The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in regular
session on Tuesday, January 10, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal
Complex conference room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
Those present were as follows:
(Due to being out of ASST. CITY MANAGER
town on business) DENISE GRANGER
Chairman Jarman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Chairman Jarman advised that the date on the agenda was January 13,
1994. It should have read January 10, 1995; it has been corrected.
Also Ernie Evans is absent due to being out of town on business.
#2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session November 22, 1994
Chairman Pia Jarman stated that a correction on page 5 bottom
paragraph the word of needs to be put in between Developers and
Tri-County. Merwin Willman moved to approve the minutes of the
Regular Session for November 22, 1994. Keith Van Dine seconded the
motion, which carried with the following vote:
AYES: Pia Jarman, David Richmond, Merwin Willman, Keith Van Dine,
and Tony Moreno.
NAYS: None.
ABSTENTIONS: Bob Andrews (due to absence at November 22, 1994
There was none.
Approval for Vestal Subdivision
Unit 1 PC (#223-95)
Steve Simonson stated that Paul Denham of Ford Engineering has
reviewed the plat. There are some items needing to be added to the
final plat. The need for the addition of the owners and deed
references for adjacent properties, the flood plain statement,
verification of the curb radius, and the cul-de-sac that dead ends
against the property.
.Steve Simonson advised that there is a half cul-de-sac at the end
of Steel Drive which needs to be a full 200' radius full cul-de-sac
to meet the subdivision ordinance. If it is approved by the
commission that Steel Drive will exceed the 500' that is allowed by
the subdivision for the depth of a cul-de-sac in an industrial
area. The Fire Department, Police Department, SAFES and Engineers
have been notified about the depth, they feel it would not cause a
problem with the proper turn radius. It is a variance that would
have to be authorized. Mr. Simonson stated that there is an
additional map in hopes of looping the road in the future if
additional land can be purchased.
Carl Bain advised that the attached exhibits are proposals if in
the future additional land can be purchased they would hope to make
some changes on the property.
Steve Simonson stated that the attached exhibits are fora later
date. The main concern at this time is the variance for the length
of the cul-de-sac and 200'radius. Mr. Simonson commented as he
stated in his statements to the commission, Mr. Vestal is not
platting for the other open areas he has at this time.
Merwin Willman stated in looking the plats over, he is concerned as
to why they are going so far back off of the main highway to plat
the area. With all the land up front to work with it doesn't make
sense to him.
Steve Simonson confirmed that they have 2 lots platted up front
with Mr. Vestal hoping to have his business in the back. On the
railroad side there is a large drainage area, thus leaving only the
large area on the right side to be platted.
Bob Andrews asked about the land on the left side being the flood
prone area.
Steve Simonson confirmed where the drainage area is located, the
land on the left side is in the flood prone area. At this time
there are no plans for that land but maybe in the future.
Merwin Willman stated that the ordinance requires two exits/
entrances to a public street. The plat is showing only one exit
/entrance so a variance will be required. Mr. Willman advised
that they are showing one for the future but with past experiences
slot of promises for the future seem not to materialize.
David Richmond asked what types of businesses will be located in
lots # 1, 2, 3, and 4 and what type of traffic will be generated by
the businesses using Steel Drive on to FM 3009.
Mr. Vestal advised that it is not a high traffic area. Mr.
Vestal has currently 22 people working for him. The next business
is Eco Construction a concrete contractor which would handle his
office with about 6 or 7 office workers. The small narrow tract is
a tire company with about 4 or 5 workers. Lot # 3 at this time is -
being looked at by a trucking company with a small office, a
transfer terminal, and about four bays with 18 wheeler trucks
entering and exiting.
Bob Andrews asked about the right of way showing to be 80' in one
place and 60' in another. It is a 60' right of way as stated by
Mr. Bain. Bob Andrews advised he also is concerned like Mr.
Willman about the single entrance in and out with so much depth of
the property. Mr. Andrews stated, if he is correct there will be
700' from FM 3009 on Vestal Drive back to Steel Drive. Then about
900' to a dead end which leaves almost 1600' from FM 3009.
