The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public
hearing on Tuesday, April 25, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal
Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
Those present were as follows:
Gene Trafton, Clayton Homes Edwin Donhauser, Town &
Neil Fisher, Fisher Engineering, Inc. Country Body Shop
Mr. & Mrs. Ackermann Sam Bledsoe, MBC
Eber & Kathy Bush Engineers
Ken Anderson Monty Maness, Fisher
George & Evelyn Boggess Engineering, Inc.
Betty Boggess Joe Veytia, Veytia
Rane Casteneda Partners, Ltd.
Jim Bagley, Clayton Homes
Chairman Pia Jarman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mrs.
Jarman explained the procedures to be followed at the public
hearing, and thanked the citizens for coming to show their
concerned interest. The City Council public hearing on this item
will be held May 2, 1995. Due to the number of citizens in
attendance the Public Hearing was held in the Municipal Complex
conference room.
#2 PUBLIC HEARING: To receive Citizen Input on the Request
From Clayton Homes for the Rezoning of
Approximately 37.886 Acres from R-2
(Single Family Dwelling District) to MH
Mobile Home Dwelling District.
Chairman Jarman asked for Staff input. Steve Simonson reported
that this is a Public Hearing to determine if the land is suitable
for the proper growth pattern for an additional Mobile Home Park.
The land adjacent to this property is identical to the land from
which the current Windy Meadows Mobile Home Park is built. There
is the same drainage consideration as the original one, but that is
however an engineering problem.
Neil Fisher stated that there is approximately 38 acres of land
that is being recommended for rezoning for a Mobile Home Park. The
existing park which is adjacent to this property does have the
large drainage channel in the rear. This channel would be extended
through the middle of both park areas. There would be
approximately 160 lots with 50~ double wide and the remaining 50~
being single wide mobile homes. The streets will be concrete
following the subdivision ordinance regulations for the City of
Kathy Bush stated she is representing her mother Betty Jo Boggess
who is the property owner of 309 Maske Road. They are concerned if
the grandfather clause would protect their zoning for
Residential/Agriculture on their property if the adjacent property
would be rezoned. Kathy Bush advised they would like a privacy
fence along Maske Road so there would not be any access to their
property but the one road. Also to prevent the trash, and dust
from affecting the live stock that will be in the pasture at all
times. She also questioned if Maske Road would have any access
from the property and if there were plans for a privacy fence.
Kathy Bush mentioned that they would like to see a privacy fence
along Maske Road.
Steve Simonson advised that the zoning change request would not
affect the Agriculture zoning for their property. He also stated
that Oak Street at the present time does not show any access onto
Maske Road. There are no plans for a privacy fence along Maske
Road at this time.
Jim Bagley stated that this being the preliminary plat the issue
for a privacy fence had not been a consideration.
George Boggess of 309 Maske Road is the owner of 40 acres across
Maske Road from the proposed property. He stated that his property
is across the flood plain. Will there be any ditch excavation
being done to that area? George Boggess mentioned that there is a
drainage ditch for sewer that runs through there that has a dip to
it with the dip running through the center. If they are going to
widen the ditch there will need to be some kind of traffic
alleviation due to the water getting quite high during rain storms
and to keep the water from backing up into his property.
Steve Simonson stated to build the ditch that is required there
would be extensive excavation. It will be similar in nature to
what Windy Meadows has done with the huge drainage pond on the east
corner. The channel that is showing on the preliminary plat may
not be the final design. Steve Simonson advised that-being an
engineering problem with the ditch if the property is to be rezoned
the engineers will have to satisfy the Commission that the water is
not backing up, that it will be running off of the property
Pia Jarman advised the citizens present if they have any questions,
comments or concerns they will need to address them at this time
because when the public hearing is closed there can be no other
comments taken.
Eber Bush of 309 Maske Road said the concern without the privacy
fence is there will be people going down Maske Road. With access
they will be able to enter the mobile homes from the rear. If
there were vandals they would have access to the property, being
able to leave by way of Maske Road with an easy way in and out.
