that Continental Homes is proposing a different track
from the original track proposed. Steve Simonson informed the Commission that Mr. Ed Ford,
City Engineer is present and will make his report.
Mr. Ed Ford presented his findings stating that the developer has not taken into consideration
that there will not be access of individual homes onto the roadway. In walking the proposed area
(extension of Savannah Drive) there is a steep grade in the 100-year flood plain area, this area is
very shallow and very wide. At some point in time, the surrounding property will develop and it
will be a cost factor for some developer to under take the project, channel, and put structures in
to carry the 100-year flood plain around and thus getting it out of the 100 year flood plain.
Another item of concern is the cost of bringing the roadway through. The cost will have to be
distributed within the property. A cost of a minimum of $600,000 was the amount that
Continental Homes had projected, increasing the cost per unit. Mr. Ford stated that using San
Antonio's standards in figuring the amount for the roadway he projected a lesser amount
approximately $400,000. Mr. Ford stated that it has been a cost to development that extended
Savannah Drive from FM3009 to Schertz Parkway, and it's to the Cities benefit to carry
Savannah Drive through. The cost will be great, and the greater the isolation to the area the
greater the cost per unit to develop.
Mr. Steve Simonson stated the another issue that was discussed by Mr. Denham was the slopes
in the area. Mr. Denham stated that the City was excessive in its UDC specifications for building
roads in the City.
Mr. Ford explained that the grading toward the end of the property has a fairly steep area and the
structure built will have to raised 3' to 4' above the natural ground. The structure (box) built will
have to be 80' wide and 8' deep. This structure will be approximately 2/3 the cost of the project.
Mr. Ford stated that a grade could be achieved. A 5% grade will be acceptable, and to lessen the
grade it will extend the length of the roadway. The grades in this area are very mild compared to
the whole area of the development.
Mr. Denham, representing Continental Homes explained that the structure will have to be built
on the ground and not raising it, but take the water under the ground. The excavation cost for the
area will be approximately $200,000 and the structure alone will be approximately $300,000 plus
the cost of the roadway. A cost of approximately $600,000 is cheap. Mr. Denham stated that the
question is, Is the road needed at this location?
Gary Wallace asked how long had Carolina Crossing had the option to purchase the land. Gary
Wallace was advised that from the beginning of the Carolina Crossing Development. Gary
Wallace stated that the City Master Road plan has been in existence just as long and Savannah
Drive was a planned thoroughfare.
Steve Simonson stated that the City Master Road Plan was drawn by Planning and Zoning not
with cost studies but with thoughts of where major road should be planned for, based upon
existing thoroughfares that were built, Savannah Drive being one of the existing roads.
Mr. Ford stated that the slopes are workable, the road is clear, the flood plain will have to be
dealt with, and the flow of traffic is the key thing for the development.
Mr. Paul Denham stated that a revised Master Plan will be submitted with all the items that the
Commission has requested.
Gary Wallace stated that the entrance to the subdivision is at the wrong place. Steve Simonson
stated that if that is the case, the Commission will have to request the entrance be corrected, that
Savannah Drive be carried through, and that the gated entrance off of Savannah Drive be
continued as a viable thoroughfare for the future for the city.
Gary Wallace moved to disapprove the request from Continental Homes of San Antonio, L.P. for
Master Plan Approval of Carolina Crossing Subdivision Units 6,7 & 8, because it proposes an
additional curb cut on Schertz Parkway for an entrance and does not provide for the continuance
of Savannah Drive as a major thoroughfare across Schertz Parkway. Tony Moreno seconded the
motion and the vote was as follows:
Ayes: Tony Moreno, David Richmond, George Maxfield, Gary Wallace and Joyce Briscoe.
Opposed: Keith Van Dine
Motion carried.
#10 Consider And Take Appropriate Action: Request from John F. Reid, Jr. for Site Plan
Approval of Office Building (Dental Lab), Schertz business Park, Commercial Place Lot 19.
