UDC Article 13 - Revised Feb 2013 - Redline Version Article 13 ? Land Disturbing Activities and Drainage Schertz Unified Development Code Article 13Land Disturbing Activities and Drainage Sec. 21.13.1 Clearing and Grading A.No removal of trees, land clearing and/or grading activities shall occur without Deleted: and the required approvals and permits including but not limited to the Grading and Clearing Permit and Tree Permits. Clearing and grading activity shall be limited to the limits of grading area identified on an approved grading plan. A Grading Deleted: and ClearingPermit is required for any land disturbing activities greater than 0.1 Deleted: the acres outside of the FEMA designated special flood hazard area (SFHA), and all Deleted: clearing areas within the SFHA unless specifically exempted in this Section. Deleted: grading Deleted: p B.All clearing and grading permits shall be reviewed by the City Engineer and Deleted: by the Public Works Department and approved by the City Engineer or his/her designee. Deleted: City and can be applied for Grading and Clearing Permit shall be reviewed in accordance with this Unified once the final plat has been approved by Development Code, the Public Works Specification Manual, the City of Schertz the Planning and Zoning Commission Code of Ordinances, and any other applicable law, code, or regulation governing Deleted: . grading and clearing activity. Deleted: Manager C.The following shall be exempt from the requirement for clearing and grading permit: 1.grading and clearing in emergency situations involving immediate danger to life and property or substantial fire hazards; 2.the removal of underbrush, dead trees or diseased or damaged trees which constitute a hazard to life and property based upon field inspection verification; and 3.grading and clearing practices associated with agricultural operations, Deleted: normal excluding timber cutting, grading cuts or fills, and work within SFHA. Deleted: crop Sec. 21.13.2 Drainage A.Applicability. The provisions of this section shall apply to any capital improvement project, application for subdivision plat, master development plan, site plan, grading and clearing permit, or building permit approval except as otherwise provided by this chapter. A stormwater management plan shall be provided as set forth in section 21.13.3. B.Stormwater Management Program 1.System Criteria a.All stormwater management facilities, or combination of facilities, Formatted: Bullets and Numbering shall be designed for ultimate development. Facilities with drainage areas less than one hundred (100) acres none of which 13-1 50307818.3 Article 13 ? Land Disturbing Activities and Drainage Schertz Unified Development Code lies within the SFHA shall be designed for a twenty-five-year storm. Facilities with drainage areas over one hundred (100) acres orany part of which is within a SFHA shall be designed for a 100- Deleted: areas year storm or a twenty-five-year storm plusfreeboard,as defined Deleted: designated floodplain in the Public Works Specification Manual, if that elevation is Deleted: .¶ higher. F Deleted: b.Detention facilities and streets are exceptions to the frequency Deleted: (based on Table 21.13.2I) criteria cited above. Refer to the Public Works Specifications Deleted: Detention facility outflows Manual for specific drainage design criteria for streets and will be designed for five (5) year, twenty- five (25) year and one hundred (100) year detention facilities. frequency storms. Deleted: subsection 3(g) c.Three (3) development conditions shall be analyzed for each development. i.Existing Conditions. This refers to current development conditions in the watershed and on-site. Use as the baseline analysis for determining the impact of development. ii.Proposed Conditions. This refers to existing conditions with the proposed development added. Use to determine if the increased runoff from the proposed development results in an adverse impact to other properties. iii.Ultimate Conditions. This refers to ultimate development conditions within the watershed used to design the drainage facilities. This condition may be used in-lieu of subsection (2) above, to determine if the increased runoff from the ultimate watershed development results in an adverse impact to other properties. d.Responsibility to Accept Stormwater The owner or developer of property to be developed shall be responsible for the conveyance of all stormwater flowing through the property. This responsibility includes the stormwater flowing onto the property by any other developed property as well as the drainage naturally flowing through the property by reason of topography. Future upstream development shall be accounted for by assuming ultimate development when sizing drainage systems as specified in this section. e.Positive Overflow Pathways Stormwater management facilities for local drainage systems will be designed to ensure that a positive overflow pathway is provided to the nearest one hundred (100) year conveyance facility. The Comment [l3]: definition? overflow pathway must be delineated on a plan that shows all 13-2 50307818.3 Article 13 ? Land Disturbing Activities and Drainage Schertz Unified Development Code existing structures in the vicinity impacted by the overflow Deleted: the pathway. Deleted: both publicly owned and Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: f.Maintenance 144 pt, Hanging: 36 pt Deleted: due to zoning or replatting i.Maintenance of publicly owned facilities will be the Deleted: <#>Method of Computing responsibility of the City. Maintenance of private facilities Runoff¶ <#>Calculation Methods¶ is the responsibility of the property owner or the <#>For drainage areas less than 640 community association and must be specified in a acres, the basis for computing runoff shall be the rational formula or some other maintenance schedule submitted to the City. A maintenance method provided it is acceptable to the schedule for privately owned facilities must be approved by Director of Public Works. Hydraulic calculations shall be performed by using the Director of Public Works prior to the approval of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC- construction drawings. 2 ?Water Surface Profiles? or HEC-RAS ?River Analysis System? computer models. Normal depth channel ii.Authorized personnel from the City shall conduct periodic calculations are permissible for constructed open channels with a uniform inspections of these facilities and structures. Any required geometric cross section where (i) there is repairs will be consistent with current construction no potential for the water surface elevations to be controlled by backwater standards. Maintenance issues identified by the City or and (ii) the channel is not in a FEMA State during inspections shall be the responsibility of the floodplain.¶ <#>For drainage areas 640 acres or current owner. greater, the basis for computing runoff shall be a unit hydrograph method, iii. If the current owner fails to address any maintenance issues preferably the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Dimensionless Unitgraph method identified by the City or State, then the City may perform as contained in the U.S. Army Corps of required maintenance at the expense of the current owner. Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center HEC-1 ?Flood Hydrograph Package?, which document shall be maintained on g.New Development file with the Director of Public Works and is hereby incorporated by this reference. For the SCS method, Peak stormwater runoff rates from all new development shall be antecedent moisture condition II shall be used in the runoff model. Design rainfall less than or equal to the peak runoff rates from the site?s values listed in Table 21.13.2E shall be predevelopment conditions for the five-year, twenty-five-year and used for hydrograph calculations.¶ <#>Open channel hydraulic calculations one-hundred-year (100-yr) design storm events, except as provided shall be performed by using the U.S. in subsection B.1, above. Army Corps of engineers HEC-2 ?Water Surface Profiles? or HEC-RAS ?River Analysis System? computer models, h.Redevelopment which documents shall be maintained on file with the Director of Public Works and is hereby incorporated by this Peak stormwater runoff rates from an area of redevelopment shall reference.¶ be less than or equal to the peak runoff rates produced by existing <#>Certain watersheds have hydrologic and hydraulic models that are available development conditions for the five-year, twenty-five-year and one through and maintained by the City. hundred (100) year design storm events, except as provided in Developments proposed within the limits of these watersheds must have the models subsection B.1, above. updated by the consultant to reflect changes in flow, channel configuration (including alterations to vegetation) and C.Drainage Easements/Rights-of-Way channel structures. The consultants? models must use the same computer 1.Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, natural program that was used in the existing model e.g. HEC-RAS models will not be channel or stream, there shall be provided an easement or right-of-way accepted where the original model used conforming substantially to the limit of such watercourse, plus additional HEC-2. The updated models shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works width as outlined below. for incorporation into the master models. ... [1] Formatted: Bullets and Numbering 13-3 50307818.3 Article 13 ? Land Disturbing Activities and Drainage Schertz Unified Development Code 2.Easements shall be the one hundred (100) year floodplain or the twenty- Deleted: <#>Easement or right-of-way requirements are specified in the five-year plus freeboard (Public Works Specifications Manual) whichever following subsections of this section for is greater. In floodplain areas where ongoing maintenance is required or particular stormwater management facilities:¶ the floodplain will be reserved for use by the public, the drainage <#>subsection easements shall be maintained by a public entity and the property will be Deleted: <#>D dedicated to the City as a multi-use drainage easement. A drivable access Deleted: <#>C.3 Natural Watercourses way shall be provided in floodplain easements for the length of the or Floodplains;¶ easement. Diversion of stormwater away from the natural watercourse will <#>subsection not be allowed except within the boundaries of the property controlled by Deleted: <#>H the developer, provided that the diverted water is returned to the Formatted: Bullets and Numbering watercourse within which it would naturally have been flowing prior to Deleted: <#>G.7.g Concrete Lined leaving the developer?s property. An analysis of the timing of the diverted Channels;¶ <#>subsection hydrograph on watersheds greater than twenty (20) acres, as it reenters the Deleted: <#>H receiving watercourse, must be performed to show that the peak flow rate Deleted: <#>G.8.c and 8.d Vegetated in the receiving watercourse has not been increased as a result of the Earth Channels;¶ diversion. <#>subsection Deleted: <#>I 3.An unobstructed access right-of-way connecting the drainage easement Deleted: <#>H.C.3 Storm Sewers.¶ with an alley or roadway parallel to or near the easement shall be provided Deleted: for natural watercourses at a minimum spacing of one (1) access right-of-way at approximately one Deleted: see Table 21.13.2I of this thousand-foot intervals. The access right-of-way shall be a minimum of section fifteen (15) feet in width and shall be maintained clear of obstructions that Deleted: would limit maintenance vehicular access. If the flow line of the designed Deleted: t when regular maintenance of channel incorporates grade control structures or vehicular bridges that the floodplain is required would prevent maintenance equipment from accessing that portion of the channel, additional access points may be required. Channel design, earthen or concrete, shall have ramps in the side slopes near the access points that would allow maintenance equipment to descend to the floor level of the channel. The maximum allowable ramp slope for vehicular access is seven to one (7:1). Access points adjacent to roadways or alleys shall be provided with a post and cable feature with padlock to prevent unauthorized use. 4.For single family residential subdivisions drainage easements crossing lots Deleted: D and property lines are prohibited.Drainage easements should be placed in Deleted: crossing separate common area lots. Fencing or other structures may be allowed Formatted: Not Highlight across drainage easements only in accordance with the following Deleted: highly discouraged restrictions: Formatted: Highlight Deleted: Where it is determined that a.The fence or structure will not interfere with adequate drainage this is appropriate, the drainage flow. conveyance structure shall be constructed of concrete, and a statement shall be added to the plat that no fencing or b.Bottom of fence shall be a minimum of the flow depth, plus structures that will interfere with adequate drainage flow will be allowed freeboard (see Public Works Specifications Manual) above design on or across such lines flow line of channel or drain. Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: Table 21.13.2I of this section 13-4 50307818.3 Article 13 ? Land Disturbing Activities and Drainage Schertz Unified Development Code c.A hinged gate will be placed across the entire width of the drainage easement. d.Fence posts located within the easement must be structurally designed to resist damage from the stormwater flows and impact from debris. e.A floodplain development permit will be required to construct a fence within an easement within the 100-year floodplain. 5.Interceptor drainage easements and channels shall be provided where the drainage area to the back of platted lots exceeds the depth of one (1) Deleted: two platted residential lot or 120 feet whichever is greater. Interceptor drains Deleted: 2 shall be constructed prior to the issuing of building permits on any lot that Deleted: average would be affected by natural drainage being intercepted. Deleted: s 6.All developments shall provide for adequate drainage outfall at the lower end of the site into an existing street, alley, drainage, easements or right- of-way, or to the centerline of an existing natural drain. Where proposed street, storm sewer, or open channel does not discharge into a natural low or into an existing adequate drainage easement then facilities and drainage easements of adequate width to contain the design discharge shall be constructed and dedicated to the centerline of an existing natural low within the same watershed. However, where the natural low lies within the developer?s property, the developer will be required only to plat an easement to natural low and include the design storage area for the volume Deleted: the centerline of the of runoff, provided that the easement is adequate to accommodate the facilities that will be built in conjunction with the future development of that property to build out. D.Site Design and Grading 1.All land disturbing or land filling activities or soil storage shall be undertaken in a manner designed to minimize surface runoff, erosion and sedimentation, and to safeguard life, limb, property and the public welfare in accordance with the TPDES General Permit TXR150000, as amended, and the document entitled ?Complying with the Edwards Aquifer Rules; Technical Guidance on Best Management Practices,? by Michael E. Barrett, Ph.D., P.E. Center for Research in Water Resources, Bureau of Engineering Research, University of Texas at Austin, (RG-348, July Deleted: June 2005), which documents are hereby incorporated by this reference. Deleted: 1999 2.Erosion and sedimentation controls in accordance with the specifications established by the Director of Public Works in compliance with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting Deleted: for the Cit y requirements and the Public Works Specifications Manual are required. 13-5 50307818.3 Article 13 ? Land Disturbing Activities and Drainage Schertz Unified Development Code 3.Projects shall not be considered complete until restoration has been made in accordance with NPDES requirements. 4.Where possible, multiple uses of drainage facilities and open space shall be incorporated by the owner or developer of a new subdivision. Alternative uses such as public recreation, horse/bike/hiking trails, walking paths, nature preserves, wildlife habitat areas, etc. are encouraged subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works. 5.A note must be placed on the plat for residential lots, which states that finished floor elevations must be a minimum of eight (8) inches above final adjacent grade. A grading plan shall be prepared and submitted to the City, which indicates typical lot grading for all lots in the subdivision using typical FHA lot grading types (A, B and C). A more detailed grading plan is also acceptable. E.For projects or series of projects with an increased impervious area of greater than Formatted: Bullets and Numbering 0.1 acres, stormwater detention shall mitigate peak flow rates to predevelopment Deleted: be required for all new developments or redevelopment of or existing development conditions including the initial 0.1 acres increase as individual parcels of property to stated in sections 21.13.2.B. of thisArticle. Deleted: C Deleted: 6 and 21.13.2.C.7 of thi 1.The maximum allowable outflow rate from the detention facility must be restricted to the flow rate from the undeveloped or existing development Deleted: section tract for the five-year, twenty-five-year and one-hundred-year frequency. Best Management Practices shall be used in the design of detention Deleted: management facilities in accordance with this section. The timing of the hydrograph Deleted: p released from the detention facility must be checked against the timing of the flow rate in the first open watercourse to prevent any increase in the peak flow rate in the receiving watercourse. For detention basins constructed in-line on an existing watercourse, the creation of the basin shall not increase flood elevations in the channel upstream of the new development boundaries. 