February 13, 2001
The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on
Tuesday February 13, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Bob Andrews
Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those present were as
David Richmond, Chairman Steve Simonson
Ernie Evans, Vice Chairman Interim City Manager,
William Sommers Planning Coordinator
Gary Wallace Mary Ybarra, Planning &
Tony Moreno Recording Secretary
Ken Greenwald, ex-officio
Keith Van Dine, (work related) Pete Setterle, San Antonio
Joyce Briscoe John Hollingsworth, 2615 Cove Trail
Larry Aiken, Austin, Texas
Kenneth Floyd, 905 Antler
John Hancock, San Antonio
Hayden Schnelle, San Antonio
Charles R. Hallenberger, San Antonio
#1 Call to Order:
Chairman Richmond called the meeting of February 13, 2001 to order at 7:00.
#2 Approval of Minutes: Minutes of January 9, 2001. The minutes of January
23, 2001 were not published.
David Richmond asked for any corrections or additions to the minutes of January 9,
2001. Emie Evans pointed out some minor corrections, deletion and additions to pages
3, 7, 8, and 9.
With no further discussion, Tony Moreno moved to approve the minutes of January 9,
2001 as amended. Gary Wallace seconded the motion. With a vote being called, the
motion was approved.
#3 Status Of Final Plats:
There were none.
#4 BOA Actions:
David reported that the Board met February 12, 2001 and denied the request from
Stephen R. Demory, 205 Pecan Drive. The request was for an additional curb cut to
gain access to workshop garage at the rear of the property.
#5 Citizens' Input Other Than Agenda Items:
There were none.
#6 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from John L.
Hollingsworth, 2615 Cove Trial, Woodland Oaks Subdivision Unit 6 for a special
exception to the zoning ordinance to encroach into the 20' rear yard setback for 20' to
Steve Simonson informed the Commission that the request is for placement of a deck to
the existing patio. Deck would not infringe into any utilities. Also, part of the packet is a
letter from the Homeowner Association (HOA) stating that the architectural committee
had no objection to the deck.
At this time, Mr. Hollingsworth requested to change the request from 20' to 10' instead
of 12'. Mr. Hollingsworth was advised that the Commission would have to act on the
request as it was submitted. The request would be left at 12'.
With no further discussion, Tony Moreno moved to forward to the Board of Adjustment
the request from John L. Hollingsworth, 2615 Cove Trial, Woodland Oaks Subdivision
Unit 6, for a special exception to the zoning ordinance to encroach into the 20' rear yard
setback for 20' to 12' with a recommendation of approval. William Sommers seconded
the motion. With a vote being called, the motion was approved.
#7 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from HEB Petroleum for
a variance to the sing ordinance for sign placement at 17460 IH 35 (HEB Grocery).
Steve Simonson stated that the key to remember is that the HEB complex has proper
signage. HEB Petroleum states that it is separate entity are requesting the additional
David Richmond commented that he believes the additional sign would not be visible
because of the mix of existing signage, and can not justify adding another sign to the
mixture. David added that the signage on the canopy in his opinion is sufficient.
Ernie Evans inquired whether the existing pylon sign could be utilized to advertise gas
Pete Setterle representing HEB Petroleum stated that employees are having problem of
breakage and safety hazard with the canopy height when changing prices, because of
high winds at times. He believes utilizing the existing pylon sign is to high and would
create the same problems.
There was brief discussion among the Commission it was recommended that perhaps
the existing sign could be utilized, by using the lower portion of the sign, which would
eliminate the height problem and the addition of another sign.
Mr. Setterle inquired if the request could be submitted at the next meeting with changes
discussed? Mr. Setterle was advised that the request could be submitted at the next
Steve Simonson pointed out a safety issue. Would the distance underneath the existing
cabinets cause a safety hazard? Is there enough distance? He would check with the
Police Chief.
In brief discussion, It was the general consensus among the Commission that HEB
Petroleum considers the Commissions recommendation.
Ernie Evans inquired if the sign was a dual face sign and Mr. Setterle replied yes.
