April 10, 2001
The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on
Tuesday April 10, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Bob Andrews Conference
Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those present were.
David Richmond, Chairman Ron Youngblood
Ernie Evans, Vice-Chair City Planner
Mary Ybarra,
Gary Wallace Recording Secretary
Boyce Briscoe
Tony Moreno
William Sommers
Ken Greenwald, ex-officio
Keith Van Dine (work related) Ken Reininger, Bettersworth & Assoc.
Doerr Industrial
#1 Call to Order:
Chairman Richmond called the meeting of April 10, 2001 to order at 7:00 pm.
#2 Approval of Minutes: Minutes of March 27, 2001.
David Richmond informed the Commission that the minutes of March 13, 2001 were left
out inadvertently, however would like to consider these minutes along with the minutes
of March27, 2001 if the Commission has no objection. Both sets have been proofread
by the recording secretary and myself and are ready for consideration by the
At this time, Tony Moreno moved to approve the minutes of March 13, 2001. Without a
seconded on the floor, William Sommers voiced concern; minutes of March 13, 2001
are not an agenda item and in his opinion should not be considered at this time. With
this said, Tony Moreno withdrew the motion on the floor.
David Richmond stated that this action would delay the approval of the March 13, 2001
minutes another week but understood the Commission concern and asked that the
minutes of March 13, 2001 be made available at the next scheduled meeting for
At this time, David Richmond asked for corrections or additions to the minutes of March
27, 2001.
Tony Moreno moved to approve the minutes of March 27, 2001. However before the
motion was seconded, Joyce Briscoe stated that her name has been left out from the
list of Commissioners on page one and on page four-second paragraph she suggests
the use of "appropriately" instead of "accordingly". At this time, Tony Moreno asked that
a change to made to the same paragraph to read " ......does not have vicinity map
labeled appropriately.......". Gary Wallace stated that his name was left off in the
"General Discussion" section and added that he had no comment at said meeting.
Without further discussion and a motion on the floor by Tony Moreno, William Sommers
seconded the motion to approve the minutes of March 27, 2001 as corrected. With a
vote being called the motion was unanimous. Motion approved.
Chairman Richmond asked that copy of March 13, 2001 minutes that were passed out
this evening be brought to the next scheduled meeting of May 8,2001. At that time
minutes will be an agenda item and may be considered.
#3 Status Of Final Plats:
There was none to report.
#4 BOA Actions:
William Sommers reported that the BOA had met on April 2, 2001, and approved the
Rhodes and Gustis requests.
#5 Citizens' Input Other Than Agenda Items:
There was none.
#6 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from Bettersworth &
Associates, Inc. for preliminary plat approval of Doerr Industrial, Doerr Lane.
David Richmond asked for staff input.
Ron Youngblood informed the Commission that the request would need the addition of
a 16' utility easement before submittal of a final plat. City staff (Public Works)
determined this addition after preliminary submittal and the development has been
In brief discussion the question of platting was brought up. Has the property been
platted, and if it has wouldn't the plat before the Commission be considered as a re-
Mr. Ken Reininger representing Doerr Industrial informed the Commission that the
property was never platted, and noted that it was his understanding that the property
was acquired by metes and bounds, and because of this the property owners wish to
plat which would enable the development of their property.
Mr. Reininger at this time passed out corrected copies showing the addition of the 16'
utility easement, however Mr. Reininger was advised that the document could not be
considered at this time because it wasn't the original submittal. Mr. Reininger inquired if
there were any other items of concern?
The Commission suggested that possibly the north arrow could be moved closer to the
vicinity map, which would make it easier to locate, and a correction to the zip code was
necessary to the owner of record address.
Mr. Reininger acknowledged the concerns and assured the Commission that necessary
changes would be made and submitted at the next scheduled meeting.
Without further delay, Gary Wallace moved to approve the request from Bettersworth &
Associates, Inc. for preliminary plat approval of Doerr Industrial, Doerr Lane. William
Sommers seconded the motion. With a vote being called, the vote was unanimous.
Motion approved.