2.On-site detention facilities must be privately owned and shall be Deleted: p maintained by the community association or property owner. A Deleted: w maintenance schedule shall be submitted to the PublicWorks Department and approved by the Director of Public Works prior to approval of Deleted: d construction plans. The City will have the right to do periodic inspections Deleted: Where a detention facility accepts flows from public facilities such of privately owned and maintained detention facilities to ensure that the as City rights-of-way, the detention maintenance schedule is being implemented. facility will be considered a detention facility serving a public purpose and will be dedicated to the City upon completion 3.Multi-use facilities are encouraged, but not required (multi-use facilities and a drainage easement will be dedicated to provide for access to the allows for water quality, satisfy NPDES requirements, enhance ground facility. When a regional detention water recharge, provide open space, provide recreation or other amenities, facility accepts flow from an area exceeding three hundred (300) acres, the and/or provide habitat) and may be utilized so long as the facility meets facility shall be considered serving a the standards set forth in subsection (B.1.a) of this section and does not public purpose and shall be dedicated to the City. increase the rate or volume of erosion above that which would result from Deleted: a 13-6 50307818.3 Article 13 ? Land Disturbing Activities and Drainage Schertz Unified Development Code the use of a facility without multiple uses. The use of multi-use detention facilities to alleviate existing flooding problems, enhance and provide amenities for older neighborhoods, and support the revitalization of economically depressed areas is encouraged in public and private redevelopment initiatives. 4.Stormwater retention with permanent wet pool or pumped detention systems will not be acceptable methods of stormwater mitigation unless the facility will remain privately owned, operated, and maintained. The City will approve the use of a pumped facility for private use under the following conditions: a.A gravity system is not feasible from an engineering and economic standpoint. b.At least two (2) pumps are provided each of which is sized to pump the design flow rate. c.The selected design outflow rate must not aggravate downstream flooding. d.Controls and pumps shall be designed to prevent unauthorized operation and vandalism. e.Adequate assurance is provided that the system will be operated and maintained on a continuous basis. 5.All stormwater detention facilities considered to be dams as defined by Deleted: S Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) shall conform to Deleted: shall be located in topographically depressed areas where any applicable law, regulation, and ordinance of any regulatory entity and possible. When necessary, dams may be the following criteria: constructed to detain flows. All proposed dams a.Alldams shall be approved by the Dam Safety Team of the Texas Deleted: items Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for safety. All Deleted: dams other new dams shall be designed in accordance with acceptable Deleted: over design criteria as approved by the Director of Public Works, or his Deleted: six (6) feet above existing authorized representative. natural around b.All hydrology and hydraulic properties of a dam will be reviewed by the Department of Public Works with regard to spillway design, freeboard hydraulics, backwater curves and downstream effects due to the dam site. c.The spillway section of any earthen dam with a height greater than six (6) feet shall be large enough to pass a PMP (probable maximum precipitation) flood, as defined by the NRCS, without overtopping the crest of the dam in accordance with TCEQ regulations. 13-7 50307818.3 Article 13 ? Land Disturbing Activities and Drainage Schertz Unified Development Code d.A 100-year frequency flood shall be routed through the proposed Deleted: w dam and all land subject to flooding shall be dedicated as drainage Deleted: <#>Streets¶ <#>Generally¶ easement or right-of-way. An unobstructed fifteen-foot access <#>Design of streets shall consider public easement around the periphery of the flooded area shall be safety and limit potential conflicts between stormwater conveyance, traffic, dedicated as drainage easement for facilities that require regular parking, pedestrian access, ADA mowing or other ongoing maintenance, at the discretion of the requirements, and bicycle traffic.¶ <#>Streets draining a watershed greater Director of Public Works. An unobstructed fifteen-foot access than one hundred (100) acres must be right-of-way shall be established which connects the drainage designed for the one hundred (100) year frequency storm.¶ easement adjacent to the dam structure to a road or alley. <#>Streets may be used for stormwater drainage only if the calculated stormwater flow does not exceed the flows outlined e.Development below existing dams will take into account the in the Public Works Department original design conditions of the existing dam. Dam breach Specifications Manual or the velocity does not exceed ten feet (10?) per second.¶ analysis checks will be required, dependent upon location of <#>Where streets are not capable of development with respect to dam site. carrying stormwater, as outlined above, inlets or curb openings discharging to drainage channels or storm sewers shall f.All spillway discharges shall be adequately routed to the centerline be provided. Partial flow past the inlet of the natural low below the dam site. The adequate routing of will be allowed when the capacity of all downstream street systems can spillway discharges pertains to the hydraulic routing of the one accommodate the flow.¶ hundred (100) year frequency flood for dedication of drainage <#>Street width shall not be widened beyond the width as determined by the easement limits. Probable maximum precipitation (PMP) defined street classification for drainage purposes. ¶ PMP on definition section flood routing or breaches will only be <#>Stormwater conveyance on streets shall be designed to account for the considered for safety considerations (that is, the placement of cumulative impact of peak flows and building and the setting of minimum floor slab elevations below runoff volumes on the system as the stormwater progresses downgrade.¶ the dams). Any proposed concrete dam structure need not have <#>Curb cuts for driveways on all streets spillway capable of routing a PMP flood, however, it shall be shall be designed for compatibility with the stormwater conveyance function of shown to be structurally capable of withstanding any range of streets.¶ flood conditions with regard to possible failure due to sliding, <#>Potential flooding problems or conflicts at the connection points where overturning, and structural integrity, up to and including the PMP new or modified drainage systems flood. (including streets, storm sewers, etc.) and the existing portions of the downstream street system and stormwater conveyance Sec. 21.13.3 Storm Water Management Plan system shall be identified and resolved either in the design of the new or modified drainage system or in Procedure modifications to the existing system.¶ <#>Dwelling units located on the downhill side of a T-intersection with a ... [2] To standardize the review process and minimize the time for approval by Formatted: Bullets and Numbering the City during review of any applications indicated in Section 21.13.2.A Formatted: Indent: Left: 72 pt, of this Article, a complete submittal regarding the analysis of existing First line: 36 pt drainage conditions and the design of modifications or new drainage Formatted: Bullets and Numbering facilities is necessary. The owner of the property to be developed is Deleted: <#>Number of Copies¶ required by the Director of Public Works to provide, at the owner?s The applicant shall provide two (2) blue- expense and as a condition of construction plan approval, a stormwater line or black-line copies of the plat together with two (2) copies of management report for the total development area to be ultimately construction drawings.¶ constructed. The stormwater management report shall contain all of the <#>Format¶ Plats shall be drawn in India ink on Mylar ... [3] necessary support data, methodologies used in calculations, and Deleted: the plat and construction conclusions as required by the Public Works Specifications Manual. A drawings checklist is found in the Public Works Specifications Manual that will be Deleted: for a subdivision used by the City reviewer as a guide during the evaluation of all Deleted: below 13-8 50307818.3 Article 13 ? Land Disturbing Activities and Drainage Schertz Unified Development Code stormwater management reports submitted to the City. The purpose of the checklist is to expedite the review process for both the engineer and the City, and to aid the engineer in the preparation of reports for the City?s review. The stormwater management report shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works or his/her designee prior to approval of any Deleted: through the City Manager construction plans. Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Sec. 21.13.4 Waivers and Amendments A.General The City Manager or his/her designee may authorize waivers from the provisions of this Article when, in his/her opinion, undue hardship will result from requiring strict compliance. In granting a waiver, the City Manager shall prescribe only conditions that he/she deems necessary or desirable to the public interest. In making his/her findings, the City Manager shall take into account the nature of the proposed use of the land involved and existing uses of land in the vicinity, the number of persons who will reside or work in the proposed subdivision, and the probable effect of such waivers upon the public health, safety, convenience, and welfare in the vicinity. Waivers shall not be granted unless the City Manager finds: 1.That the granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, Formatted: Bullets and Numbering safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, and will not violate any applicable law or ordinance of any regulatory entity; and 2.Waivers may be granted only when in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this UDC so that the public health, safety, and welfare may be secured and justice done. Such findings of the City Manager, together with the specified facts upon which such findings are based, shall be incorporated into the official records of any related permit for which such waiver is granted. B.The City Manager may establish a time period for execution of each granted waiver. C.Any decision of the City Manager or his/her designee regarding waivers to the provisions of this Article may be appealed to the City Council. When considering an appeal, the City Council shall consider the same standards as the City Manager as outlined above. D. The City Manager or his/her designee is hereby granted authority to amend, Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 36 pt, Hanging: 36 pt supplement, change, modify, or repeal the text of any portion of the Public Works Specifications Manual in order to establish and maintain appropriate standards for development and use of property within the City?s corporate limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction in accordance with Section 21.1.4. Formatted: Left 13-9 50307818.3 Article 13 ? Land Disturbing Activities and Drainage Schertz Unified Development Code Deleted: <#>Report¶ The stormwater management plan shall End of Article 13 include two (2) copies of a written report that includes the following information, as applicable:¶ <#>a vicinity map of the site and affected reach of the outfall channel;¶ <#>a detailed map of the area and the outfall channel with all pertinent physiographic information;¶ <#>a watershed map showing the existing and proposed drainage area boundary along with all sub area delineations and all areas of existing and proposed development;¶ <#>discharge calculations specifying methodology and key assumptions used including a table of discharges at key locations;¶ <#>hydraulic calculations specifying methodology used, assumptions and values of the design parameters;¶ <#>profiles of the affected channels, including water surface elevations for the specified design frequencies, all existing and proposed bridge, culvert and pipeline crossings, the location of all tributary and drainage confluences, and the location of all hydraulic structures;¶ <#>detention basin design calculations, including those used for design of the control structure;¶ <#>right-of-way and easement requirements, and a map showing locations of all rights-of-way and easements;¶ <#>a soils report which addresses erosion and slope stability of new or altered channels and detention facilities;¶ <#>a computer diskette of all existing and proposed condition HEC-1 and HEC- 2 models used in analysis; and¶ <#>a checklist for the submittal package is included as section 21.13.3 B below. A checklist for the preparation of a HEC-2 model is included as section 21.13.3.C below.¶ <#>Subdivision Drainage Checklist¶ <#>________U.S.G.S. Quadrangle map showing overall drainage areas, runoff coefficients, time of concentration, intensity and Qs.¶ <#>________Subdivision Master Drainage Plan with overall interior drainage area of subdivision showing drainage area, time of concentration runoff coefficients, intensities, and Qs for the street and alley flows and also channel and underground system design.¶ <#>________Subdivision plat showing interior drainage areas, time of concentration, runoff coefficients, and intensities, Qs for street and alley flows and also channel and underground system design.¶ <#>Drainage Calculations Required For:¶ <#>________Open channel design¶ <#>________Underground systems¶ <#>________Box culverts¶ <#>________Pipe culverts¶ ... [4] 13-10 50307818.3 Article 13 ? Land Disturbing Activities and Drainage Schertz Unified Development Code [This page intentionally left blank.] 13-11 50307818.3 Page 13-3: [1] Deleted larry.busch 4/16/2012 9:25:00 AM Method of Computing Runoff Calculation Methods For drainage areas less than 640 acres, the basis for computing runoff shall be the rational formula or some other method provided it is acceptable to the Director of Public Works. Hydraulic calculations shall be performed by using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC-2 ?Water Surface Profiles? or HEC-RAS ?River Analysis System? computer models. Normal depth channel calculations are permissible for constructed open channels with a uniform geometric cross section where (i) there is no potential for the water surface elevations to be controlled by backwater and (ii) the channel is not in a FEMA floodplain. For drainage areas 640 acres or greater, the basis for computing runoff shall be a unit hydrograph method, preferably the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Dimensionless Unitgraph method as contained in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center HEC-1 ?Flood Hydrograph Package?, which document shall be maintained on file with the Director of Public Works and is hereby incorporated by this reference. For the SCS method, antecedent moisture condition II shall be used in the runoff model. Design rainfall values listed in Table 21.13.2E shall be used for hydrograph calculations. Open channel hydraulic calculations shall be performed by using the U.S. Army Corps of engineers HEC-2 ?Water Surface Profiles? or HEC-RAS ?River Analysis System? computer models, which documents shall be maintained on file with the Director of Public Works and is hereby incorporated by this reference. Certain watersheds have hydrologic and hydraulic models that are available through and maintained by the City. Developments proposed within the limits of these watersheds must have the models updated by the consultant to reflect changes in flow, channel configuration (including alterations to vegetation) and channel structures. The consultants? models must use the same computer program that was used in the existing model e.g. HEC-RAS models will not be accepted where the original model used HEC-2. The updated models shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works for incorporation into the master models. The City will periodically update the master models to reflect current watershed development conditions. The updated models will be made available for use and distribution as the latest existing condition models for the watershed. Time of Concentration Overland (sheet) flow, shallow concentrated flow and channel flows are components that need to be considered in the calculation of time of concentration. The following methods are recommended for time of concentration calculation: Overland flow - flow over plane surfaces: Maximum allowable time is twenty (20) minutes. Minimum is five (5) minutes. The overland flow time chart from ?Design? by Elwyn E. Seelye may be used to calculate overland flow times. Note that the minimum time has been reduced to five (5) minutes. Shallow concentrated flow - overland flow usually becomes shallow concentrated flow after a maximum of 300 feet: Use Manning?s equation to estimate travel time for defined swales, bar ditches and street sections, etc. Figure 3-1 from TR-55 ?Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds?, SCS 1986, may be used where a geometric section has not been defined. Channel flow: Use existing computer models where available or Manning?s equation if data is not available. Non-floodplain channel velocities for ultimate watershed development should not be less than six (6) fps when estimating time of concentration. Runoff Coefficients Runoff coefficients (C value) for use in the rational formula shall not be less than the values shown in Tables 21.13.2A or 21.13.2B, as appropriate. Table 21.13.2A Runoff Coefficients (C) ? Percentage Slope Character of Area Up to Over 1% Over 3% Flow 1%up to 3% up to 5% over 5% Business or commercial areas (90% or more 95 96 97 97 impervious), Existing Pavement / Buildings Table 21.13.2A Runoff Coefficients (C) ? Percentage Slope Character of Area Up to Over 1% Over 3% Flow 1%up to 3% up to 5% over 5% Densely developed areas (80% to 90% 85 88 91 95 impervious) Closely built residential areas and school 75 77 80 84 sites Undeveloped areas* - Present land is undeveloped and ultimate land use is 68 70 72 75 unknown. C values for use in ultimate development calculations Large lot residential area 55 57 62 64 Undeveloped areas * - Existing conditions See Table 21.13.2B Average residentials area 65 67 69 72 __________________ * Areas included within parks, green belts, or regulatory floodplains shall be considered to remain undeveloped per Table 21.13.2B. Table 21.13.2B Runoff Coefficients (C) ? Percentage Slope Character of Area Up to Over 1% Over 3% Flow 1%up to 3% up to 5% over 5% Cultivated or Range (Grass Cover <50% of 44 47 53 55 Area) Range (Grass Cover 50?75% of Area) 37 41 49 53 Forest or Range (Grass Cover >75% of Area) 35 39 47 52 Rainfall Intensity Use Table 21.13.2C to determine rainfall intensity. Table 21.13.2C Rainfall