With no further discussion, Gary Wallace moved to disapprove the request from HEB
Petroleum for a variance to the sing ordinance for sign placement at 17460 IH 35 (HEB
Grocery). Tony Moreno seconded the motion. With a vote being called, the motion was
#8 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from Larry Aiken for a
Specific Use Permit to allow a school site for SCUC ISD, Wynn Brook Subdivision,
Green Valley Road.
Steve Simonson stated the request would finalize the school site issue, the revised
Master Plan and platting issues have been previously approved.
With no further discussion, Tony Moreno moved to forward the request from Larry Aiken
for a Specific Use Permit to allow a school site for SCUC ISD, Wynn Brook Subdivision,
Lot 40, blk. 2, Green Valley Road to the City Council to schedule a public hearing. Gary
Wallace seconded the motion. With a vote being called, the vote was as follows:
Abstained: Ernie Evans
Ayes: Tony Moreno, Gary Wallace, William Sommers and David Richmond.
Motion approved.
#9 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from MBC Engineers for
final plat approval of amending lot 3, Oak Forest Subdivision, Unit 3.
Steve Simonson stated that the request is the moving of easements from one side of
one lot to the other, straightforward request with all necessary requirements.
With no further discussion, Tony Moreno moved to approve the request from MBC
Engineers for final plat approval of amending lot 3, Oak Forest Subdivision, Unit 3. Gary
Wallace seconded the motion. With a vote being called, the vote was as follows:
Abstained: Ernie Evans
Ayes: Tony Moreno, Gary Wallace, William Sommers and David Richmond.
Motion approved.
#10 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from Isenhour Service
Center for site plan approval of Self-Serve Car Wash, Borgfeld Road.
Steve Simonson stated that the recycling water issue has held up the site plan, however
it has been addressed and the request is before the Commission for consideration.
Hayden Schnelle representing the request stated that the car wash would be using solar
heat to heat water for the facility.
Ernie Evans inquired if there are two curb cuts along Borgfeld Road? Mr. Schnelle
replied yes. Another concern is the sign issue pointed out Emie. Site plan approval is
based on all requirements addressed and fully detailed so there is no room for error.
The diagram illustrating the sign is incomplete. At this time, Mr. Schnelle commented
that the owner isn't quite sure what exactly would be used, but can assure the
Commission that the sign would follow the requirements set by the city ordinance. He
added that the height in all probability would stay the same, however in the lettering
there could be some differences. He added that the sign would be illuminated from
Ernie Evans stated that if the site plan were approved this evening the sign attachment
would be what would be approved. At this time, Mr. Schnelle stated that it was
understood and would comply with the submittal.
Ernie Evans inquired about the remainder of the property and what is being proposed?
Mr. Schnelle advised that at this time the owner is lending toward retail property (retail
center) of some type.
Ernie Evans asked if both driveway entrances were entry and exit. Mr. Schnelle replied
no. One driveway would be utilized as entry/exit, however the driveway next to the
Bradzoil facility would be an exit only.
With no further discussion, Gary Wallace moved to approve the request from Isenhour
Service Center for site plan approval of Self-Serve Car Wash, Borgfeld Road. Tony
Moreno seconded the motion. With a vote being called, the vote was as follows:
Opposed: William Sommers.
Abstained: Ernie Evans
Ayes: David Richmond, Tony Moreno and Gary Wallace.
Motion carries.
#11 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from Hallenberger
Engineers for preliminary/final plat approval of GCP Subdivision, Tri-County Business &
Industrial Park.
Steve Simonson stated the request before the Commission has all the requirements.
Utilities, no infrastructure and all necessary signatures are in place. The developer was
allowed to construct the driveway under the easement, however no planting was
allowed. The facility will be self-serve with no restrooms.
With no further delay, Tony Moreno moved to approve the request from Hallenberger
Engineers for preliminary/final plat approval of GCP Subdivision, Tri-County Business &
Industrial Park. Gary Wallace seconded the motion. With a vote being called, the vote
was as follows:
Abstained: William Sommers
Ayes: Tony Moreno, Gary Wallace, Ernie Evans and David Richmond.
Motion carried.