Merwin Willman questioned that the Fire Department, Police
Department, and SAFES have stated they would have no problem with
Steve Simonson confirmed the Fire Department, Police Department,
and SAFES have all advised that as long as the road is paved and
there would not be any super high traffic there at this time they
foresees no problem. Mr. Simonson advised there is going to be two
variances one for the two streets and the curb radius. They will
also need a statement on the flood plain and the deed of records.
Carl Bain asked for clarification on the ordinance about the
entrance and exit having to be one way in and one way out.
Steve Simonson advised Mr. Bain that the ordinance reads for a
subdivision with any depth to have two entrances/exits, with
cul-de-sacs being allowed. If it is authorized it needs to be in
the variance.
Bob Andrews stated that if they had already owned the property that
is shown for future use there would not be a problem. The thought
behind this is a safety concern. Bob Andrews commented if there is
an accident of any nature on Vestal Drive anyone back on lots
#1,2,3 and 4 are not going to be able to exit the area.
Carl Bain stated that on the additional map showing the future
property the only access from that property is off of FM 3009 from
the 200' strip. It will be in the same situation with only one
entrance into that whole tract. The property which is next to the
railroad tracks and the power easement is 121 acres. It does not
have very good access and half of the property is in the flood
prone area. It is shown on the master plan as to what may happen
in future development.
Bob Andrews advised at present that at the end of Steel Drive the
full cul-de-sac and the stub out be required to be on the plat so
that the future development of the other area would be showing the
stub out. It should be on the master plan showing that the road
would be continuing on with the entrance/exit.
Steve Simonson stated as long as it is on the plat showing a future
stub out easement with the cul-de-sac going to the end of the
property, technically it would be showing a street extension.
Chairman Jarman asked if it could be stated that if the stub out
could be developed into a street when the other lots are being
Steve Simonson stated that as long as it is shown on the plat as a
stub out for future development.
Bob Andrews asked for future reference when it does become a road
to come all the way out the need for the cul-de-sac will not be
needed. Is there a means to plat this so as not to have to request
a vacate for a replat when this happens in the future development.
Steve Simonson advised that there is no way to put this on the
plat at this time.
Carl Bain asked if it could somehow be put into the minutes that it
would be acceptable to replat this property in the future.
Steve Simonson stated that would be acceptable to comment that the
property would need to be vacated for replatting in the future.
Mervin Willman confirmed that at this time there are two variances
being requested.
Bob Andrews moved to approve the variance for the preliminary plat
for Vestal Subdivision Unit 1 contingent on the length of the full
cul-de-sac on Steel Drive to exceed the 500' to go back to 900' and
the variance on the two entrances/exits contingent upon them
placing a stub out at the end of Steel Drive and a full cul-de-sac
with turn around at the end of Steel Drive. Also for future
development it will be understood that there will be no problem to
vacate and replat the two lots, #3 and 4, when a road will be
completed to accommodate the two entrances/exits. Tony Moreno
seconded the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote.
Approval for Dove Meadows, Unit 3
PC (#224-95)
Steve Simonson commented as he stated in his notes these streets
were already platted with Unit 2 and the street names were already
approved this is just a fill in of lots. It is showing the streets
to extend to Dietz Road and Borgfeld Road for a second entrance.
It is also showing the extension to the area where the recreation
center will be built. There are a number of lots filling in the
street, they are following on with the R-6 zoning with 60' wide.
The reason for Harris County being on the plat is due to the fact
the owner is from there.
Don McCrary advised that the Summer Haven Lane is in need of some
construction on the cul-de-sac, plans will be submitted to that
Tony Moreno confirmed that this is a completed plat of the
Bob Andrews questioned the size of lot # 11, block 8 at the end of
Bending Brook Drive and the corner of Town Gate being 50 x 115.
Steve Simonson advised the curve in the lot needs to be looked at,
and confirmed that the size of the lot is 60 x 115.
Merwin Willman asked when the recreation building would be started.
Don McCrary advised that at this time no final date has been set
for completion.
Merwin Willman moved to approve the preliminary plat for Dove
Meadows, Unit 3. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion, which carried
with a unanimous vote.
for Tri-County Veterinarian Clinic
PC (#222-94)
Chairman Pia Jarman stated that Mrs. Ward is present if there are
any questions.