Intensities (inches/hour) DurationFrequency Minutes 2-Year 5-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year 1 6.94 8.00 8.84 9.99 11.09 11.92 13.55 2 6.69 7.72 8.53 9.67 10.69 11.53 13.24 3 6.45 7.46 8.24 9.36 10.31 11.15 12.93 4 6.22 7.21 7.95 9.05 9.95 10.79 12.62 5 6.00 6.96 7.68 8.76 9.60 10.44 12.30 6 5.79 6.73 7.42 8.48 9.27 10.10 11.98 7 5.59 6.50 7.17 8.20 8.95 9.78 11.66 Table 21.13.2C Rainfall Intensities (inches/hour) DurationFrequency Minutes 2-Year 5-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year 8 5.40 6.28 6.93 7.94 8.65 9.47 11.34 9 5.21 6.08 6.70 7.69 8.37 9.17 11.01 10 5.04 5.88 6.48 7.44 8.10 8.88 10.68 11 4.88 5.69 6.27 7.21 7.85 8.61 10.35 12 4.72 5.52 6.08 6.98 7.61 8.35 10.02 13 4.58 5.35 5.89 6.76 7.39 8.10 9.68 14 4.45 5.19 5.72 6.56 7.19 7.86 9.34 15 4.32 5.04 5.56 6.36 7.00 7.64 9.00 16 4.22 4.94 5.46 6.26 6.89 7.53 8.89 17 4.12 4.84 5.36 6.16 6.79 7.42 8.78 18 4.03 4.75 5.27 6.06 6.68 7.31 8.68 19 3.94 4.66 5.17 5.96 6.58 7.20 8.57 20 3.85 4.56 5.08 5.86 6.48 7.09 8.47 21 3.76 4.48 4.99 5.77 6.38 6.99 8.36 22 3.67 4.39 4.90 5.68 6.28 6.88 8.26 23 3.59 4.30 4.82 5.59 6.18 6.78 8.16 24 3.51 4.22 4.73 5.50 6.09 6.68 8.06 25 3.43 4.14 4.65 5.41 6.00 6.58 7.96 26 3.35 4.06 4.57 5.33 5.91 6.49 7.86 27 3.27 3.98 4.49 5.24 5.82 6.39 7.76 28 3.20 3.91 4.41 5.16 5.73 6.30 7.67 29 3.13 3.83 4.33 5.08 5.64 6.21 7.57 30 3.06 3.76 4.26 5.00 5.56 6.12 7.48 31 2.99 3.69 4.19 4.92 5.48 6.03 7.39 32 2.93 3.62 4.12 4.85 5.40 5.95 7.30 33 2.87 3.56 4.05 4.77 5.32 5.86 7.21 34 2.81 3.49 3.98 4.70 5.24 5.78 7.12 35 2.75 3.43 3.92 4.63 5.17 5.70 7.03 36 2.69 3.37 3.86 4.56 5.09 5.62 6.94 37 2.64 3.31 3.80 4.50 5.02 5.54 6.86 38 2.59 3.26 3.74 4.43 4.95 5.47 6.77 39 2.54 3.21 3.68 4.37 4.88 5.40 6.69 40 2.49 3.15 3.62 4.31 4.82 5.32 6.61 41 2.45 3.10 3.57 4.25 4.75 5.25 6.53 42 2.40 3.06 3.52 4.19 4.69 5.19 6.45 43 2.36 3.01 3.47 4.13 4.63 5.12 6.37 44 2.32 2.97 3.42 4.08 4.57 5.05 6.29 45 2.29 2.92 3.37 4.02 4.51 4.99 6.21 46 2.25 2.88 3.33 3.97 4.45 4.93 6.14 47 2.22 2.85 3.29 3.92 4.40 4.87 6.06 48 2.19 2.81 3.25 3.87 4.34 4.81 5.99 Table 21.13.2C Rainfall Intensities (inches/hour) DurationFrequency Minutes 2-Year 5-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year 49 2.16 2.78 3.21 3.83 4.29 4.76 5.92 50 2.14 2.74 3.17 3.78 4.24 4.70 5.85 51 2.11 2.71 3.13 3.74 4.19 4.65 5.78 52 2.09 2.69 3.10 3.70 4.15 4.60 5.71 53 2.07 2.66 3.07 3.66 4.10 4.55 5.64 54 2.06 2.63 3.04 3.62 4.06 4.50 5.58 55 2.04 2.61 3.01 3.59 4.02 4.45 5.51 56 2.03 2.59 2.99 3.55 3.98 4.41 5.45 57 2.02 2.57 2.96 3.52 3.94 4.37 5.38 58 2.01 2.56 2.94 3.49 3.91 4.33 5.32 59 2.00 2.54 2.92 3.46 3.87 4.29 5.26 60 2.00 2.53 2.90 3.43 3.84 4.25 5.20 120 1.10 1.54 1.83 2.21 2.50 2.78 3.48 180 0.86 1.19 1.41 1.68 1.88 2.08 2.53 240 0.70 0.97 1.13 1.33 1.50 1.65 1.99 360 0.51 0.71 0.83 0.98 1.09 1.19 1.41 720 0.28 0.39 0.46 0.55 0.61 0.67 0.81 1440 0.165 0.227 0.273 0.324 0.366 0.413 0.513 SCS Curve Numbers The SCS curve numbers adopted for use by the City are shown in Table 21.13.2D. The hydrologic soil groups are listed in the latest version of the United States Natural Resources Conservation Service [formerly the Soil Conservation Service], ?Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds?, Technical Release No. 55 (TR 55), which document is hereby incorporated by this reference. Soil types that relate to the hydrologic soil group may be found in the latest version of the United States Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Surveys for Bexar, Guadalupe and Comal Counties, Texas which documents are hereby incorporated by this reference. Soil types may also be based on a Geotechnical Engineering Report. Table 21.13.2D SCS Curve Number by Soil Type Hydrologic SCS Curve Description Soil Group Number Soils having a low runoff potential due to high infiltration rates. These soils consist primarily of deep, well drained sand and A25 gravels. Table 21.13.2D SCS Curve Number by Soil Type Soils having a moderately low runoff potential due to moderate infiltration rates. These soils consist primarily of moderately B55 deep to deep, moderately well to well drained soils with moderately fine to moderately coarse textures. Soils having moderately high runoff potential due to slow infiltration rates. These soils consist primarily of soils in which a C70 layer exists near the surface that impedes the downward movement of water or soils with moderately fine to fine texture. Soils having a high runoff potential due to very slow infiltration rates. These soils consist primarily of clays with high swelling Dpotential, soils with permanently high water tables, soils with a 77 clay pan or clay layer at or near the surface, and shallow soils over nearly impervious parent material. Percent Impervious Cover The percent impervious cover for typical land use types in the City are presented in Table 21.13.2E. Table 21.13.2E Percent Impervious Cover by Land Use Average Percent Impervious Land Use Category Cover 1/8 acre Residential Lots, or garden or townhouse 65 ? 85% apartments, 1/4 acre Residential Lots 38% Residential 1/3 acre Residential Lots 30% 1/2 acre Residential Lots 25% 1 acre Residential Lots or 20% Industrial 72 ? 85% Business or Commercial 85 ? 95% Densely developed (apartments) 65 ? 85% Streets, Roads, and Parking Areas 98% Design Rainfall A twenty-four-hour (24 hr) rainfall distribution shall be applied for runoff calculations. Rainfall intensities as adopted for the City are given in Table 21.13.2F and should be used for HEC-1 input. The lag value for a subarea shall be calculated as 0.6 times the time of concentration. Table 21.13.2F Design Rainfall Values (inches) Duration Frequency Minutes/ 5-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year Hours 5 minute 0.58 0.64 0.73 0.8 0.87 1.03 15 minute 1.26 1.39 1.59 1.75 1.91 2.25 60 minute 2.53 2.9 3.43 3.84 4.25 5.2 2 hour 3.08 3.66 4.42 4.99 5.57 6.95 3 hour 3.57 4.23 5.04 5.64 6.23 7.6 6 hour 4.26 4.99 5.89 6.52 7.13 8.47 12 hour 4.68 5.55 6.58 7.32 8.05 9.68 24 hour 5.45 6.55 7.78 8.78 9.91 12.75 Routing of Runoff Routing of the runoff hydrograph through the channel from one subarea calculation point to the next in the HEC-1 shall be computed using one of the following methods: Overbank/channel storage not significant: Use normal depth channel routing. Overbank/channel storage is significant: use the Muskingum method where a hydraulic model is not available. Use Modified Puls storage method where a hydraulic model is available to develop storage/out flow relationship. Kinematic wave method for channel reaches where inflow from overbank runoff or multiple point sources (Example: storm sewer outfalls) is significant and where hydrograph attenuation is insignificant. Channel routing methodologies currently being applied in the existing HEC-1 model of the watershed shall not be replaced with a different methodology without approval or direction from the Director of Public Works. Manning?s Roughness Coefficient Manning?s roughness coefficients (?N? values) for use in routing methods or in hydraulic calculations shall be consistent with the values listed in Table 21.13.2G. Table 21.13.2G Manning?s Roughness Coefficient Channel Description Manning?s ?N? Value Concrete Lined Channel 0.015 Table 21.13.2G Manning?s Roughness Coefficient Grass Lined Channel with regular maintenance 0.035 Grass Lined Channel without recent maintenance 0.050 Vegetated Channel with trees, little or no underbrush 0.055 Natural Channel with trees, moderate underbrush 0.075 Natural Channel with trees, dense underbrush 0.090 Natural Channel with dense trees and dense underbrush 0.100 Overbank Description Manning?s ?N? Value Pasture 0.035 ? 0.055 Trees, little or no underbrush, scattered structures 0.060 ? 0.075 Dense vegetation, multiple fences and structures 0.075 ? 0.090 The ?N? value to be used in Manning?s Formula shall conform to the following for design purposes: earth channels--0.035 concrete lined channels--0.015 reinforced concrete pipe--0.013 concrete box culverts--0.013 corrugated metal pipe: unpaved ½? corrugated--0.024 unpaved one (1) inch corrugated--0.027 any other ?N? value shall be based on generally accepted engineering principles. Page 13-8: [2] Deleted larry.busch 4/16/2012 9:32:00 AM Streets Generally Design of streets shall consider public safety and limit potential conflicts between stormwater conveyance, traffic, parking, pedestrian access, ADA requirements, and bicycle traffic. Streets draining a watershed greater than one hundred (100) acres must be designed for the one hundred (100) year frequency storm. Streets may be used for stormwater drainage only if the calculated stormwater flow does not exceed the flows outlined in the Public Works Department Specifications Manual or the velocity does not exceed ten feet (10?) per second. Where streets are not capable of carrying stormwater, as outlined above, inlets or curb openings discharging to drainage channels or storm sewers shall be provided. Partial flow past the inlet will be allowed when the capacity of all downstream street systems can accommodate the flow. Street width shall not be widened beyond the width as determined by the street classification for drainage purposes. Stormwater conveyance on streets shall be designed to account for the cumulative impact of peak flows and runoff volumes on the system as the stormwater progresses downgrade. Curb cuts for driveways on all streets