02-27-2001 MinutesADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL SESSION MINUTES February 27, 2001 The Schertz Advisory Committee convened in Special Session on Tuesday February 27, 2001, at 6:00 p.m, in the Municipal Complex Bob Andrews Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those present were as follows: IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE David Richmond Ernie Evans Gary Wallace Tony Moreno Joyce Briscoe William Sommers Ken Greenwald, Councilman MEMBERS ABSENT CITY STAFF Steve Simonson, Interim City Manager/ Planning Coordinator Mary Ybarra, Planning & Recording Secretary OTHERS PRESENT Keith Van Dine Ed Ford, Ford Engineering, Johnny Bierschwale, P/W Director Tim Fetter, Realtor #1 Call to Order: David Richmond called the February 27, 2001 special session to order at 6:OOpm. #2 Approval of Minutes: Minutes of January 23, 2001. David Richmond stated that the minutes of January 23, 2001 were not available for review however, would be ready for consideration at the next scheduled meeting. #3 Discussion and Review: On the System Plan of the WaterNVastewater, Capital Recovery Fee Program (C.R.P.). 1 Johnny Bierschwale, public works director informed the committee that the Schertz City Council approved the selling of 41 million dollars in revenue bonds. Approval took place at their last meeting of the Schertz/Seguin Local Government Corp., with funds being received March 15t", 2001. Drilling has been awarded for 5 wells, and equipment for the 6 existing wells. The first phase of the water line is ready for construction, which is between the water plant and outskirts of Seguin, with a 24" water line into the City of Seguin. We are looking for phase two to be ready in approximately 3 months, which would start at Seguin's break point and bringing it into Schertz. All the ROW's have been acquired for phase one and approximately 99% (ROW) have been acquired for phase two. Johnny informed the Committee that the information brochure was sent out to approximately 6,200 residents. Of this mail out, the City received (20) twenty calls, one of which was a complaint on sewer. Also, he advised the committee that the City of Schertz has come up with a third option to supply water instead two. These options will make sure that both cities' make it through a disaster, emergency water and through day to day operations. Ken Greenwald stated that bids had gone out on three types of pipe: concrete, wrapped pipe, etc. and the best price bid will be accepted, and added that the treatment plant will be built, however bids haven't been let. Johnny advised the committee that water testing has been done, and according to the laboratory no blending will be necessary, and added that there are no plans to mix with the Edwards Aquifer water. The proposed plan is to run a 100% capacity on the Carrizo water supply. The only time Edwards would be used would be strictly for emergency supply. Johnny added that there would be no fluoridation on the system for either city. Ken Greenwald stated that the (bonding) Security Company took a tour of the city where they were shown different areas, and the city's plans. The Security Company was 2 so impressed that the company raised the bond rating for the water system to an "A" and also gave the City an "A" rating. The ratings saved the city approximately 500 + thousand dollars on insurance. Ken commented that the "plan is good, the numbers are good and the money is available". Johnny added that the bond rate on the average is 5.2% for the first three years of the note. Johnny explained that briefing on last portion would be covering sewer water and the numbers in respect to Capital Recovery cost. Mr. Ford stated that at previous meetings, population projection, and projected growth have been covered, and at the last couple of meetings discussion covering water impact in respect to improvements and what would take place have been covered. Mr. Ford stated that he would be covering the sewer water portion this evening. Mr. Ford explained the existing and future facilities on table 5-13 of the review packet. He explained that the table covered the capital improvement cost of wastewater utility. The table covers the existing facilities, average capacity of two million gallons. The existing facilities consist of the Dry Comal collection line and the Dry Comal out fall line along with the FM3009 lift stations (adjacent Coronado Paint). The future expansion would cover the Live Oak Hills out fall line, which is located in the Wiederstein Road area, the Dry Comal system, which will include the capacity from TXDOT rest stop area on IH35, and lastly the upper Dietz Creek collection system. The upper Dietz Creek collection system will depend on actual development that takes place or actual projection for the next ten years. Mr. Ford explained that the total cost out of equivalent living unit comes to $809. Considering the total water which consists of supply pumping, ground storage, elevated storage, transmission and CIP/study cost of $1,255.60 and the waste water supply which consists of major collection and CIP/study cost of $809.34, the total water and water/waste utilities are $2,064.94. This break down is covered on tables 5-13 and tables 6-13 of which are provided on the Capital Recovery study. 3 Mr. Ford informed the Commission that this brings both water and wastewater up to date and asked if there were any questions? Johnny Brieschwale explained that according to procedure the next action would be feedback from the Committee, making sure that everything has been covered and the Committee is in agreement with the plan. The public hearing process would be the next step. The public hearing is a six-week process of advertisement period, with two public hearings held. After the public hearing the committee forwards their recommendation to City Council. The City Council would consider action, approve and pass the ordinance. Ernie Evans inquired if there were any plans for improvement on the south side of Schertz (Schirmerville area)? Johnny Bierschwale explained that the San Antonio River Authority is looking at bringing a collection line through the Scenic Lake area, which the City of Schertz has expressed an interest for capacity should the line ever be built. However, this is very preliminary for future improvement 10 to12 years down the line. Ernie Evans inquired about the area north side of IH35. How does the city stand in this area? Johnny explained that the City of Schertz has bought a 25% interest in the Comal Plant, which receives the City of Schertz sewer. Ernie asked if the city is prepared to deal with the Tri-County area. Is the city prepared to undertake business and not turn it away if development turns the area into a business park? Johnny stated that the City of Schertz is prepared at this time, however the developer won't like the numbers (cost). Ernie Evans inquired on the Live Oak Hills out fall line and asked what would the line provide the City of Schertz? Johnny explained that the out fall line would be in place enabling the city to act on it at which time development occurs in the area (Freeway Manor). At this time, Steve Simonson explained that the public hearings would be set on the Planning and Zoning meeting tonight's. However, the Capital Recovery public hearing would be scheduled at 6:00 p.m. 4 Without further discussion, the meeting adjourned. #3 Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Chairman, Advisory Committee ATTEST: Planning Secretary, City of Schertz 5