#7 General Discussion:
Tony Moreno:
Tony mentioned that he had understood that the Commission would be considering
changes to the Unified Development Code (UDC) at the meeting this evening. Ron
Youngblood advised Tony that everyone was to have notified Mary Ybarra Planning
Secretary with any changes in order to schedule a meeting to discuss these issues. As
of today no one has contacted Mary with any changes. However there is plenty of time
to submit any changes in order to discuss as an agenda item.
Tony pointed out that in reviewing the UDC he found an omission on page one of three
of the UDC Revision Dates & Ordinance Number.
David Richmond suggested that if the next scheduled meeting was short that the UDC
issue is added to the agenda for discussion and consideration.
Gary Wallace:
Gary stated one area of concern that has to do with Comprehensive Land Plan is
undeveloped area land use.
Joyice Briscoe:
Joyce thanked city staff for taking care of the flag situation at the Berry Creek
Subdivision. Joyce also pointed out that a change to the UDC that was brought up at a
previous meeting was to consider "jumping curbs" and consider changes to the "building
setback requirements along FM78 from 25' to 30 feet". Joyce suggested reviewing the
UDC in sections. The UDC is too large a document to undertake all at one time. The
Commission was in agreement that it was a good suggestion.
William Sommers:
William inquired on the status of the change to the Sign Ordinance in regard to "off
premise" signs and asked that if information or response from city attorney was
available could it be added to the agenda for discussion. .
David Richmond asked that Ken Greenwald inquire at the City Council meeting
scheduled for Wednesday the possibility of discussing the issue and reporting on the
status at the next scheduled meeting. David added that signage on FM78 ROW was an
issue that was pending response from the city attorney also, and asked that a report on
the status be made available if possible.
William reported on the size of the new "For Sale" sign advertising Bob Bomer property
along IH35 frontage.
Ernie Evans:
Ernie had no comments.
Ron Youngblood:
Ron reported on the Forest Ridge Subdivision litigation with LCRA and showed
modifications to the development ("Estate" lot side of the development has changed
Ron also reported on the grant project for Texas Park & Wildlife that he has been
working on for the City of Schertz for the past two months. The project is to include
funds from the State as well as city funding for bike and pedestrian trails, parks, lakes,
jogging, entrance beautification for the city, etc.
Ron reported that the employee picnic is scheduled May 12, 2001 and asked that this
matter be placed on the agenda for discussion.
Ken Greenwald:
Ken reported on the Interpretation of the Open Meetings Act that has been forwarded by
the city attorney (Michael Spain). Ken explained that all Boards such Commissions,
BOA, and City Council are subject to the new recent Attorney General's opinion on the
Texas Open Meeting Act. The ruling is such that if anyone plans to address any open
meeting on a matter which is not on the posted agenda, the state law allows only the
following responses to a question:
1. A statement of specific factual information;
2. A statement of existing city policies; or
3. Discussion regarding when the matter can be placed on all Boards,
Commissions, City Council, etc. agenda for consideration at a later meeting.
Ken emphasized that the law states that these rules apply to all boards and
commissions of the City that are subject to the Open Meeting Act. He asked that all
boards, commission members should contact city staff member preparing the agenda
and request any matter they wish to discuss be properly placed and listed on the
agenda for discussion.
David Richmond:
David reported and gave a briefing on the Comprehensive Land Plan for the City of
Schertz meeting that was held April 9, 2001. The meeting of April 9, 2001 was the
second the meeting, at which time a review on introduction, community profiles and
Vision were discussed. David added that the steering committee had some very good
suggests to add to the work that had been done by the consulting firm up to this point.
David also added that items that are coming up at other scheduled meeting are such
things as Key person interviews and Community Forum. David added that in his opinion
the May 14, 2001 meeting (Community Forum) is the most important meeting of the
whole process. Unfortunately, David stated that he would be on vacation at this time
however, he encourages the Commission to attend the Community Forum meeting and
become spoke persons encouraging friends, and neighbors to attend. The Community
Forum will be held at the Schertz' Community Center at 6:30 p.m. however at this time,
the committee is looking at different locations due to the number of people that would be
attending, which are hopefully in the hundreds.
William Sommers suggested that the Comprehensive Land Plan be placed on the next
agenda so these matters may be discussed.
#10 Adjournment:
Ernie Evans moved to adjourn. Joyce Briscoe seconded the motion. The meeting
adjourned at 8:45p.m.
Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission
Planning Secretary, City of Schertz