shall be designed for compatibility with the stormwater conveyance function of streets. Potential flooding problems or conflicts at the connection points where new or modified drainage systems (including streets, storm sewers, etc.) and the existing portions of the downstream street system and stormwater conveyance system shall be identified and resolved either in the design of the new or modified drainage system or in modifications to the existing system. Dwelling units located on the downhill side of a T-intersection with a street or drainage channel discharging onto the intersection shall be sited so as to avoid obstruction of the drainage patterns. An arterial street is a street so designated on the current Master Thoroughfare Plan. One (1) lane in each direction on arterial streets shall remain passable with a flow depth not to exceed 0.30 feet during a twenty-five-year storm event. The maximum depth of water in the street section must not exceed seven (7) inches (the height of a standard City curb). A maximum flow depth to the top of curb on a collector street section will be allowed during a twenty-five-year storm event. A collector street is a street with a width of forty-two (42) feet or more and not shown as an arterial street on the current Master Thoroughfare Plan. Local Streets. Local streets shall be designed on a basis of a five-year frequency. A twenty-five-year frequency storm must be contained within the street right-of-way. Alleys shall be designed for five-year frequency within the limits of the alley pavement/curbs and twenty-five-year frequency within the right-of-way/easement to carry stormwater. All-Weather Crossings Where streets cross existing or proposed watercourses, all weather crossings shall be required. Culverts or bridges shall be adequate to allow passage of the design storm identified in section 21.13.2.B.1. All crossings, culverts and bridges shall be designed for an H-20- 44 or HS-20 loading. Dangerous conditions for existing crossings are defined by the Public Works Department Specifications Manual (Dangerous Conditions on Crossing during Floods). This section addresses proposed improvements or modifications to drainage channels and watercourses required to convey stormwater runoff from or through the proposed development. Refer to section 21.13.2.B.1 for storm frequency design criteria. Except as authorized by a development plan approved by the Director of Public Works or his/her designee, no person shall place or cause to be placed any obstruction of any kind in any watercourse within the City and its ETJ. The owner of any property within the City, through which any watercourse may pass, shall keep the watercourse free from any obstruction not authorized by a development plan. Channel Modifications Modifications to existing watercourses or newly created open channels may be designed as earth channels, sod channels or as concrete lined channels. Liners other than sod or concrete which enhance the aesthetics or habitat value of the watercourse and which reduce future maintenance requirements are encouraged. Preliminary planning for the applicability of other channel liners shall be reviewed with the Director of Public Works or his/her representative prior to the submittal of construction plans for approval. Runoff that results from upstream development and is discharged to an unimproved waterway can cause flood damage to properties adjacent to the waterway. Natural undeveloped waterways do not receive regular maintenance. Design of natural waterways shall take into consideration fluvial geomorphologic principals and practices. Consulting engineers and development review officials shall work to resolve potential downstream impact issues. Design of new channels or alterations to existing channels shall consider future maintenance requirements. A maintenance schedule for any private channel shall be submitted to and approved by the Director of Public Works prior to approval of construction plans. Maintenance requirements of concrete channels consist of de- silting activities, prevention of vegetation establishment in construction joints, and repair of concrete as necessary. Maintenance of earthen channels includes regular observation and repair, as necessary, of erosion, scouring, and removal of silt deposits, as necessary to maintain design parameters. Developers shall be responsible for maintaining newly planted channels until coverage is established throughout eighty-five percent (85%) of the area. This area shall include slopes, floor, and any attendant maintenance easement. New earthen channels shall be planted with drought resistant, low growth, native species grasses, which will allow unobstructed passage of floodwaters. Johnson grass, giant tagweed and other invasive species shall not be allowed to promulgate in channels. Suggested species shall include, but not be limited to, common Bermuda, coastal Bermuda, buffalo grass, sideoats grama, seep Muhly, little bluestem, and Indian grass. Mowing frequencies vary with the vegetation growth rates, but is required when the grass exceeds the design roughness coefficient of the channel. Planned multiple-use of a watercourse is allowed (e.g. bike paths or greenbelt). If multiple use of the watercourse is to be incorporated, the applicant shall form a property owners? association that shall assume maintenance responsibility for private amenities. The appropriate government agency will be responsible for maintenance of public amenities. The applicant shall provide overlay easements for public or private use. Table 21.13.2H shall be used to determine maximum permissible channel velocity. Table 21.13.2H Velocity Control Maximum Type of Facility Hydraulic Correction Velocity (fps) Permissible Required Radius (ft.) Factor Velocity (fps) 0--10.85 1 to 6 1--30.95.5 (Maximum Vegetated 3--51.056.3 Average Earthen Channel 5--81.156.9 Velocity = 6 fps) 8--101.2257.35 Over 10 1.257.5 6 to 8 Concrete Retards NA NA NA Concrete Lining > 8 or Drop NA NA NA Structures Where velocities are in the supercritical range, allowance shall be made in the design for the proper handling of the water. Ensure that the channel will contain the hydraulic jump (sequent depth) throughout the extent of the supercritical profile. An exception to this criterion is where concrete lined lateral channels discharge down the side slopes of channels. These channels may be designed for normal depth plus freeboard provided velocity controls are established at the main channel flow line. Ensure that the energy grade of the channel will not result in upstream flooding at existing or proposed lateral facility connections. Retard spacing shall be computed as follows when using the City standard retard section Table in the Public Works Department Specifications Manual and the following equations: L = 1.0? ÷ (S1 - S2) Where: L = Distance required between retards in feet. S1 = Actual slope of channel in ft./ft. S2 = Slope of proposed channel for maximum permissible velocity established from Table 21.13.2D, i.e.: and S2 = [(NV) ÷ (1.486R 2/3 )] 2 Where: V = maximum permissible velocity established from Table 21.13.2H N = .035R = area/wetted perimeter Concrete Lined Channels The design of concrete lined channels shall comply with the following general requirements: Freeboard consistent with Table 21.13.2I will be applied to the twenty-five-year design. From the top of the concrete lining to the top of the ditch, a side slope not steeper than three (3) horizontal to one (1) vertical shall be required; nor shall the slope be less than twelve to one (12:1). For normal conditions, the concrete lining shall be a minimum of five inches (5?) thick and reinforced with No. 3 round bars at twelve inches (12?) on center each way. Where surcharge, nature of ground, height and steepness of slope, etc., becomes critical, design shall be in accordance with latest structural standards. All concrete lining shall develop a minimum compressive strength of not less than three thousand (3,000) pounds per square inch in twenty-eight (28) days. The depth of all toe downs shall be thirty-six inches (36?) upstream, twenty-four inches (24?) downstream, and eighteen inches (18?) for side slopes. The City?s construction inspector may permit an eighteen inch (18?) toe down in rock subgrade in-lieu of the above toe down requirements. The horizontal dimensions of toe downs shall not be less than six inches (6?). Maximum concrete riprap side slopes shall be one and one-half (1 1/2) horizontal to one (1) vertical, unless soil tests made by a geotechnical engineer show that a greater slope, or a special design, will be stable. Where vehicular traffic may travel within a horizontal distance equal to one-half (1/2) the vertical rise of the slope, a two foot (2?) surcharge load shall be included in the design. Fencing will be required adjacent to the channel where channel vertical wall heights exceed two feet (2?). Fencing will also be required adjacent to the channel where channel side slopes exceed two to one (2:1) and the channel depth is greater than two feet (2?). The fencing must not cause sight distance problems for motorists. Vertical walls will not be permissible for depths greater than two feet (2?) unless properly fenced or enclosed. Walls will have a minimum thickness of six inches (6?). Easements or rights-of-way for concrete lined channels shall extend a minimum of two feet (2?) on