06-13-1995 PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing on Tuesday, June 13, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those present were as follows: PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CITY STAFF PIA JARMAN, CHAIRMAN STEVE SIMONSON, MERWIN WILLMAN, SECRETARY ASST. CITY MANAGER TONY MORENO DENISE GRANGER, KEITH VAN DINE PLANNING SECRETARY ERNIE EVAN5 KEN GREENWALD, COUNCILMAN MEMBERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT BOB ANDREWS (Medical) Sam Bledsoe, MBC and DAVID RICHMOND, VICE-CHAIRMAN (Vacation) Associates, Inc. Brad Sitton, Plantation Homes Lew Borgfeld, GVEC Marcus Pridgeon, GVEC Steve Slaughter, GVEC Ronnie Humphrey, GVEC #1 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Pia Jarman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Jarman explained the procedures to be followed at the public hearing. She asked if there were any citizens present for the public hearing and there were none. The City Council public hearing on this item will be held June 20, 1995. Due to the number of citizens in attendance the Public Hearing was held in the Municipal Complex conference room. #2 PUBLIC HEARING: To Receive Citizen Input on a Request from Laredo Greenshire, Ltd., for the Rezoning of 8.9633 Acres at the corner of Woodland Oaks Drive and FM 3009 (Roy Richard Drive) from NS (Neighborhood Services) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) (ZC #121) Chairman Jarman asked for Staff input. Steve Simonson stated the rezoning request is a standard request on Unit VI Greenshire Subdivision from current NS (Neighborhood Services) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) which conforms with the entire Greenshire Subdivision. Steve Simonson advised that three (3) letters to property owners were sent and none were returned. With no other comments, or discussion on the rezoning of the 8.9633 Acres on Woodland Oaks Drive the Public Hearing was closed. ~3 ADJOURNMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING: Chairman Pia Jarman adjourned the Public Hearing at 7:04 p.m. The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular session, after the public hearing, in the Municipal Complex Conference room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. ~4 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Pia Jarman called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Chairman Jarman advised there were some absences of some of the commissioners. Vice-Chairman David Richmond is on vacation, and Bob Andrews is ill. #5 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session for May 23, 1995. Merwin Willman moved to approve the May 23, 1995 Regular Session Minutes as written. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote. #6 CITIZENS: INPUT OTHER THAN AGENDA ITEMS There were none. #7 CONSIDER AND MARE RECOMMENDATION: Request from Laredo Greenshire, Ltd., for the Rezoning of 8.9663 Acres at the corner of Woodland Oaks Drive and FM 3009 (Roy Richard Drive) from NS (Neighborhood Services) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) (ZC #120} Steve Simonson stated there was no other input on the above item. Merwin Willman moved to recommend to City Council the approval of the request from Laredo Greenshire, Ltd. for the rezoning of 8.9663 Acres at the corner of Woodland Oaks Drive and FM 3009 from NS to PUD. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion which carried with a unanimous vote. #8 CONSIDER AND MARE RECOMMENDATION: Request from GVEC for a Specific Use Permit for a Substation in Live Oak Hills Subdivision (SPU #95-4) Steve Simonson stated that the property is just outside the Live Oak Hills Subdivision off of King Lane. The CPS power lines are there now. The area that GVEC is requesting to place the electric -2- substation is on the City of Schertz side of the main power line. The CPS ROW is 120' away from the homes, on the other side of the ROW there are no homes it is the Friesenhahn farm. This is a request to place a public utility inter connecting CPS power and GVEC power. This is not encroaching on any of the existing lots that have already been purchased by people in the past. This will be a SPU permit to make it a legal public use area fora transfer station. This will put on notice to anyone in the area what is to be taken place. Ernie Evans asked for clarification on the area. Steve Simonson advised it is the other side of the CPS ROW. If you were to drive down Wiederstein Road and drive up King Drive you would go underneath the CPS power line and their ROW to get to where they are building their power station. Stationed between the power station and the lots in Live Oak Hills Subdivision, the CPS ROW main transfer lines are already there, so there will not be any encroaching on any of the lots. Keith Van Dine asked if the City of Schertz would not be without power with CPS taking over if GVEC were to lose power. Keith Van Dine asked if this would include the area in which he lives and would there be a cost involved when CPS would take over for GVEC. Steve Simonson advised that Keith Van Dine is hooked up with CPS at this time so he would not be affected. That area is cross connected at this time. The