Mr. Ackermann stated being the owner of the property being rezoned
he has had his live stock in the area and no one has every bothered
them. He agrees that a privacy fence would be beneficial.
There being no further questions or discussion, the Public Hearing
on the rezoning for Clayton Homes was closed.
Chairman Pia Jarman adjourned the public hearing at 7:14 p.m.
The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular
session, after the public hearing, in the Municipal Complex
conference room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
Chairman Pia Jarman called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
~5 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Public Hearing and Regular Session
for April 11, 1995.
Merwin Willman moved to approve the April 11, 1995 Public Hearing
and Regular Session Minutes. Ernie Evans seconded the motion,
which carried as follows:
AYES: Pia Jarman, David Richmond, Merwin Willman, Ernie Evans, Bob
Andrews, Tony Moreno.
ABSTENTIONS: Keith Van Dine (absence at said meeting).
There were none.
Homes for the Rezoning of Approximately
37.886 Acres from R-2 (Single Family Dwelling
District) MH Mobile Home Dwelling District
(ZC #118)
Steve Simonson stated if the zoning is approved there will be a
considerate amount of engineering that will have to be done in this
Merwin Willman commented that there is a proposed plan for streets
within the City for the future. If the rezoning is approved with
the plans that are proposed, it would prevent Oak Street from being
a straight through street to Maske Road. There is at this time
talk of other developers wanting to prevent a street from being
developed as planned. It seems that we are losing our street plans
as proposed. Merwin Willman mentioned back in 1986 when Windy
Meadows was first constructed the streets which are private were
not constructed according to the current City Plan for public
streets. In 1990 the ordinance for private streets was changed so
that all private streets would be constructed according to the
standards for public streets in the City.
Bob Andrews commented the Master Plan has Oak Street tying into
Maske Road. This is in hopes that maybe in 5 or 10 years Maske
Road will get developed. This would have FM 1518 going up and over
into Schertz Parkway, and Oak Street going more south tying into
Maske Road. Bob Andrews stated there needs to be some way for
emergency vehicles entering and exiting with a need for Oak Street
to go out and tie into Maske Road some time in the future. At this
time Maske Road is not able to handle heavy traffic but in the
future after it is developed there will be the need for ingress and
egress for emergency situations. If they could at least put in a
stub out onto Maske Road from Oak Street with an emergency access
Merwin Willman agreed with Bob Andrews that there does need to be
two (2) ways in and out but also north by the drainage ditch if
there were a flood the citizens would be isolated without an
emergency exit.
Bob Andrews questioned what type of a road they propose to tie the
northern section in with the other section across the drainage
Steve Simonson stated he has talked with Neil Fisher about this.
The road is to span out with the box culverts that hold the 100
year flood. It would be a 100 year flood ditch with a road above
without a low water crossing. Steve Simonson advised that this
being in the subdivision phase the City will be asking for at least
10' of additional ROW. This is due to the fact that eventually
Maske Road will be widened to make it a good street and the ROW is
not big enough. Steve Simonson mentioned that the City does not
have control of all of Maske Road. Part of Maske Road on the west
side is county road and will stay county road until Universal City
either turns the road over to the City or annexes it. Steve
Simonson agrees with Bob Andrews with the stubbing out of Oak
Street onto Maske Road with an emergency access gate instead of
tying into it. At this time it will be awhile before Maske Road
does get developed. The 10' ROW will not be taking away from the
road but, it is still in keeping with the intent of the Master
Plan. It will only be taking away about 1 1/2 lots.
Bob Andrews mentioned the requirement for the 25' front yard set
back on Oak Street which will need to be noted on the plat.
