02-14-1995 PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in regular session on Tuesday, February 14, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex conference room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those present were as follows: PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CITY STAFF PIA JARMAN, CHAIRMAN STEVE SIMONSON, DAVID RICHMOND, VICE-CHAIRMAN ASST. CITY MANAGER MERWIN WILLMAN, SECRETARY DENISE GRANGER, TONY MORENO PLANNING SECRETARY ERNEST EVANS BOB ANDREWS KEITH VAN DINE MEMBERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT KEN GREENWALD, COUNCILMAN JACK WAELTI, JACK-N-BOX HARRY DOLLAHAN, SAC GUY ECHOES DAVE ALLEN, MBC, SEGUIN STATE BANK AND TRUST DON MCCRARY, DENNY'S #1 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Jarman called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. #2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session January 24, 1995 Merwin Willman moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Session January 24, 1995. Ernest Evans seconded the motion, which carried as follows: AYES: Commissioners Pia Jarman, David Richmond, Merwin Willman, Ernest Evans, Tony Moreno. NAYS: None. ABSTENTIONS: Commissioners Bob Andrews, Keith Van Dine, (absence at said meeting). ~3 CITIZENS: INPUT OTHER THAN AGENDA ITEMS There were none. #4 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Request from Jack-N-Box @ FM 3009 for Permission to Place a Sign for Hiring/Wages (PC#225-95) Steve Simonson advised that the Jack-N-Box is requesting an extra sign to continue to advertise for hire on IH 35 and the corner of FM 3009. This would give them three (3) signs instead of the two (2) that is allowed. The extra sign in question is already set up on the corner of FM 3009 and IH 35. Chairman Pia Jarman asked if this would be over and above the two (2) signs which are already there and authorized. This sign being white with red lettering and being placed at the corner of FM 3009. Steve Simonson confirmed that it would be an extra sign. They do at times have various banners and other signs that are brought out for advertising that are authorized, but all businesses are only authorized two (2) permanent signs with one on the building and one on top of the building. Bob Andrews questioned Jack Waelti if the sign he is requesting is a permanent "now hiring" sign that will never change with the business hiring from now until eternity. Jack Waelti advised the reason they are requesting this variance is that they at one time had 17 employees. This is a 24 hour operation and the business can not operate with only 17 people. They have increased the starting wage to $5.25 an hour in hopes of attracting applicants. Since the sign has been up they have had an increase in applicants with employment up to 35 at this time which has helped with the doubling of employees on staff. Mr. Waelti has checked with McDonald's and Wendy's they also are having the same problem as Jack-N-Box but at this time they are not willing to increase their starting wage. With the opening of Retama and Bill Millers, and their starting wage being very high, it is very difficult to keep employees at this wage. Mr. Waelti stated they are looking at it as an employment issue, a way to employ people due to the fact that they need between 45 and 50 employees to operate adequately. They have tried advertising in the newspapers but have had no luck in attracting employees. The sign has helped tremendously in attracting employees. This request is so that the restaurant can accommodate for the increase in business that they hope to attract with all the people that will be coming into the Schertz area. Tony Moreno inquired what the reason was behind having a separate stand alone sign with the existing sign which is permitted and has adequate lighting, size and height to attract attention which could be more cost effective. Jack Waelti advised that in the past they have advertised on the marquee along with banners, which have not been very effective at all. It seems that people do recognize that particular marquee sign, but no one seems to pay much attention to it. The sign in -2- question is white and red, 4' X 16' made of wood and standing at ground level. Bob Andrews asked Jack Waelti if he has gone through TEC (Texas Employment Commission). Mr. Waelti stated in the past it doesn't seem to benefit to travel the distance with TEC being in San Antonio. Keith Van Dine commented that they could contact the school counselors with the work program with hopes of getting employees. Jack Waelti stated they have contacted the school but this being a 24 hour store the school age employees are not allowed to work after 10:00 p.m. due to the laws, which creates a problem. Bob Andrews advised that .the problem he has with the sign in question is that Wendy's, McDonald's, and Bill Miller are going to want to have an extra sign also. David Richmond asked Mr. Waelti if he has at anytime advertised the starting wage being $5.25 on the marquee sign? Mr. Waelti stated they have advertised the now hiring shift leaders for $6.25 and that has not brought one applicant. Mr. Waelti stated the sign in question reads "Now Hiring Start at $5.25." Merwin Willman confirmed he is in agreement with Bob Andrews, once you allow one business an extra sign then you are going to have all the other businesses wanting one and then there is the problem with so many signs everywhere. Steve Simonson suggested one of the solutions could possibly be a banner that could