Guadalupe County service area with GVEC, the main power lines coming through Cibolo, the main transfer station on Elbel Road is the end of the line. If it were to break or go down the whole City of Schertz and Guadalupe County will be without power. With the substation being put in, this would help from preventing the whole City from being without power and also will help with CPS power, being this is the end of their line. Marcus Pridgeon advised that there would not be any cost involved. The proposed substation being requested is going to be served off of the existing CPS line that is there. GVEC and LCRA have signed an agreement with CPS to provide service to the area. GVEC at this time is out in the area digging in rock. If this substation is allowed to be built at this site, it is going to be an extremely expensive substation to build because of the rock grade. This will benefit Schertz as GVEC pays property taxes on the property. Ernie Evans asked if the property has already been purchased. Marcus Pridgeon confirmed that 9.2 acres have been purchased from the Friesenhahn Trust with the substation being built on 4 acres with the intent to leave a green belt around the substation to mask it from any growth of the surrounding property. Mervin Willman asked for clarification on a sentence on the application on the comments that electric distribution lines will be extended from the site to provide service to new subdivisions, such as Ashley Place. Does this indicate that the distribution for Ashley place is going to be changed? -3- Marcus Pridgeon advised that Ashley Place is at this time fed by a line that runs up Schertz Parkway from the south. It will be coming from the north through the new substation. The poles along Schertz Parkway will not be removed so they can service other subdivisions that may develop in the future. If the subdivision is approved GVEC is hoping to energize by the end of this year at which time distribution circuits will be out and switched about 5 megawatts of load from the existing station on Elbel Road to the new station, and Ashley Place is included in the new substation. This will cause the City of Schertz for power reasons to be spilt up, preventing the whole City of Schertz from being without power. Merwin Willman asked if the new substation would be able to provide services for the entire city. Marcus Pridgeon stated that the new substation will have the capabilities of having 20 megawatts with the capacity of 40 megawatts. There will be 4 acres of substation with the capabilities of growth. Ernie Evans moved to recommend to City Council a public hearing to GVEC for a Specific Use Permit for a substation in Live Oak Hills Subdivision. Tony Moreno seconded the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote. #9 CONSIDER AND TARE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Request from Plantation Homes for Bandit Signs for Greenshire Subdivision. (PC #236-95) Steve Simonson explained that this is a standard request to place Bandit Signs on FM 3009 from IH 35 to FM 78. Brad Sitton stated that the request was for bandits signs to run from IH 35 to FM 78. There will be one at the corner of IH 35 and FM 3009, one at the corner of Savannah Drive and FM 3009, two at the corner of Woodland Oaks Drive and FM 3009, one at the corner of Dimrock and FM 3009, one at the corner of Live Oak and FM 3009, one at the corner of Silver Tree and FM 3009, one at the corner of Borgfeld and FM 3009, and one at the corner of FM 78 and FM 3009. There will be the twelve (12) maximum that is allowed. There will be none on Woodland Oaks Drive. Pia Jarman advised that there would need to be a contact person and phone number. Brad Sitton stated he would be the contact person. Ernie Evans questioned if this is in accordance with the sign ordinance and will they only be advertising on the week ends and holidays. Steve Simonson agreed that it does follow the overlay district on FM 3009 and they do have to follow the sign ordinance as far as the time they are allowed to advertise. Steve Simonson mentioned that he has asked David Richmond to handle the other large development signs in the area with the developers to work out an equitable deal with Plantation, Ron Wood and Japhet. -4- Tony Moreno moved to approve the request from Plantation Homes for Bandit Signs for Greenshire Subdivision in accordance with the sign ordinance. Merwin Willman seconded the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote. #10 DISCUSSION UDC REVIEW: The Commission reviewed pages 156 - 194 with changes being made at this time. #11 GENERAL DISCUSSION: Tony Moreno• Tony Moreno stated he had no comments. Keith Van Dine• Keith Van Dine had to leave for employment purposes. Ernie Evans• Ernie Evans commented he would like to thank Steve and Denise for the extra mailing. It is greatly appreciated and good information. Merwin Willman• Merwin Willman commented on the sidewalks in the subdivisions that are not completed on vacant lots. The requirement for the developers is to put the sidewalks in after they have built the structure. There seems to be a problem with subdivisions being partially built with lots that are vacant with no sidewalks and people