both sides of the extreme limits of the channel. ?Extreme limits? of the channel shall mean the side slope intercept with the natural ground or proposed finished ground elevation. A minimum ?n? value of roughness coefficient of 0.015 shall be used for a wood float type surface finish. This ?n? value is as used in Manning?s formula. Table 21.13.2I Drainage Freeboard for Concrete Lined and Earth Channels for Twenty-Five Year Storm Design Depth of Flow Required Freeboard 0 to feet 5 feet 0.5 foot 5 to 10 feet 10% of design depth 10 feet and over 1.0 foot Vegetated Earth Channels Freeboard consistent with Table 21.13.2I will be applied to the twenty five (25) year design. The side slope shall not be steeper than three (3) horizontal to one (1) vertical. Easements or rights-of-way for improved earth channels shall conform to the requirements stated in subsection (d) of this section and shall extend a minimum of two feet (2?) on one (1) side and fifteen feet (15?) for an access road on the opposite side of the extreme limits of the channels when such channels do not parallel and adjoin an alley or roadway. When such channels do parallel and adjoin an alley or roadway, the easement or right-of-way shall extend a minimum of two feet (2?) on both sides of the extreme limits of the channel. Where utilities are installed in the access road of the drainage right-of-way, the right-of-way shall extend two feet (2?) on one (1) side and seventeen feet (17?) on the opposite side of the design limits of the channel. These seventeen feet (17?) are to provide an access way along the channel with a maximum cross slope of one inch (1?) per foot toward the channel. Where designed channel bottoms exceed one hundred feet (100?) in width, the fifteen foot (15?) extra width shall be provided on both sides of the channel. Interceptor drainage easements shall extend a minimum of two (2) feet on both sides of the extreme limits of the channel. Refer to Table 21.13.2E. Improved earthen channels will be vegetated by seeding or sodding. Eighty-five percent (85%) of the channel surface area must have established vegetation before the City will accept the channel for maintenance. Freeboard Allowance for extra freeboard shall be made when the centerline radius of the channel is less than three (3) times the bottom width. Where sharp bends or high velocities are involved, the applicant shall use the following formula for computing the extra freeboard: d2 - d1 = V 2 (T + B) ÷ 2gR Where: d1 = depth of flow at the inside of the bend in feet. d2 = depth of flow at the outside of the bend in feet. B = bottom width of the channel in feet. V = the average approach velocity in the channel in feet per second. T = width of flow at the water surface in feet. g = 32.2 feet/second squared. R = the center line radius of the turn or bend in feet. The quantity d2 ? d1 divided by two (2) shall be added to the normal depth of flow before adding the required freeboard in calculating required right-of-way widths. Where sharp turns are used without curved sections, the depth required shall be large enough to provide for all head losses. Allowance shall be made for any backwater head that may result. For normal design conditions no extra freeboard is required. An accepted rule of thumb to follow is this: Centerline radius of channel should be at least three (3) times the bottom width. Storm Sewers For all ordinary conditions, storm sewers shall be designed on the assumption that they will flow full under the design discharge; however, whenever the system is placed under a pressure head, or there are constrictions, turns, submerged or inadequate outfall, etc., the hydraulic and energy grade lines shall be computed and plotted in profile. In all cases adequate outfalls shall be provided and the system adequately designed. No storm sewers shall be less than twenty-four inches (24?) in diameter. Minimum easement widths for storm sewers will be the greater of fifteen feet (15?) or six feet (6?) on both sides of the extreme limits of the storm sewer width (e.g. the easement width for a three (3) barrel ten-foot wide box culvert with six inch (6?) walls would be (3 x 10?)+(4 x 0.5?)+(2 x 6?) = 44?). Inlets and Openings Drop Curb Openings - Sidewalk Does Not Abut Opening Where drop curb openings are used to take stormwater off the streets and into drains, the length of the curb opening can be calculated from the weir formula using the coefficient of 3.087 in the following formula: L = Q ÷ Ch 3/2 Where: L = the length of drop curb opening required in feet. Q = amount of flow in CFS based on twenty-five-year design frequency. C = 3.087. h = head of weir in feet. Gutter line depressions will be permitted where such depressions will not hamper the flow of traffic. For amount of curb exposure, conform to City inlet standards. Curb or Drop Inlets Where drop inlets are used, the City standard inlets with adequate reinforcing steel may be used. All other types or designs shall be subject to the approval of the director of developments services in consultation with the Director of Public Works. The following formulas for inlet capacity are based on drop inlets in sag points. Inlet capacities on grades will be considered less, the amount of which depends on street grades, deflections, cross slopes, depressions, etc. Grate Inlets The flow of water through grate openings may be treated as the flow of water through a rectangular orifice. The following formula may be used for determining grate capacity: Q = CA (2gh) 1/2 Where: Q = discharge in cubic feet per second. C = orifice coefficient of discharge (taken as 0.70). g = acceleration due to gravity (32.2 ft./sec.2). h = head on the grate in feet. A = net area of the openings in the grate in square feet. This formula gives the theoretical capacity of the grate inlet. Since grate inlets are subject to considerable clogging, capacity of the grate inlet will be taken as one-half (1/2) on the value given by this formula. Curb Opening Inlets The capacity of curb opening inlets will depend on whether or not the opening is running partially full or submerged. If the depth of flow at the curb opening inlet is such as to cause a partially full opening, a weir effect will develop and the following formula will apply: Q = CwL(h) 3/2 Where: Q = the discharge of capacity in cubic feet per second. Cw = the weir coefficient of discharge (3.087). L = the length of curb opening in feet. h = the head or depth of water at the opening in feet. If the depth of flow at the curb opening is such as to fully submerge the opening, the orifice effect will develop and the formula used shall be identical to that given under grate inlets with the exception that the head (h) on the curb opening orifice shall be taken as the depth from the top of the water surface to the center of orifice or opening; one hundred percent (100%) efficiency will be allowed for curb opening inlets. Page 13-8: [3] Deleted Mark Hill 4/16/2012 10:22:00 AM Number of Copies The applicant shall provide two (2) blue-line or black-line copies of the plat together with two (2) copies of construction drawings. Format Plats shall be drawn in India ink on Mylar on sheets eighteen inches (18?) wide and twenty-four inches (24?) long, with a margin of two and one-half inches (2 ½?) on the left side of the sheet, and appropriate margins on the other three (3) sides. Plats shall be drawn at a scale of one hundred feet (100?) to one inch (1?) unless a smaller scale is approved by the City Manager or his/her designee. Plats which include one-half (1/2) acre or less in area shall be drawn at a scale of fifty feet (50?) to one inch (1?). Where more than one (1) sheet is necessary to accommodate the entire area to be subdivided, an index sheet showing the entire subdivision at an appropriate scale shall be attached to the plat. Contents Page 13-10: [4] Deleted Mark Hill 4/16/2012 10:22:00 AM Report The stormwater management plan shall include two (2) copies of a written report that includes the following information, as applicable: a vicinity map of the site and affected reach of the outfall channel; a detailed map of the area and the outfall channel with all pertinent physiographic information; a watershed map showing the existing and proposed drainage area boundary along with all sub area delineations and all areas of existing and proposed development; discharge calculations specifying methodology and key assumptions used including a table of discharges at key locations; hydraulic calculations specifying methodology used, assumptions and values of the design parameters; profiles of the affected channels, including water surface elevations for the specified design frequencies, all existing and proposed bridge, culvert and pipeline crossings, the location of all tributary and drainage confluences, and the location of all hydraulic structures; detention basin design calculations, including those used for design of the control structure; right-of-way and easement requirements, and a map showing locations of all rights-of-way and easements; a soils report which addresses erosion and slope stability of new or altered channels and detention facilities; a computer diskette of all existing and proposed condition HEC-1 and HEC-2 models used in analysis; and a checklist for the submittal package is included as section 21.13.3 B below. A checklist for the preparation of a HEC-2 model is included