Bob Andrews moved to recommend to City Council the approval for the
rezoning from Clayton Homes for 37.886 Acres from R-2 Single Family
Dwelling District to MH Mobile Home Dwelling District with a
privacy fence along Maske Road. Merwin Willman seconded the
motion, which carried with a unanimous vote.
for Final Plat Approval for Greenshire Unit IV
(PC #215-94)
Steve Simonson stated that this is a very straight forward request
with a future tie in to Old Cherry and Red Bud in Unit V. Unit V
will be to the east and south of the existing one as shown on the
plat. This will be a follow-on to Old Sage Drive with a tie back
into Wild Cherry in Unit III. It will still have the 120' X 60'
lots that were part of the overall Master Plan. Steve Simonson
advised the staff input from Engineers, Public Works, Fire, and EMS
have no problem. The one question Steve Simonson did have for the
engineer Mr. Bledsoe with the 38' drain ROW at the east end of the
subdivision from Woodland Oaks Drive, if this was going to be left
natural, or if there will be a culvert.
Sam Bledsoe stated it will be an improved earth channel. At
Woodland Oaks there will be a concrete drop structure that will tie
into the street.
Merwin Willman commented that he was unable to locate the radius
for the cul-de-sac on Ebony Lane. Mr. Bledsoe advised that it is
a 50' radius. The chart on the plat on the right hand side shows
#19 curve which is the curve for that cul-de-sac as a 50' radius
and all the curve areas.
David Richmond mentioned that the entrance of Wild Cherry on to
Woodland Oaks only has one egress for all of the people in Unit V
and Unit III which ends in a dead end cul-de-sac. This seems to be
a sizeable number of properties to be having only one egress.
Steve Simonson advised that when Unit V is finished there will be
two exits/entrances. David Richmond commented on the lot sizes
stating 5' side lot and the confusion another developer had
misinterpreted what that is actually stating. If this could be
noted on the final plat so there would be no confusion.
Steve Simonson stated in the Master Plan it is stated that there
will be 15' between all houses no matter how close it was to the
side yard but no homes could be closer than 15' between them. If
the commission would like this statement to be added to the final
plat as noted, that can be done. The statement that is confusing
is "all lots are subject to: typical 5' side lot line utility
Bob Andrews asked Steve Simonson if the Park Land fund fees for
this suddivision had been paid. Steve Simonson advised that the
fees have not yet been paid. This is another statement that will
need to be stated on the plat that the Park Land fees have been
paid accordingly.
Merwin Willman commented that in paragraph 24.2 in the subdivision
ordinance it states that the park land fees and letter of credit
must be paid as part of the final plat approval. With that
provision in the ordinance the commission does not have to approve
the final plat.
Bob Andrews stated it can be contingent upon compliance or tabled
per the ordinance if the Park Land fees have not been paid.
David Richmond advised if approval is contingent, the plat can be
approved with the amended two notes so when payment is received for
the Park Land fund the developers will be able to continue without
coming back to the commission for approval. David Richmond
questioned Steve Simonson on how the money for the park land has
been received for the prior two subdivision units. Steve Simonson
stated that they have paid all of the park land fees timely, this
being the first time, payment has not been received before the
final plat or the night of the final plat.
Bob Andrews moved to approve the final plat for Greenshire Unit IV
contingent upon the City receiving the Park Land fund dedication
fees and including on the plat the statement on 15' between houses.
Tony Moreno seconded the motion, which carried with a unanimous
for Preliminary Plat Approval for Greenshire
Unit VI (PC #233-95)
Steve Simonson stated that there will have to be some rezoning done
before the final plat can be approved. The request has been
received but not in time for this meeting. Jack Hays Blvd. will
need to be changed to Roy Richard Blvd. and the 50' building set
back on lots #13 - 16 which is in the FM 3009 overlay ordinance.
They are showing the 1' non access easement as requested. Just a
reminder this is in the area according to the Master Plan and
previous agreement with Anchor International that they would
continue a like masonry fencing in the areas up through the front
entrance and all the way through to Greenshire Drive. The 50'
radius is shown very clearly, also the proposed layout that they
have is saving a considerable amount of beautiful trees.
Pia Jarman questioned the rezoning which is now NS Neighborhood
Service to PUD Planned Unit Development. Steve Simonson advised
that is correct, what they are doing is changing the Master Plan
area of a PD back to a PUD.
Steve Simonson stated the same statement about the 15' side lot
easement between buildings will need to be put on the plat to keep
from having any confusion. Also the 50' set back will be added.