Steve Simonson advised that this is the final plat. Everything is
in order.
Tony Moreno asked if the site plan can be approved contingent upon
receiving it. Steve Simonson advised the Planning and Zoning
Commission has already approved the site plan and upon receiving
the corrected site plan, it will be released to the inspection
.department for permits to be issued.
Mervin Willman moved to accept the final plat for Tri-County
Veterinarian Clinic. Bob Andrews seconded the motion, which
carried with a unanimous vote.
the UDC Book.
Chairman Pia Jarman advised the commission the scheduling of the
UDC book has been broken out into several articles. If the agenda
at the time of the scheduling permits review of those particular
articles they will be reviewed, otherwise it will be postponed
until the following meeting.
Bob Andrews suggested that any typing or spelling errors be handled
through the Planning Secretary.
Chairman Pia Jarman and the commission at this time reviewed the
first six articles with changes being made at this time.
to be Used by Guests
Chairman Pia Jarman advised that the only thing that needs to be
added to the sign in sheet would be the last column adding the
and AGENDA # before OR SUBJECT (S). No objections were made by the
other Commissioners for adoption of the sign in sheet.
Keith Van Dine advised that Pfeil Road was in good shape and he had
no other comments.
Tony Moreno had no comments at this time.
Bob Andrews had no comments at this time.
Mervin Willman had no comments at this time.
David Richmond asked about any new developments in progress at this
Steve Simonson advised that everything has been approved for Bill
Miller's. At this time there is no information available on the
hotel. Dr. Ward with the Veterinarian Clinic has been receiving
bids so it should not be long now. American Freightways is coming
along really well.
David Richmond commented on how well American Freightways is
keeping the site cleaned up during construction.
Merwin Willman commented on Pro Tech coming along very well also.
Steve Simonson stated that Pro Tech had been approved about 2 1/2
years ago and have finally started to build.
Bob Andrews stated he had received a call from someone asking about
a problem on FM 3009 trying to build a house and not being able to
get a driveway approved by the city.
Steve Simonson advised that he had no knowledge about this problem
and he foresees no problem at this time with a driveway on FM 3009.
Tony Moreno asked Steve Simonson on the notion on sign variances.
When the sign variance is approved do they have a certain length of
time to set the sign up. Tony Moreno is concerned about Burch
Roofing on FM 78 taking such a long time to get their sign up which
was approved some time ago. Tony Moreno asked if the approval
could be revoked.
Steve Simonson advised that unless it is clearly stated in the
motion that it has to be done by such and such a time he does not
believe it can be revoked but he will check on it. Steve Simonson
stated if they would like he will check into when Burch Roofing
plans on installing the sign. Steve Simonson commented he would
have to look in the ordnance to see if it could be revoked due to
the fact that it was not clearly stated the sign had to be
installed by a certain time.
Steve Simonson advised that there has been a company by the name of
Perry's inquiring about the empty Winn's building.
Steve Simonson had no other comments at this time.
Councilman Ken Greenwald advised he had attended the Canyon
Regional Water Authority meeting. The Bexar Metro Water District
is actively seeking funding for the water line. It has at this
time a 20 inch line going from Lake McQueeney to Ft. Sam which has
been pumping water from July through December at 142,000,000
millions of gallons of water.
Councilman Ken Greenwald advised that the City Council at this time
did not feel that a Park Board was needed, but believes one maybe
needed at some time in the future.
Councilman Ken Greenwald commented on the 1/2 cent sales tax which
will be voted on. Please vote. There have been two meetings in
the Municipal Complex and some really good questions asked. The
gentleman the was here from Austin was asked if there could be a
time limit on the sales tax. His comment was once the tax is
revoked by the voters, it can not be brought back.
Councilman Ken Greenwald commented that the City of New Braunfels
has started a recycling program their contract is with BFI. It is
costing their citizens $1.85 per month and the contractor keeps 50~
of everything they sell.
Councilman Ken Greenwald had no other comments.
David Richmond moved to adjourn the meeting. Bob Andrews seconded
the motion, which carried with a unanimous vote.
Chairman Pia Jarman adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is January 24, 1995.
Chari a , Planning and Zoning Commission
City o Schertz, Texas
Planning S retary
City of Schertz, Texas