as section 21.13.3.C below. Subdivision Drainage Checklist ________U.S.G.S. Quadrangle map showing overall drainage areas, runoff coefficients, time of concentration, intensity and Qs. ________Subdivision Master Drainage Plan with overall interior drainage area of subdivision showing drainage area, time of concentration runoff coefficients, intensities, and Qs for the street and alley flows and also channel and underground system design. ________Subdivision plat showing interior drainage areas, time of concentration, runoff coefficients, and intensities, Qs for street and alley flows and also channel and underground system design. Drainage Calculations Required For: ________Open channel design ________Underground systems ________Box culverts ________Pipe culverts ________Hydraulic jump ________Super elevation in channel bends ________Retard spacing ________Backwater curves with cross sections ________Draw down curves with cross sections ________Energy dissipaters ________Hydraulic grade lines of pipes ________(1) Inlets on grades ________(2) Inlets in sump ________Drop curb openings ________Sidewalk culverts ________AR2/3 calculations with cross sections ________Weir formulas structures ________Orifice formulas ________Grade to drain channels ________Upstream pickup and flared section ________Downstream backwater control and flare to match downstream condition ________Show required free board ________Improper ?N? value ________Improper velocity used ________Improper easement width ________Show access road on each sodded channel ________Improper runoff coefficient used ________Improper time of concentration used ________Improper Qs used ________Steel calculations for box culvert ________Street Qs for 5 yr.(30? street) and 25 yr. (greater than 44? street) frequency showing street capacities are correct based on Figure IX in Subdivision Regulations ________Subdivision Plat showing all interior drainage easements, outfall drainage easements, U.S.G.S. contour map and all other necessary drainage information Show outfall drainage easements to the centerline of existing natural low Show finished fill contours Show interceptor drainage easements ________Typical Details Required on Plans for: ________Box culvert with headwalls or wing walls ________Pipe culverts with headwalls or wing walls ________Culvert headwalls shown with proper safety measures ________Drop curb openings ________(1) Inlets on grade ________(2) Inlets on sump ________Drop structures ________Retards ________Sidewalks over drains ________Guard post installations ________Guard rail on structures ________Header curb ________ Energy dissipaters ________Junction boxes ________Concrete lined channels with free board ________Earth sodded channels with free board ________Other concrete structures: ________ Grade to drain sections ________Transition sections ________Fencing for vertical wall channels greater than 2? deep ________Other: _________ ________Side slope ________Note: Adjacent lots shall be graded to provide access and drainage to adjacent street and drainage systems. ________Complete Street Plans and Profiles ________Complete Drainage Plan and Profile Including the Following Requirements: ________Proposed flowline slopes with grades and elevations shown every 50? in profile ________Proposed top of channel profile ________Existing ground right and left profile at property line ________Finished fill profiles ________Locations and size of culverts ________Drop structures ________Retards ________Grade to drain profiles ________Flowline elevations at every 50? station and at each structure and change in grade ________Junction boxes ________Channel plan views ________Channel sections ________Pipes with hydraulic grade lines on profile ________Cross sections of existing natural channels or lows which are not to be improved, but left in natural state and dedicated to high water calculated ________Angles, bearings, distances, etc., for structures, channels, etc. ________Lot grading layout drains ________Culvert structural details ________Unit and Storm Hydrographs For Major Streams (Over 2,000 acres) ________Drainage Easements to the Centerline of Natural Low ________Cost Estimate ________ Engineer?s Seal ________Other HEC-2 Submittal Checklist Floodplain submittal checklist supersedes this attachment for projects in the FEMA Floodplain. Project __________ Engineer __________ Stream __________ Date __________ The purpose of this checklist is to aid the engineer in the preparation of HEC-2 studies and reports and to expedite the City of Schertz review procedure. Submission Package _________ Signed, sealed, and dated by a engineer certified to practice in the State of Texas _________ Signed checklist _________ 3 ½? diskette with all input files _________ Copy of condensed printouts Narrative _________ Table of Contents _________ Abstract or executive summary _________ Introduction _________ Project description and history _________ Location _________ Scope and objective of analysis _________ Previous and related studies that may affect this analysis _________ Methodology _________ Sources of discharges _________ Bridge routines _________ Base or effective models (mention source) _________ Revised-base model _________ Proposed model _________ Summary, conclusions, and recommendations _________ Water surface elevation impacts Tables _________ Water surface comparison table at each cross section _________ Floodway table _________ Cross section numbering table (if stationing changes) _________ Exhibits _________ Vicinity map _________ Plan view of project reach _________ Water surface profiles for design storm _________ Channel cross sections showing limits of drainage easements and property lines _________ Bridge cross sections _________ Plan view of bridge _________ Photographs (if available) Appendices _________ Pertinent correspondence (meeting notes, etc.) _________ Survey and/or Certified ?As-Built? information for all revisions to base model _________ Sample calculations Name of submitter_________ Date_________ Certification. The stormwater management report must include a letter signed and sealed by a professional engineer with text descriptions, exhibits, calculations and models. The stormwater management plan shall include a performance bond executed as follows: ?State of Texas County of _______ KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, _________, the undersigned developer as principal, and _________, as surety, do hereby acknowledge ourselves to be held and firmly bound unto the City of Schertz, a municipal corporation of the State of Texas, in the full and just sum of $_________, for the payment of which will and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves and our respective heirs, administrators, executors and assigns jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Whereas, the principal had petitioned the Floodplain Administrator of the City of Schertz for permission to _________ within the jurisdiction of the City of Schertz which is shown on plans entitled _________, and which is more particularly described as follows, to wit: WHEREAS, plans and a floodplain development permit for such development were approved by the Floodplain Administrator; and WHEREAS, the Floodplain Ordinance of the City of Schertz requires that the site improvements set out below be completed by the principal in conformance with the standards established by that ordinance within three (3) years of the date on which the Floodplain Development Permit was approved and WHEREAS, the aforesaid ordinance requires that a guarantee of performance that such site improvements will have been completed and will have been accepted by the City within three (3) years of the date on which the Floodplain Development Permit was approved; and WHEREAS, the undersigned developer has elected to provide to the City of Schertz such a guarantee of performance; NOW THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if the principal shall, on or before the ________ day of _________, 20________, construct or cause to be constructed the above mentioned improvements in accordance with the requirement of the City of Schertz Floodplain Ordinance, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise the obligations under this bond shall remain in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, WITNESS OUR HAND AND SEAL this ________ day of _________, 20________. DEVELOPER AND PRINCIPAL BY: _________ TITLE: _________ BY: ATTORNEY-IN-FACT APPROVED AND ACCEPTED THIS ________ day of _________, 20_______. CITY OF SCHERTZ BY: _________ TITLE: CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________ CITY ATTORNEY? P.E. Registration Number Page 14-5: [5] Deleted larry.busch 4/16/2012 9:38:00 AM Table 21.14.1 Street Improvement Standards Sidewalk Hike/Bike Classification ROW Pavement Drainage Width Width Trail Curb or Curb 8 feet other and Gutter side (unless 48 feet with 12 5 feet Principal Arterial 120 feet State Hwy foot median one side then both sides) Curb or Curb 5 feet 8 feet other Secondary Arterial 86 feet 48 feet and Gutter one side side Curb or Curb 5 feet Collector 60 feet 42 feet - and Gutter both sides Local Street ? Curb or Curb 5 feet 50 feet 30 feet - Residential and Gutter both sides Local Street ? Curb and Gutter 5 feet Commercial/Indust60 feet 42 feet - both sides rial Curb or Curb Paved Alley 20 feet 20 feet None - and Gutter