Any notes that are added to the final plat does keep in being a
legal document.
Merwin Willman commented that he would like to see a plat that
indicates a fence along FM 3009. It is showing a 1' non access
easement but it needs to either show the masonry fencing along FM
3009 or noted with a statement .
David Richmond questioned where the fence was going to continue.
Steve Simonson stated that in the agreement with Anchor
International in the Master Plan: where the existing Greenshire
Subdivision entrance is to where the trees are, back to Greenshire
Drive, would be the continuing of the masonry fencing of a similar
nature. The existing red brick fencing would continue throughout
the subdivision and along Woodland Oaks Drive.
Bob Andrews questioned the names of streets changing on the curve
of the street when it looks like the street just continues on. Pia
Jarman advised that the Post Office states that when you make a 90
degree turn the name of the street has to change.
Ernie Evans asked about the check list provided, indicating that
item 6 (z) is incomplete in reference to two (2) public accesses to
existing public streets.
Steve Simonson advised there will need to be a variance for a
single access. In the ordinance it states that every subdivision
and every unit of a subdivision must have two (2) public accesses.
Being this subdivision only has 23 lots, and out of the flood
plain, it can be approved with a variance for a single access.
Merwin Willman questioned the statement on the plat stating that
Greenshire Homeowners Association is responsible for all common
areas. There is no indication on the plat showing any common
areas, is the drainage ditch going to be considered a common area?
Steve Simonson stated that the drainage ditch will be the common
area. The reason it is not platted or labeled is due to the fact
that there is an on-going discussion between Sam Bledsoe and FEMA
what the 100 year flood plain is for that area. Until that is
resolved the final lines can not be made. Once this is done they
will be asked to replat the whole drainage ditch area as a common
Sam Bledsoe advised that the FEMA study that was done before is
old. There has been alot of development down stream so both
agencies will be doing studies to the effect. Once the studies
have been completed there will be new updated FEMA maps available.
Steve Simonson mentioned MBC Engineering, and Don McCray
Associates are doing on-going calculations for that area and the
existing 180' wide channel that separates Dove Meadows and the
Silver Tree area. FEMA has ignored the information that was sent
to them for the past 7 years on that channel. If you were to look
at the physical profile from FEMA on the latest map for the channel
between Silver Tree and Dove Meadows, it shows an unapproved
channel narrowing and widening. They were sent pictures and have
decided to evaluate the area and update the FEMA maps to the
Ernie Evans moved to approve the preliminary plat for Greenshire
Unit VI with corrections as stated: the statement for 15' between
houses, note describing the masonry fence along FM 3009 to
Greenshire Drive, 50' building set back for lots #13 - 16 required
along Roy Richards Drive, the variance for the single access for
the subdivision, and the Park Land dedication fee has been paid and
noted on the plat. Bob Andrews seconded the motion, which carried
with a unanimous vote.
Partners, Ltd., for Final Plat Approval
for Parkway Garden (PC #231-95)
Steve Simonson stated that there has been a request by the builder
to change the name from the previous submission to Parkway Garden.
The reason it is stating a replat is due to the fact it was
originally platted as a single area. The 26' alley, utility
easement, and the drainage channel are stated on the plat as
Bob Andrews moved to approve the final plat from Veytia Partners,
Ltd., for Parkway Garden contingent upon the inclusion of the
statement for 15' between houses, and the statement that the Park
Land dedication fees have been paid. Tony Moreno seconded the
motion, which carried with a unanimous vote.
Donhauser, from Town and Country Body
Shop to Review a Film on Advertisement
The commission reviewed the film on Advertisement balloons.
Steve Simonson mentioned that the appropriate action was the
reviewing of the film. At this time it is up to the commission if
they would like to go farther with this request for reconsideration
on a modification to the ordinance and have the request on the
agenda to make the recommendation.
Merwin Willman commented that he is concerned about the safety
factor. You have people paying attention to the balloon instead of
watching where they are going. He would like more information
besides the video, from other cities on how they are handling this
type of advertisement before a change is made to the ordinance.