(PC #386-98) ~
Steve Simonson stated that the site plan is for a proposed dental lab. The site plan shows the
vicinity map, lot is labeled, and security light is indicated. The site plan does not indicate
parking; trash container and sign. The dental lab will not have deliveries or customers etc. The
landscaping is indicated on the site plan, this is a very simple site plan with all the items labeled
that are required by the City.
Keith Van Dine moved to approve the request from John F. Reid, Jr. for Site Plan Approval of
Office Building (Dental Lab), Schertz Business Park, Commercial Place Lot 19. Gary Wallace
seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
#11 Consider And Take Appropriate Action: Request from Hunt & Olsen Development
{M S Construction) for Site Plan Approval of two Office/Warehouse Buildings, Commercial
Place Lots 7 & 8, Schertz Business Park. (PC #387-98).
Steve Simonson stated that the site plan is for two separate properties (office/warehouse) to be
used for two individual businesses. The site plan shows the two lots adjoin each other and will
have a common look. Steve Simonson added that all items required are indicated, the
landscaping, and the plans for wrought iron fencing are shown.
With no further discussion, Gary Wallace moved to approve the request from Hunt & Olsen
Development (M S Construction) for Site Plan Approval of two Office/Warehouse Buildings,
Commercial Place Lots 7 & 8, Schertz Business Park. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion that
carried unanimously.
#12 Consider And Take Appropriate Action: Request from Don McCrary & Associates
for Preliminary Plat Approval to Vacate/Replat a portion of Lot 3 & 5, Merino Corporation
Subdivision, Tri-County Business Park & Industrial Park. (PC #388-98).
Steve Simonson stated that the plat shows the continuation of lot #3, with the remaining portion
of lot #5, which will become lot #12 as shown. The property is located on IH35 adjacent to the
Ramada Limited property and plans are for an armored car facility. Steve Simonson stated that
there is one mistake in the signature block for the Planning & Zoning Commission; the word
"zoning" is missing.
With no further discussion, George Maxfield moved to approve the request from Don McCrary
& Associates for Preliminary Plat Approval to Vacate/Replat a portion of Lot 3 & 5, Merino
Corporation Subdivision, Tri-County Business Park & Industrial Park contingent upon the
correction to the signature block to include the word "zoning". Keith Van Dine seconded the
motion that carried unanimously.
#13 Consideration And Discussion: Request from Don McCrary & Associates on
Master Plan of the Benevest Subdivision, Tri-County Business & Industrial Park. (PC #389-98)
Steve Simonson stated that several months ago he mentioned that this type of development had
not been seen in this area. This type of development is a business park where the developer
builds all the buildings and sells them. Steve Simonson stated that the developer would like the
Commissioners to get an idea on the proposed development and make any recommendations on
the Master Plan submitted.
At this time, Steve Simonson asked Mr. Frank Bennett, developer for the project, to briefly
explain the plans for the proposed development. -
Mr. Frank Bennett stated that the buildings would be sold, and owned individually thereby
getting rid of the landlords, buildings would not be leased. The prices would range anywhere
from $300 to $700 thousand dollars. The buildings will consist of three different sizes; 4,300,
5,000 and 15,000 sq.ft.. The buildings will have tilt wall, fire rate construction and the walls will
abut each building. The buildings will be built all at once making them economical, and he feels
the site has good access and will be most successful in the area.
The Commissioners agreed that this type of development is a first for the area and like the
concept of the development.
#14 Consider And Take Appropriate Action: Request from Don McCrary & Associates for
Preliminary Plat Approval to Vacate/Replat a portion of Unit 4, Lot 17, Benevest Subdivision,
Tri-County Business & Industrial Park. (PC #390-98).
Steve Simonson stated that the request is submitted on two sheets. The plat shows the street
Guada Coma having a 60' ROW, however the new extended area for the street is not labeled
60'and that should be labeled. Guada Coma is shown, however, at sometime it will extend
further west. If so, will it remain the same name or will that section of the road be renamed? It
was advised that when the extension takes place that the street be renamed "Campus".