having to walk in the roadway. There needs to be some guidelines that need to be followed so that some percentage of the sidewalks need to be put in even if there are empty lots. It does not look good and it is not good for the citizens. It could become more of a problem with the development of subdivisions and this will need to be put into the UDC. Steve Simonson mentioned that this was discussed previously but it was a pro and a con situation. The con being if the sidewalks are put in before the houses are built the cement trucks go over the sidewalks and tear them all up and the sidewalks would have to be redone. Tony Moreno commented that is a good point to keep in mind with the percentage being high enough that the majority of the lots will have already been developed. Steve Simonson mentioned this is something that everyone should think about and can be discussed later. If you were to get a build out close to 85~ then you have almost all of the homes built with any empty lots occasionally here and there and with a large -5- subdivision you would want the sidewalks put in. Councilman Ken Greenwald commented that if a builder was to go in and tear something up it would be his responsibility to fix it back to how it was originally. Councilman Ken Greenwald: Councilman Ken Greenwald stated that the Governor has signed the new Edwards Aquifer Law and the City of Schertz will be included. Councilman Ken Greenwald mentioned the information in the newsletter on the recycling. The City has recycled 250,000 pounds keeping this trash out of the municipal solid waste land fill. With this there is hopes of making $20,000 this year. Part of that is the price of paper went from $45.00 a ton to $90.00 a ton. Alamo Waste is keeping any plastic, steel, or glass until there is a full load and will eventually be sold. The discussion at the last City Council workshop is if Alamo Waste is to ask for an increase in garbage rates this year they would like to take the money that has been made from the recycling and put it back, to offset any price increase. Councilman Ken Greenwald stated that the meeting in July will be held on Thursday July 6, because of the holiday on July 4th. Also the fireman picnic bar-b-que was very good there was plenty to eat and the auction went very well. Steve Simonson: Steve Simonson advised that he received a letter from the Fire Marshal, there will be an ozone alert tomorrow July 14 so try not to mow grass, fill your gas tanks, and to car pool etc., what you do in the morning causes the ozone. Ozone is the effect of heat build up, sun light, stagnation, and pollution. This starts in the morning and peaks in the afternoon around 2:00 p.m., but when the sun goes down it goes away. In 1977 if they were to have had bad air status the City of San Antonio had bad air. Now San Antonio has cleaned up so well they no longer check that they only check the ozone this is by Federal Law. The limit has not been exceeded since 1988 or 1989 in San Antonio, this keeping the Federal Law away from the city for non attainment. It has been controlled with 3 non attainments for 1 year. Steve Simonson mentioned that Schertz has a new flood plain map, but they only changed 2 of the panels. The third panel was not changed and they did not give a new panel for Comal County. What is available now is 2 panels for July 17, 1995 for Bexar County and Guadalupe County, and Comal County will be the old date of September 30, 1992. The reason for the change is the new study done by the new FEMA Engineers on the Cibolo Creek area. The reason for the changes is they went back and remeasured all of the channel causing the elevations to be slightly different. -6- Steve Simonson commented that Woodland Oaks Subdivision Unit 5 and 6 may get developed. There has been a builder calling and asking about the area. Steve Simonson mentioned that Ron Wood has removed his signs from the Parkway Garden Subdivision. Ron Wood expected Joe Veytia to do all the work for the sewer, water, and infrastructure. Joe Veytia expected Ron Wood to be the home builder and the developer. Pia Jarman questioned the letter that was received from Joe Veytia for the extension on building the apartments located on Elbel Road and Schertz Parkway property requesting that the City of Schertz assist him in scheduling a meeting with the base commander. Steve Simonson explained Joe Veytia is doing some research and will request our assistance but this will not be until the research has been completed and we may or may not assist. Ernie Evans asked about Kentucky Fried Chicken. Steve Simonson stated that they are in the final negotiations and Denny's has received their final building permits. Steve Simonson and the Commissioners thanked Merwin Willman for the new map showing all the development taking place. ~ 12 ADJOLfRNMENT Tony Moreno moved to adjourn the meeting. Ernie Evans seconded the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote. Chairman Pia Jarman adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting is June 27, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. P~ Chairm n, Planning and Zoning Commission City Schertz, Texas ATTEST: ~n Planning Secr ary City of Schertz, Texas -7-