Bob Andrews and Keith Van Dine both agreed with Merwin Willman on
receiving more information as far as safety reasons and what types
of restrictions for the duration of the balloons being erected.
Bob Andrews commented that the balloons are used to get people to
turn their heads to see what they are advertising. He asked Merwin
Willman if he could request from a few cities what their ordinances
state for our information before a decision is made. Merwin
Willman stated he would gather as much information as he could.
There are cities that have been more than helpful in the past
providing him with information on requests.
David Richmond stated not only should the request to the cities ask
if they allow this type of advertisement, but have they ever
considered this type of advertisement and not approved it and why
Pia Jarman stated after the letters have been received from other
cities the request will be put on the agenda for the commission to
review and make a recommendation. At that time Eddie Donhauser
will be notified.
The Commission reviewed pages 135 - 139 section 18 with changes
being made at this time.
Tony Moreno•
Tony Moreno stated he had no comments.
Keith Van Dine:
Keith-Van Dine stated he had no comments.
Bob Andrews•
Bob Andrews stated he had no comments.
Ernie Evans•
Ernie Evans stated he had no comments.
Merwin Willman:
Merwin Willman commented there appears that there are going to be
more and more requests for private gated communities. There is a
paragraph in the subdivision ordinance Article III, Section 15.8,
on private streets stating that they need to be constructed
according to the public street standards. There is a maintenance
agreement statement that needs to be stated on the plats for
residential subdivision on private streets and Manufactured Home
Park streets. It is stated so that any emergency or utility
personal will be able to enter, but it may not have enough
information and he feels that someone else should review this
section to see if it needs to be revised.
David Richmond:
David Richmond stated he had no comments.
Councilman Ken Greenwald:
Councilman Ken Greenwald mentioned that Mary Lou Malone the
director of EMS had passed away April 24, 1995. Funeral
arrangements pending.
Steve Simonson commented that Mary Lou had been with SAFES since
1970 when it was an all volunteer system. She, in the last few
years, had not been in the best of health.
Councilman Ken Greenwald advised that the FM 78 widening that was
held last night was not very productive.
Tony Moreno commented with wanting to have citizens input the
program was too unprepared even though this was just a preliminary
David Richmond recommended that the City Manager write a letter
expressing the City's concern that the first preliminary meeting
that was attended by a fairly sized group of citizens, was not
prepared properly with enough information for the citizens.
Steve Simonson advised for the last seven (7) months there have
been meetings with Mr. Stevens and both of his engineers,
discussing ROW, width of ROW, width of lanes, and the problems that
are foreseen. Southwestern Bell, Entex, GVEC, Paragon Cable,
Public Works Director, Mr. Sweatt, and Steve spent 7 to 8 total
working hours on this project up to this point. They showed up
with the map showing the ROW drawn on it that was no different then
3 years ago. The one good thing that was shown was the lane change
size from 12', 14', 14', 12', 12' back to 11', 12', 12', 12', 11'.
This making the middle turn lane from 14' to 12' and the far
outside lane from 12' to 11'. The ROW was cut down to accommodate
storm drain sewage from 120' to original asking of 85' with this
working out.
David Richmond commented that there was a very good turn out for
the meeting with concerned citizens asking basic questions that
could not be answered. He feels that the City Manager should write
a letter to TXDOT about the concern of the unpreparedness. Some of
the commissioners were in agreement with David Richmond on the
letter and Councilman Ken Greenwald advised he would bring it up in
the workshop tomorrow night.
Steve Simonson:
Steve Simonson mentioned there will be a notice in the newsletter
about the water conservation rebate program from the high flow
toilet to low flow toilet.
David Richmond asked if there was any word on HEB. Steve Simonson
advised that this is no new news but the area along IH 35 is in an
enterprise zone that could save HEB money and the sewer line is all
Keith Van Dine moved to adjourn the meeting. David Richmond
seconded the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote.
Chairman Pia Jarman adjourned the meeting at 9:26 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is May 9, 1995.
Chairm n, Planning and Zoning Commission
City f Schertz, Texas
a 1/<
Planning VS cretary
City of Schertz, Texas