Steve Simonson stated that the developer has requested two variances; one to allow a 15'
building setback for lots 1 & 4 instead of the required 25' building setback, second to allow a
curve (street) radius from 400' to 300' to help in the building layout. The curb cut issue will have
to be reviewed by City Engineer and Public Works.
Greg San Marco stated that the variance to allow the 15' setback is incorrectly numbered. The
lots that the variance will apply to are lots 8,9,10 & 11.
Gary Wallace moved to approve the request from Don McCrary & Associates for Preliminary
Plat Approval to Vacate/Replat a portion of Unit 4, Lot 17, Benevest Subdivision, Tri-County
Business & Industrial Park contingent upon City Engineer approval of varying the minimum
horizontal curve radius from 400' to 300' on the Guada Coma extension. Tony Moreno seconded
the motion that carried unanimously.
#15 Consider And Take Appropriate Action: Reappointment for two-year terms of the
following Planning and Zoning Members:
1. Joyce Briscoe
Z. Tony Moreno
3. Ernie Evans
4. Keith Van Dine
David Richmond stated that these members will have to be re-appointed and forwarded to the
City Council for approval. David Richmond as acting chairman commented that Ernie Evans
was not present due to related business traveling and is unable to attend some meetings.
Steve Simonson stated that due to plats and letters needing signatures it is important that city
star is able to contact the chairman on a timely basis. Steve Simonson asked that Ernie Evans
should be contacted and asked if he is willing to continue as Chairman.
With some discussion, the Commissioners agreed that David Richmond acting Vice-Chairman
should contact Chairman Evans. David Richmond agreed he would contact Chairman Evans.
The following Commissioners, Joyce Briscoe, Tony Moreno and Keith Van Dine stated that they
would like to continue for another two-year term.
David Richmond moved to forward to the City Council the reappointment of Joyce Briscoe,
Tony Moreno, Ernie Evans, and Keith Van Dine for atwo-year term recommending approval.
Gary Wallace seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
Steve Simonson stated that October is the month when new officers are elected and asked if it
should be part of the next agenda. Steve Simonson was advised to include election of new
officers on the next agenda.
#16 General Discussion:
Tony Moreno•
Tony commented that he was glad the Commission was in agreement in the decision on the
Savannah Drive extension. The extension of Savannah Drive is important for the City and its
future plans for major thoroughfares.
Keith Van Dine•
Keith had no comments.
Gary Wallace•
Gary commented that the City should look into rezoning the parcels (Barshop Property) along
FM3009 from General Business to NS (Neighborhood Services) so that the City is not faced with
a type of development that doesn't protect the environment.
Gary commented that the topic at the APA Conference was regionalism and Gary suggests that
the City consider the surrounding communities for the Comprehensive Plan.
George 1WIazfeld:
George had no comments.
Joyce Briscoe:
Joyce commented that it is very important the City continues its efforts to finish the
Comprehensive Plan. Joyce added that she learned at the APA conference that the
Comprehensive plan should be updated every 2 years. She suggested hiring a consultant if
necessary allowing aone-year time limit.
Joyce suggested that the Commission make a formal recommendation to the City Council to
consider requiring impact fee's from developers to build roads and sidewalks throughout the
City. She suggested it be part of the next agenda.
David Richmond
David stated that a good job was done on issues discussed this evening by the Commission
regarding Centurion Mini Storage and Carolina Crossing Master Plan and their decision not to go
further with either request.
Steve Simonson:
Steve reported on his. trip to California, where he attended his class reunion. He commented that
we complain about traffic throughout the City. Try driving on 14 lane roads. This is what the
traffic is like in California.
#22 Adjournment:
Keith Van Dine moved to adjourn the meeting. Gary Wallace seconded the motion. The meeting
adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission
Planning Secretary, City of Scherta