#12 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from Hallenberger
Engineers for site plan approval of GCP Subdivision, Tri-County Business & Industrial
Steve Simonson stated that the site plan before the Commission is showing the 100'
utility easement that runs along the development. The driveway was allowed to run
underneath the easement, however landscape planting was not allowed. This issue
restricted the developer from complying with the tree ordinance. The facility would
consist of, one structure (10X10 building), 20' canopy over the pumps and directional
signs at egress and ingress only. No other signage would be necessary.
Ernie Evans pointed out that the development is to have two curb cuts onto FM3009
and voiced concern because of high-speed traffic along FM3009.
David Richmond inquired on the volume of traffic. Does the facility cater to everyone?
Mr. Hallenberger stated that at this time only existing customers would be allowed and
approximately 100 vehicles per day going through the facility. At this time only existing
customer, however in the future a possibility of more from businesses in the surrounding
area. Mr. Hallenberger added that the narrow approach is proposed for an entry only,
and the other cut is proposed to exit o~ in either direction onto FM3009.
In brief discussion the Commission raised concern that the development still was not in
complaince with the tree ordinance. It was determined that the property has a restricted
use; the development can only utilize a certain portion for landscaping, of this area only
two trees are proposed. It was suggested that the developer could plant trees of larger
DBH or mitigates trees that could not be planted. At this suggestion, Mr. Hallenberger
stated that mitigation would not be a problem. Mr. Simonson advised Mr. Hallenberger
that the number of inches mitigated is approximately 12 inches. In calculation the
mitigation fee would be 12" divided by 2 (min. of 2" DBH) = 6" X $92 = $552.00.
David Richmond stated that the site plan is not indicating a fence around the facility and
voiced a safety concern. He believes problems may occur because of the open area.
In a brief discussion it was mentioned that the location would not have money on the
premises, and that the location would be lit.
With no further discussion, Gary Wallace moved to approve the request from
Hallenberger Engineers for site plan approval of GCP Subdivision, Tri-County Business
& Industrial Park contingent upon mitigation of the required 2" DBH by the city's tree
ordinance. Tony Moreno seconded the motion. With a vote being called, the vote was
as follows:
Abstained: William Sommers
Ayes: Ernie Evans, David Richmond, Tony Moreno, and Gary Wallace.
Motion approved.
#13 General Discussion:
Tony Moreno:
Tony had no comments.
Garv Wallace:
Gary asked that he personally would like to know the reason for someone abstaining.
He understands that at times these abstentions would like to be kept confidential,
however if at all possible he would like to know the reason.
William Sommers:
William commented that the reason for his abstention is that his law firm represents
Hallenberger Engineers. William also apologized for his absences last month. Court
proceedings in Round Rock kept him busy.
Ken Greenwald:
Ken reported that the new water system is well underway. Citizens will be receiving a
flyer describing the project, Bonding information, etc. Ken mentioned that the bonding
company had given the water plan an "A" rating and added that the company likes the
water plan. Ken mentioned that the projects cost is approximately 3.5 million-dollars,
and that water would be flowing in the next 15 to 16 months.
Ken explained that the direction of the water pipe line would be from Seguin to Schertz
and indicated the direction on the water plan map on exhibit.
Steve Simonson:
Steve reported that the Commission would be considering a Chinese Restaurant at next
meeting. The restaurant is being proposed on FM78 and added that he has seen plans
and that it will be a nice development.
Steve reported that Thursday, 15th the city will be interviewer for a City Planner. Some
good applicants have been received. Another bit of news, the new City Manager,
Dewey Cashwell will be arriving Friday and reporting to work on Tuesday the 20th.
Steve also added that he has been in contact with Clay Smith from TxDOT, and has
been discussing the cities master road plan and traffic on FM3009.
Ernie Evans:
Ernie asked if anyone had noticed an additional connection to one of the cell towers, it
seems that AT&T has connected to of the existing telecommunication tower.
David Richmond:
David inquired on the closing of Schertz Parkway. Steve Simonson informed that the
street was undergoing repairs of large holes.
David asked who provides the population signs and asked when might we see changes
on population? Mr. Simonson stated that TXDOT provides the signage, and at times
takes over a year to get the census numbers.
#14 Adjournment:
Gary Wallace moved to adjourn the meeting. Tony Moreno seconded the motion. The
meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission
Planning Secret ,City of Schertz