be hung up periodically instead of another permanent sign with the same information. Maybe it could be hung on the roof line or in that area advertising exactly what they want but not permanently in the right of way. Steve Simonson stated with all of the traffic stacking up on FM 3009 and IH 35, and with more industry coming in he foresees a problem with businesses coming in and wanting extra signs for advertising. Jack Waelti stated he understands the Commission's concern that granting the variance for another sign would cause problems at least at this time with two other businesses. If they were to do some type of banner from time to time could he have some type of size limit he is needing to consider. Merwin Willman stated that there isn't a specific size stated for banner signs. Merwin Willman commented that at this time there is a bandit sign and a banner sign advertising at this location. Bob Andrews commented it does state that banner signs are used for specific occasions, with location and time stating how long it will be used. David Richmond asked Mr. Waelti if there was any way he could put large letters on the marquee sign in just a few words stating $5.25 -3- an hour now hiring in two foot letters. If it was on the marquee sign it would be high enough to be seen at a distance as well as being well lit. David Richmond commented that he is always interested in what is on the marquee and reads it frequently even though it may be hard to see. Jack Waelti advised the Commission that the bandit signs that are being referred to as not being allowed is a requirement by the franchise. The problem is what is required by the franchise is in violation of the City Ordinance so he is in the middle with hopes of solving some of his needs. Mr. Waelti stated with the Commissions recommendation he would like to try the banner sign at this time and would try the other options that have been suggested to him. Bob Andrews moved to disapprove the request from Jack-N-Box to place a permanent Now Hiring/Wages Sign at the location on IH 35 and FM 3009. It has been suggested that they place a banner sign from time to time stating Now Hiring/Wages. Tony Moreno seconded the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote. #5 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: A: Request from Seguin State Bank and Trust Company @ IH 35 and FM 3009 for Permission to Place a Development Sign. (PC#226-95A) B: Preliminary Plat Approval Seguin State Bank and Trust (PC#226-95B) A: Development Sign ReQUest: Steve Simonson stated that the enclosed document shows what the sign will look like, the size of the sign, and the duration of time they are requesting for the development sign. Steve Simonson advised that the sign does meet the ordinance requirements, with the duration of time not being extraordinary. Merwin Willman moved to approve the development sign requested by Seguin State Bank and Trust for the duration as stated in their letter until the end of 1995. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote. B: Preliminary Plat Approval: Steve Simonson stated that there are two items missing on the preliminary plat. The flood plain statement and the surrounding property owner's names. Steve Simonson advised that water is available and the 50' building set back is included. The only problem at this time that is currently being worked on is the sewage position area. It really has nothing to do with this plat, it is an extension policy being worked out between the City, the developer (Barshop), and Seguin State Bank and Trust. There will -4- be (3) three persons involved with the City being paid to build the line. The other people involved will help to defray the cost. If there is any oversizing the City will pay for that. Any other connections that were not a signatory to the extension at the time will have to pay to the owners their share to get on the line. It is a private impact fee that will have a time limitation. Steve Simonson advised that there is a slight slope on the property from the front to the back that will have to be watched carefully due to the drainage. The construction plans will be looked at very carefully. Merwin Willman moved to approve the preliminary plat for the Seguin State Bank and Trust with the provisions of the 100 year flood plain statement and the surrounding property owner's names to be included on the final plat. Tony Moreno seconded the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote. #6 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Preliminary Plat Approval Denny's Subdivision (PC#227-95) Steve Simonson stated that this is just another fill in on the property along the frontage road. Chairman Pia Jarman asked if the lot numbers had to go in sequence. Steve Simonson advised they are numbered as they come through. Bob Andrews asked for clarification on the 30' access and utility easement. Has it been approved but unrecorded, and is it at any time going to be recorded. Don McCrary stated that they are in the process of working on that now. There are three parties involved and it has taken a little bit of time to get it settled due to some legal questions but should be done with in the next 6 weeks. Steve Simonson advised that the reason for the delay had to do with Jack-N-Box being sold and the lawyers having questions pertaining to the easement. Don McCrary stated that they will record it if it is causing an issue. Merwin Willman questioned if the utility easement would be open to through traffic with access to the businesses and if it would be used as a street. If it is to be used as a street it would need to be recorded. Don McCrary advised that as a practical matter, anyone could drive down the alley and it would be accessible to the back of the businesses. Steve Simonson stated that it has been authorized to Texaco but it is not going to be given to us as a street. It will be called a -5- 30' access utility easement. It will have public utilities and the road itself will accommodate the signatories to have access to the alley. Don McCrary stated if it is not resolved he will add it to the Denny's plat to the effect. Merwin Willman moved to approve the preliminary plat for Denny's Subdivision. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote. #7 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Approval to Vacate and Replat - Countryside Ceramics @ Schertz Business Park (PC#228-95) Steve Simonson advised that the vacating would be on Block 1, Lot 25,26, and 27. It is an already built and platted subdivision with the utilities available. They are requesting to make two (2) lots out of three (3) with the site plan still being worked on at this time. Steve Simonson stated that prior to the agenda the SAC Building Corp. requested to have this changed to approval of the preliminary and final plat at this time. Steve Simonson stated that they would need to make the necessary changes on the final plat. The ACUIZ statement is needed, flood plain map panel date needs to be corrected, and the elevation of property to show topographic contours. Merwin Willman questioned why they are requesting to change this into two (2) lots instead of three (3) why not just one (1) lot. Guy Echols advised that in September of last year he purchased Lot #27. The owners of the SAC building which are on lots #28, and 29 would like to build a large building to place equipment that is needed for the type of business they have. Mr. Echols had been approached several times to sell Lot #27 but was not interested. Mr. Echols suggested that SAC purchase the next two lots from the Schertz Development Foundation and then they could trade out and he would move down. The reason they are requesting the preliminary and final plat at the same time is that Mr. Echols owns Lot #27 and SAC owns Lots #25, and 26 and in the closing they would like to change the title on the properties at that time. Merwin Willman restated that Mr. Echols would have new Lot #31 and SAC would have Lot #32 which consists of two (2) lots. Steve Simonson confirmed it is a very simple plat, but with the slight change in size of the lots there is the need to vacate and replat. Bob Andrews moved to approve the preliminary and final plat on the vacated and replat for Countryside Ceramics Schertz Business Park contingent upon the previously stated FEMA correction, ACUIZ statement, and topographic contours to show on the final plat. -6- Tony Moreno seconded the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote. ~8 DISCUSSION: UDC Review The Commission reviewed pages 56 - 72 with all of the changes being made at this time. #9 GENERAL DISCUSSION: Keith Van Dine: Keith Van Dine thanked everyone for the thoughtfulness on behalf of his mother. At this time it is a day to day basis. Tony Moreno• Tony Moreno stated he had no comments. Bob Andrews• Bob Andrews mentioned the bandit signs for Scott Felder Homes on FM 3009 were in place and did the Inspector check into this. Steve Simonson stated that the Inspector was informed of the signs. Ernie Evans• Ernie Evans stated he was happy to see the electrical power line poles on Schertz Parkway were up and off the ground. Merwin Willman: Merwin Willman handed out a listing of all the apartments that are available in the City showing the number of units and the location. Merwin Willman stated this will be important information when developers come in for requests on apartments. David Richmond: David Richmond stated he had no comments. Chairman Pia Jarman: Chairman Pia Jarman inquired about the deadline for developers and other people submitting requests for the agenda being on Wednesday prior to the meeting. This was voted on several months ago and how is it working out. Steve Simonson advised that it is working out very well. The agenda is not made up until Friday along with his comments. -7- Steve Simonson: Steve Simonson stated that in the near future there is going to be a request for a manufactured mobile home park at the end of Lookout Road. Steve Simonson had a copy of the layout of the property. Merwin Willman questioned if the mobile homes have to be all in a straight line. David Richmond thought that it does not have to be that way. Steve Simonson commented on looking at the proposed plans with the prepared site, the size of a manufactured mobile home site is 45' X 110'. We are stating 40' X 120' so we are still getting the same square foot per lot with the same set back of 25'. Steve Simonson commented in addition, just for your information there is an option of 39 acres of land the other side of Woodland Oaks for an apartment complex. Also there may be some garden homes going up between Mitchell and Schertz Parkway. ~6 ADJOURNMENT: Bob Andrews moved to adjourn the meeting. Tony Moreno seconded the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote. Chairman Pia Jarman adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting is February 28, 1995. Chairm n, Planning and Zoning Commission City Schertz, Texas ATTEST: Planning Secretary City of Schertz, Texas -8-